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I remember the days when getting sponsorship deals got you labelled as being a "sell out".

Sturmer's avatar

still it is, I try to avoid paid reviews

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’m fully willing to have a sponsor for something I actually use. You’ll never see me advertising for casino apps or Evony lol.

I.e. dog/cat food, toy and medicine brands I use would be good sponsors.

I just want to know how the feature works functionally.


Don't know... I think the culture has changed somewhat.

20 years ago, "selling out" was actively frowned upon.

Now, "selling out" (via sponsorship and product placement deals etc) is considered the norm.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

There is nothing to "sell out" about and its a term used by people who are jealous.

If games offer you money to do reviews, do it, but be honest, that's what we do.


I have signed up for it but that’s about as far as it goes for me so far


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