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Content Creators
Kings Court's avatar

My one thing for this year, would be to Finally figure out Youtube !

Not completely as I know it is a changing beast and the algorithm has no true master ! but I would like to be able to put something together and know that it will be able to do well, get to know the times I should be posting, etc. If I can figure that out and improve upon my content at the same time then I will be happy !

Horror and Cats's avatar

My primary goal is to jump that monetization hurdle. I’m 7 subs and about 200 watch hours from getting watch page ad/premium viewer revenue on YouTube and I think I’ll finally get that goal this month.

My more long term goal for the year is to finally record and publish readings of the horror short stories I’ve written. I’ve been writing since I was 14 and I’ve really refined my voice, so I’m ready to share the stories with the world.

Kings Court's avatar

Dude !! GG on the YT stats and I am sure you will hit that Monetization level in no time !

as for the horror stories that is Awesome !! I am glad to hear you are doing something you have not only been doing for a long time, but obviously something you truly love too !

Good luck with both of these ventures !

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

My online goals are:

For our Eve Online channel to hit 10k Subscribers

For my personal Minecraft channel to hit 1k Subscribers

My personal goals?

Not going to go there :)

Kings Court's avatar

hahaha !!

10k Subs !! Nice !! I would like some of that !! good luck with both of those Sub goals dude, if you are nearing 10k then you already have an idea of how to achieve that success !! GG !!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

yeh the eve online channel is at 5.9k so far but the minecraft channel is very slow going lol

Kings Court's avatar

Dude I feel that, I am struggling to break 1k on my main channel, need to do some testing !

Sturmer's avatar

Move my project from a self-hosted self-written stack of technologies into something more community-supported, like Wordpress.

Kings Court's avatar

Cool !!

I hope the Project goes well and you can at some point share it with the world ! the best of luck !

Dave's avatar

Mine would be come up with a decent channel name that I stick with. Then put effort into entering bounties on here in video format more often instead of defaulting to text all the time.

Experiment and learn from the experience and see if I want to branch out into videos that aren't as a result of being prompted by bounties on here.

Horror and Cats's avatar

That's an interesting strategy and I really like it. Cut your teeth by making videos for a smaller audience you know will give you constructive feedback and comments, learn editing and recording tricks on a small scale, then apply them to channel growth-centric videos when you want to launch in earnest.

Kings Court's avatar

A name is a good thing to take time with or make in a moment of inspiration, it is something that will represent you and be your brand, try not to dwell too much on it let the ideas flow and creativity take hold. I am glad you have a clear course and ideas around video making ! make them a reality dude ! you got this !

good luck !

Dave's avatar

I'm a bit of an imposter in this community really, I've darted from one idea to the next, basically just messing about with different forms of content (blog, video, newsletters etc). I have an urge to create "something", but I don't have the time commitment or the risk appetite of neglecting other things in life in general to do it properly.

so yeah I've settled on just a casual channel at my leisure that I will put video bounty entries on occasionally. It will let me experiment with different software, tools and learn skills. Then hopefully over time they won't be as bad. The big thing I need to overcome is to have the confidence to do my first voiced over vid rather than just footage and text. I'll probably go for an AI voice from my own script on my first attempt at that (the ones that are very realistic not the robotic ones). Then go from there.

Kings Court's avatar

nah dude ! just because you are moving around and getting to know your niche and what you want to do , that doesnt make you an imposter, not at all !!

Dont let that idea get to you , keep creating, the process of creation and what you enjoy is all that matters !

Horror and Cats's avatar

I considered AI voice as well when first starting out because I hated the sound of my own recorded voice. It’s basically a universal human reaction called “voice confrontation” because the recorded voice doesn’t have the natural bass you USUALLY hear your in voice seeing as it’s originating in your own head and the vibrations are added to your perception.

I got over mine by doing mic research. Large diaphragm microphones will get you a much more bassy, natural tone. Adding in a pre-amp/mixer with mid, treble and base settings will get you as close to your own voice in recorded form as possible.

The Shure SM58 is super affordable and makes every recording sound like ME to me. Personally I highly recommend you being you. Even the good AI voices aren’t good enough if you ask me. I tend to disengage with content as soon as I hear it’s not an actual voiceover. But, that’s my own personal bias, it may not be common 🙂

Lanah Tyra's avatar

From my many goals for this year probably hitting Twitch Affiliate is the most doable, I got the follower count, just need to work on that 3 average viewers and oh boy it's not easy. Unless you stream at the right time for the right length, a good stream view can be ruined by streaming too long when no one is watching anymore.

Kings Court's avatar

Yeh, Twitch affiliate is defo an achievable goal, usually a streamer has an issue with one of the markers, be it the follows or the avg views. you are right about the length of streams, make sure to be smart about it in the beginning , using it to help push your average up.

You can do it though ! keep pushing and keep consistent and you will smash it !


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