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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Viva La Dirt League

As someone who has incurable Mh conditions, do these MH skits, where they show the effects of it, how to spot these things and of course, they teach people how to be more understanding.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

They are amazing. Love the gaming videos from them too, you are definitely in for quality entertainment.

Sturmer's avatar

discussions like these are opportunities for learning and understanding different viewpoints, and i think they are important


So my (long) comment was deleted...

That's not very nice - especially as it conformed to terms of service.

Active censorship is the sort of behaviour that should be reserved for places like Resetera...

Boomer's avatar

Hi  Prankster101, the comment was deleted because it fell short of our Community Code of Conduct, specifically these parts;

  • Making others feel less than equal, such as comparing them to animals or devaluing their experiences

  • Discriminating or othering (physical and personal health)

  • Shaming


It's your site... And it's your TOS... Which is fine.

BUT... That article which you refer to in your post is actively demonising certain individuals, and you also refer to this by labelling certain (unmentioned) individuals as "toxic". Which does make them "feel less than equal", is "devaluing their experiences", and is also tantamount to "shaming".

Still... It's your site... And your rules...

Boomer's avatar

It may help to think about the paradox of tolerance, which explains that "in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance."

Our Core Values and the Community Code of Conduct represent our values and the things that are not welcome on the Just About platform.

We can't speak to The Guardian's definition of toxic influencers, but we can respond to anything that encourages or glorifies such content on our platform.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I don’t think any channels I watch have a specific focus on these things, but they are all cognizant and supportive of mental health, LGBT+, racial equality and women’s rights. I’ve got a lot of love for the Gamer Network channels Outside Xbox, Outside Xtra, Eurogamer. And of course the illustrious denizen of Eurogamer Platform32).


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