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Sturmer's avatar

Order and planning are good, people's life too chaotic, and you can make at least some part of it more predictable.

Kings Court's avatar

yeh agreed, some people require that commitment to be able to make it easier for them to turn up !

Sturmer's avatar

I analyzed various YouTube channels and discovered that creators who post 1-2 videos per month have nearly four times more subscribers than those who post 3-5 videos per week. This analysis focused on channels that are three years old with total views between 25-30 million.

Typically, the less frequent videos were 20-30 minutes long and covered well-researched topics. This suggests that viewers still value quality and in-depth content over quantity and frequency. Based on these findings, I hypothesize that a well-planned and prepared weekly stream could outperform several simple 'let's play' videos. I plan to research this hypothesis further next month.

Cherebi's avatar

I believe having a schedule is good to have when it comes to streaming.

I heard someone say before that you should treat your streams like a tv show. People have their favourite shows that they tune in and watch at the same time every week because they know that’s when it is on - if you have a stream at the same time, people will treat it like a show that they know they can rely and chill too. 💖

Kings Court's avatar

That is a very good point, they can make it like their new fave show ! I like that !

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

Scheduling is important but it will be a spoiler for the audience, it would be better not to tell live so that the audience feels surprised about what we do live. Like surprising the audience and getting them to discuss in the community about what we're doing, but this trick will work if you already have an active and sizable community.

Kings Court's avatar

ok ! so you are saying schedule the times in, but, have the format or the idea of the stream a mystery so that people are surprised by what they find when they turn up ?

Horror and Cats's avatar

Personally I think having a consistent start time is more important than having a specific DAY. my energy levels are unpredictable, I I rarely know what days I want to stream, but as far as being accessible to whatever audience I’m building, time of day being consistent is what I focus on.

Kings Court's avatar

If I remember rightly this is defo something that is a priority for youtube stuff isnt it ?

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’m not really sure actually, I ONLY stream on YouTube so I’ve got no contrast for Twitch or anything else lol

Kings Court's avatar

yeh I get that dude, I have spoken to people about it and it seems timing is defo more of a youtube thing, as for Twitch it really depends on the time and day the audience is available for said games and so on, plus depends on the community you build, etc.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I asked the same question not long ago hereand got some very good suggestions. I also think it is important to keep to a schedule, especially if you have paid memberships, but it might not be the right thing for every creator all the time. Based on other's experiences and how viewership numbers looked on my streams lately, I decided to rethink my previous stream 4 days a week schedule which was falling apart due to the type of content I was streaming (group activities where it all depends on 8 people showing up).

So now for a while since I have a lot of editing to do as well, I will only stream on schedule once a week. Might do some ad-hoc streams if something interesting comes up, which I will announce a couple of days or at least on the morning of the day on Xitter and schedule the Youtube stream.

So there is still some consistency, those who want to watch me definitely have a day where they can expect to see my content live, but I'll use the rest of my time to catch up on editing and put more content out to my Youtube and Instagram which will also help (hopefully) to get more viewers for my streams.

Kings Court's avatar

Indeed !! I actually commented on that !

yeh I agree ! it defo isnt a one size fits all situation but there is a general consensus that some form of scheduling is for the better. Even if that is, I will stream Monday and Friday but will announce times on the day , etc.

I defo see Editing and creating content outside of live streaming is also a huge hey to success and there fore creating time for that, whether it be outside of streaming or even doing it live is very important.

Ive recently upped my stream days from 3 to 4, I am using my 4th stream day as a way to crack down on and make sure that I create art other wise I can tend to use the day off for things that stop me doing other creative outlets !

Konquest's avatar

I think a specific day and time would be ideal but if you are like me, I myself have problems committing to specific times on a regular schedule. I understand that so even the streamers I follow i don't mind if they change the days or time. for 2 reasons, life happens and I chosen to follow them because of their personalities. As long as its regular like once a week it gives me something to look forward to. Give them a taste and leave them coming back for more :D

Kings Court's avatar

really good points ! I think yeh it is a good idea to have some form of schedule and hope that people understand if changes are needed to be made !

literally sitting here atm feeling crap and not wanting to change stream which was planned for today, but I am in literally no fit shape to do the things required ! as its also a Bday-athon and so far its been Madness ! filled with face smashing cakes and wax strips !! hahaha

Konquest's avatar

hahaha. But I mean loyal fans will understand especially if they watch you for your best personality. I would rather they(the people I follow) take time off to work on themselves and come back to being who they are without hindrance.


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