For me on YouTube there is a few things i try to focus on and use to help my channel grow.
Firstly as I have done a lot of videos I look to see what has worked in the analytics, how many views, watch time, revenue etc and the traffic sources as I want to try and target Browse with most of my new content.
I will then take this info into the ideation phase where i decide what content is next up for that channel.
Then the most important part is the packaging, I will look at previous titles and thumbnails which have performed well and see if i can do something similar for this new video if its appropriate, as if nobody clicks on your video, the watch time or whats in the video doesnt mean a thing. So I am looking for a high percentage click through rate here in the analytics, if its way off I will make changes.
Then hopefully if i mix this sauce well I will be welcomed onto the dashboard with a 1 out of 10 video, if not no biggie i let it cook for a while as some content it seems to take a while for YouTube to surface it to the correct audience, especially when its a smaller channel or you are trying to pivot or testing something new out, i have had this with many videos that were not ranked well on the 1 out of 10 scale but then have slowly just grown and grown overtime which is great for evergreen content, instead of maybe getting something that just gets views for a week or two then droops to nothing.
Hopefully this helps some fellow YouTubers out there!