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Books & Comics

I honestly don't know but i have a feeling it was Roald Dalh Matilda

Makster's avatar

The fact that Matilda also advocates reading over her families addiction to TV also helps strengthen the need for literature. Also Mike Teevee in the Chocolate Factory.

I think Roald Dahl has an anti-TV agenda in his books..


Now it makes more sense why i dont really like watching tv looool

Makster's avatar

Conspiracy brain is that Dahl dislike of TV and movies (like Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory 1971) and was pro-reading is because it was in his interest to sell more copies of his books..

Sturmer's avatar

The first book I picked up myself was Thomas Mayne Reid's Headless Horseman (1865). After finishing it, I went to my parents and said, "I want more of that!" Another meaningful book for me was Quentin Durward by Walter Scott.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I really struggled with the mandatory reading in high school, because the books they forced us to read were often not right for our age (we studied literature in chronological order starting from ancient Greek dramas), written in now extinct dialects which made it very hard to understand them, or simply not interesting.

Then I watched The Man in the Iron Mask movie and loved it. So when I learnt this was based on books in one summer I read ALL the books related to The Three Musketeers.

So a good film adaptation can be very encouraging for me to read. Same happened with The Lord of the Rings, I saw the first movie, then they told me btw this is a book, so I read all books including The Silmarillion before the next movie came out.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Brian Jacques’ Redwall. Epic fantasy woodland creatures are pretty cool to an eight year old lol

MadamClutter's avatar

I LOVE these books! I'm trying to accumulate the whole collection. My shelves are already adorned with some of them, some which are at least 30 yrs old bc I had them when I was little and... well, now I'm old lol. I think this is where my intrigue for "elderberry wine" etc. came from. lol I started reading them to my daughter when she was very little but I think I was more entertained than she was just yet. Maybe in a few more years! That's one of the things that's so great about them, they're timeless and enjoyable at any age!

Horror and Cats's avatar

They really are. Redwall was my entry for that favorite author bounty. I started with Redwall when I was 8, but I kept reading them and re-reading them into my 20’s haha. Super accessible and entertaining for any age.

MadamClutter's avatar

You can see some Redwall tucked back in there! Don't mind the dust.. it's part of the aesthetic 😆

Horror and Cats's avatar

Haha my whole life is a muddy dog paw print covered in cat hair. Just dust is clean to me

mar1gold 's avatar

Probably the Hunger Games and Maze runner <3

Rixx Javix's avatar

I read a lot of comics, books, and whatnot growing up. But the first real book that made an impact on me was a gift from an older cousin, Clive Cussler's Titanic. I was only nine years old but that story, for whatever reason, ignited a life-long love of reading that remains to this day.

MadamClutter's avatar

Books made me decide to be an English Lit Major (maybe not the best decision in hindsight lol). I've loved to read since I learned to read.. Two series that are probably the earliest I can remember loving were (and still are) Little Women and Anne of Green Gables. I also enjoyed Beverly Cleary's Ramona books.. I can shut my eyes and remember checking them out at the school library- the "olden days" hard covers and all! I've always had a love for the classics, this grew as some of my favorites became Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice (and pretty much all of Jane Austen).


Given that Micky Mouse and associated products are comics, I'd say Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer is the one standing out as a keystone in my readying history.

Philip's avatar

It was Animorphs and Goosebumps when I was a kid.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Harry Potter, because was child hood hype. Everybody done it.

After this over the years i have lost it.


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