Content creating comes in many forms. Lots of you here on Just About are focused on video games, but we also want to celebrate the many other topics on the internet, so this bounty is all about 🌍✈ travel!
We want you to nominate your favourite travel-based content creator with a link to their channel, your favourite video of theirs, and an explanation of why you like them so much! Whether you follow someone who vlogs their travels on YouTube, edits together quick-fire travel videos on TikTok, or simply posts lovely pictures from their adventures on Instagram, any creators who primarily make travel-based content are eligible.
Ten of the best submissions can net $2 apiece!
already paid
$18 / 20
This reward closed to entries at 4:34pm on June 4, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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