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Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma

Spend at least 90 minutes in the character creation menu, crafting a unique looking warrior... only to scrap it soon after and build the same generic looking alt I do in every game. Long grey hair, long grey beard and stacked!

Dave's avatar

First thing I will do is go into the graphics settings, turn everything up to the max. If there is a benchmark I will give it a go and if not, then mess about in the initial part of the game with various camera angles to see if it’s good for me or I need to start lowering settings down.

After that I will be of on my adventure, no doubt initially going out to search for a missing relative who went off fishing and hasn’t come back, or someone who went for a picnic, left the cutlery behind and wants a stranger to go get it for them.


Can't wait for this! Got it pre ordered on the PS Store.

I think for my first save I will just randomise all aspects of my character to take me out of my RPG comfort zone and see how well I can adapt to the dice roll. Will hopefully add a little extra edge to my playthrough and keep me on my toes. I'll revert to what would be my preference in the thief vocation for subsequent saves!


If the starting area is anything like Gran Soren in Dragon Dogma, I'll be dying a dozen times from climbing the rooftops looking for treasure, fall damage is a tough boss!

Sturmer's avatar

Ah, it's quite straightforward, I'll ring my wife to create a character, she's quite fond of that sort of 'gameplay' and spends hours fine-tuning eyeliner and lipstick shades. The result? She's chuffed, and I end up with a meticulously crafted character for all the game's cutscenes

Rich's avatar

Congratulations on finding the long-elusive recipe for domestic bliss! Seriously, that sounds lovely. Look out for a 'show us your character' bounty shortly after launch!

Retro Stu's avatar

The first thing I'm going to do in game... die. Like everyone else, I'll spend way too much time in the character creation, trying to perfect my best Nigel Thornberry lookalike and then I'll succumb to gravity or the common cold.

In all seriousness though I'll be doing everything I can to stick to the main narrative. I often get too lost in exploration and games go unfinished for me when I realise I've spent 20 hours doing not much of anything!

Paul's avatar

I would love to say it would be slaying a huge beast by clambering on its back or saving some helpless NPC however...Im going to spend way too long on the character creator then probably don the first full face helmet I find....🤷🏼‍♂️

Letitia Lemon's avatar

I'm going to immediately seek out the best character to romance but, hear me out, I want to see if the romance mechanics are the same as the original game or if there's a bit more depth to it this time around. The first game had a very versatile romance mechanic of just be nice to pretty much 99% of NPCs and give them gifts, then BAM- romance. There's also a side quest that basically guarantees your chosen romance partner to be your actual partner but there were no real romance scenes or dialogue, so I'd be curious to see if this time around it'll be more of the same or if there'll be fewer options but a little more depth to it.

RhinoRJG's avatar

Spend way to long in the character creator to make the coolest Arisen, I can. Then complete 2 - 3 missions, and do it all over again to design my main pawn.

Love how detailed character creators are becoming but, man does it lead to a lot of contemplation into what the best hairstyle is.


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