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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I am going to put forward and I am pretty sure this counts, Beca Jayne, she is a travel influencer. Her Instagram is @muddy_bootlacers and she travels around, camping, adventuring, and visiting different cultures but as an added bonus she also cooks (no, I'm not being sexist) amazing dishes and learns how to cook from different cultures as well.

She posts regular content about hiking, long-distance trails that would kill me if I did it, and basic bushcraft ideals as well. She has around 25.3k followers on Instagram and around the same elsewhere, I think she does YouTube although I would have to confirm that!


Aww this is an easy pick for me, it has to be Indigo Traveller! This guys vlogs are amazing as he goes to really obscure or really really dangerous places in the world, so you literally cant stop watching once you start! My favourite of his vlog series was when he went to North Korea which was just fascinating as its a place in the world which we never really get to see and seems like it has been held in a time capsule, really interesting watch and i highly recommend you check out his channel!
Lanah Tyra's avatar

This is interesting, I'll check it out. Always wondered how on Earth do influencers get into North Korean when it's so locked down.


def worth a watch, he has a few episodes of him being there and it just seems surreal

Limal's avatar

Currently Hannah

An Australian living in Japan, Hannah shares her experiences exploring Japan, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Her vlogs provide a real and relatable perspective on travel​, her authentic travel vlogs that offer deep insights into the cultures and everyday life of the places she visits. Her content is not only visually captivating but also educational, making her an excellent resource for anyone interested in exploring Asia.

FrostySomething's avatar

This is an easy one for me. I like Kuga’s Travel. I don’t know why, there’s just something about the tranquil, ambient, and gentle pace of their videos that I find so… watchable! Here’s a 25-hour train journey along the East Australian coast (not in real-time, don’t worry).

Makster's avatar

I recently found this channel by this charming couple as they tour and eat around the UK (although linked is the one where they go to Budapest).

Unlike bigger channels that are more glamorous and produced, this feels more homely and that you're with them eating and drinking. They do have some presenting - introducing each place and what they are famous for so there is some decent effort at a typical production style but I do really enjoy the step up from amateur but not overly produced nature of their videos

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Oh I should check this out, always fun to see what others think of my hometown.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Okay so comments from a Hungarian:

  • It's pronounced as Budapesht. And we are quite fussy about it if someone doesn't make the effort to learn it.

  • You go to Hungary and eat Mexican food? Come on guys!

  • No one calls it "the Jewish district", just because it has the synagogue in it, that doesn't make it Jewish district.

  • Yes prices are this cheap, but not for the locals. Their monthly salary is what we earn in the UK in a week.

  • Varga is a nice quality wine indeed.

  • Ruin bars are cool, somehow tourism made them more fancy than they were back in my uni days.

  • Are they actually going to drink some Hungarian beer too? :D

  • Okay they did drink Hungarian beer too.

  • That first snack is straight out of the 80s and it's not SOS it is "sós" which means "salted"

  • Kebab? Really? Guys are you for real....

As a local... I'm not impressed 😂 They would have needed a real tour guide to show them the good stuff.

Update: they get some bonus points for being nice people though, I left them a comment about the correct pronunciation of Budapest and they said they actually knew it but after a couple of beers their tongue was slipping :D

CelestialFlea's avatar

Honestly? Though I haven't watched him for a hot minute or two I really enjoy bald and bankrupts stuff, especially from when he was exploring around Russia. He explores areas tourists usually don't go to see and he gets to know the people there and imo it makes him stand out from a lot of other travel vloggers. He's funny and entertaining but also comes across as a humble guy and very respectful to different cultures.

Ford James's avatar

Hey CelestialFlea, thanks for entering this bounty. You mentioned you haven’t watched his content in a while, so you may not know about his more recent controversies and allegations. In that case, we’d recommend checking out these threads (one, two, three). Either way, it’s not for us to tell you who to like or not like, but there's enough in this creator's recent content to suggest that their values don't align with ours, so we won’t be including it in any curated content produced from this bounty.

CelestialFlea's avatar

I wasn't aware of any of these goings on, nor did I ever have reason to go digging into his past else I certainly wouldn't have even posted it. I didn't read all of it, but read enough to know that's quite the yikes. Will be avoiding them in future too. My sincere apologies, but appreciate getting the bounty regardless!

Ford James's avatar

No apologies needed, but glad we could bring it to your attention! A couple of us on the team also used to watch his content until we learned about his behaviour, so you're not alone.


he was definitely better when he was less big and advertised less. but loved this guys life out in australia just going out exploring at sea and fishing every day and catching and cooking food.

he has a respect for nature and conservation. whilst at the same time living off the land and improving his life.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Ara is an Oregon-based elopement wedding photographer, but since she also loves adventuring in general, she has an Instagram page dedicated to her travel photographs. My favourite element in nature is water and I especially love waterfalls, which there are plenty on her portfolio. I often check her page when I feel like I had too much exposure to people and want a quick escape to nature from the comfort of my sofa.

Fun fact for Star Wars lovers: she is a huge fan and good friends with Timothy Zahn. There is a character designed for her, Admiral Ar'alani, who first appeared in Outbound Flight. I found her website and photos when I was searching for more info on this character.

Dom W's avatar

I can't get enough of 4K Japan. There are a lot of 'walking' videos on YouTube; people just walking around towns and cities with a high def video camera. 4K Japan does this really, really well - they walk at a nice pace, with a really well stabilised camera at 4K resolution. Most of their videos are around Tokyo suburbs, and it's just a really nice and chill vibe. Perfect for relaxing at the end of the day with a cup of tea, or when you can't sleep and need to rest your mind.

Sturmer's avatar

My favorite travel host is Michael Portillo, who, with George Bradshaw's 1913 Continental Railway Guide, presents the TV show Great Continental Railway Journeys

This isn't a regular travel guide; it's a 100-year retrospective on famous places through the lens of railways. It's a great example of how a content creator can dive into storytelling using something unique. Portillo strikes a good balance between history and the modern world, with clear and engaging speech. I've learned many things from his videos. Such videos can help enrich the production value of any vlogger.

I'm so inspired by some of the episodes that I plan to revisit those places myself.

But if we are talking about content makers for social media, i still pick trains + travel, and my pick is TrainViking.

In fact, then sometimes overlap, making another POV to already familiar places!

Ford James's avatar

Hey Sturmer, apologies for having to bat back another of your bounty entries, but in this instance Michael Portillo unfortunately doesn't count as a content creator. A TV presenter is stretching the definition a bit far - we're looking for someone who makes and produces content for an online platform, such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or even Twitch if they stream on their travels. As always, please feel free to edit your submission if you have anyone in mind who meets the criteria!

Sturmer's avatar

No problem, I understand. Thank you for the clarification.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I wish I would have thought about it when I lived on the road in an RV. Van-life vlogging is huge

Toretto 70's avatar

I really liked a Allison Anderson, her vlog really amazed me

Starting from taking picture,explain the situation,procedures,step by step to enter to new place,and her clarification isn't bored me

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

This man has a van life account travelling around Devon, which is where I grew up, so the videos are very nostalgic for me


personally i really like Alex Strohl

because he is a photographer and author, best known for his landscape and outdoor photography. and from a photography stand point they are absolutely beautiful


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