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Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma

I don't know anything about this game, but I do know it has dragons and is the second game in the series. I like skyrim a lot so I assume it is a bit similar to it. I don't have much to say so I will submit a drawing of a dragon I made just for this!

Subtle warning, I cannot actually do art.


Dave's avatar

I hadn't paid any attention to it until that amazing guess by Damien Mason on the new community tease . Then I looked into it and yeah it looks pretty good! I pre-ordered it on a third party site with a discount code before the community was confirmed (so bypass me for the chance to win the digital copy).

I really like the look of how it's single player yet you have a squad of pawns so playing in a squad. I have read some of the previews describe it having a bit of the creative style of Ico or shadow of the colossus to it in terms of the big boss/enemy encounters, it does look a bit like that in some of the footage for some of the big enemies.

The different types of character builds look really interesting, I do like the look of that archer build in the previews like that shot that ricochets around inside a cave, really nice graphics effects and a cool power to have. Also the candescent orb to light locations up in the night, looks really nice.

Letitia Lemon's avatar

Well, the first thing that's caught my eye is... THAT IT'S REAL! We finally have a sequel to one of the most incredible RPG's that I've ever had the pleasure of playing. I've been waiting for this game for so long and I can't wait to go on countless adventures much like my many, many playthroughs of the first. I also just love how the gameplay makes it feel just like the first game- because if something isn't broken, then it doesn't need fixing... and the gameplay, combat and exploration of the first game were just perfection. It feels like a genuine sequel- it's like the first one, but MORE. There's always a worry of sequels just taking the name of the first game and slapping it on something completely different to "mix up the formula" but DD2 looks to just enhance what made the first game so enjoyable. I'm very excited to meet all of the new characters, who seem even more fleshed out than those of the original... and see how many of them I can romance as well- Joking aside (mostly) it will be very intriguing to see how all of these new characters fit in to the established lore and how the events of the first game help this narrative take shape. I can't wait to explore a new world and get distracted by side quests, looting and scaling monsters to take them down once more. With the updated visuals of current gen, I know the game will look and feel fantastic to play and I'm sure there'll be some fun mechanic changes or even quality of life improvements that expand upon the original while still maintaining the iconic charm that made so many of us fall in love with the first game. I may have a bias but I honestly think that just by existing, DD2 is gonna be my game of the year, without a doubt.

Paul's avatar

I love fantasy RPGs so this was on my radar from the get go. However what got my attention was the developers statement on fast travel (it only being needed in boring games). This interest me as they must have put a great deal of effort in to their world and I cant wait to explore and discover what has made them so confident.

Im going to sink hours...days in to this game and the devs can expect a strongly worded email from my wife 🤣

Retro Stu's avatar

For me the first thing to grab me is the allure of a gorgeous fantasy world. For all the Cyberpunks, Starfields etc. I'm not one for space or overly futuristic narratives, so the realm and just how stunning it all seems from the trailers has already got me salivating to explore and live out my best fantasy life.

I'd been asked whether Baldur's Gate 3 would make an appearance on my channel and whilst the fantasy element appealed I wasn't sure the gameplay mechanic would be for me - Dragon's Dogma 2 however, absolutely. The fact the game allows you to play to your style without enforcing a right or wrong way leaves me open to playing a straight run through before testing myself and pushing my boundaries with magic only runs or bow only runs - anything to get to experience the world and I'm hoping immersive storyline again and again.

I'm also interested to see how they've implemented AI into the game. I know it's not for everyone but used in the right way it could be the way forward, so I'll be keen to see what they've done and whether it adds anything to the game or whether it falls by the wayside.

This could very well be the perfect game. I often use Hades as my benchmark for that - when you consider all the elements and their criteria:

  • Artwork - eye catching, a visual feast

  • Music - enhances each scene whether a sombre moment or the pumped up fanfare you need for a boss fight

  • Voice acting - brings the characters to life

  • Storyline - immersive, fascinating and a figurative page turner

When you consider all those elements on their own as being works of art in their own right the combination of them just creates a masterpiece. There's no other word for it, and if the initial trailers and gameplay videos are anything to go by we're looking at a cinematic masterpiece of a game and in the words of Caxton :

So who knows, maybe I'll end up being a Dragon's Dogma 2 streamer for the foreseeable future!


From what I've seen and from the developers comments, it has to be the scale and density of the open world. I'm hoping that the promise of 'no need for a horse' to get around as the world is so full of content will prove true.

Often open world games become a grind or tedious with repetitive side missions or filler activities that really give nothing to the overall story or enjoyment of the game.

I feel like this may be one open world game that lives up to that bustling world we want to see and with the permadeath approach to NPCs adding some extra spice, we could be in for a treat!

TheGrapeOfSpades's avatar

I wanted to like the first dragons dogma so so much, but i just found it tedious and terribly buggy. Which is a shame because in concept its alot of fun - the classs system is interesting and of course being able to pick up and throw and climb and what have you is always great fun.

So what has me interested in the sequel is the possibility of a Dragons Dogma that is both enjoyable and cool in concept. I'm pretty hopeful so far. It looks great. I'be tried the free character creator and have to say that I'm looking forward to playing the game.


Hellloooooo what really caught my Eye was the stunning graphics and the unique Creatures ,i really loved the dragon in thr Trailer looking so menacingly haha, i love to Explore worlds and use Magic . Thanks for giving me the chances to win Dragons Dogma II and best of luck to all other people + heres a cool dragon i drew xd

Sturmer's avatar

While dodging spoilers, I really hope that 'Dragon's Dogma 2' will offer an epic story similar to its predecessor. But this time around, my experience with the game will be special; I plan to play it alongside my son, simultaneously. He's still quite young for these types of games, so our sessions are more collaborative. I handle the controls, while we both contribute to the decision-making process.

These co-play sessions have proved to be incredibly educational. My son learns the importance of planning, how to argue effectively, and to defend his points with logic and reason. It's fascinating to see him come up with creative solutions and unique combat styles that I wouldn’t have thought of myself. Beyond that, these sessions give us fun stories to share, and while video games are just one of our shared activities, we both gain a lot from them.

So yes, 'Dragon's Dogma 2' is the next adventure we're looking forward to tackling together, and we've already begun with the character creation app, and some giggling painting activities ;) It's more than just a game for us; it's a bonding experience and a joint journey of discovery.

Rich's avatar

Thanks everyone for some fantastic submissions to this bounty! We especially loved the lovely artwork from Whiteybay and Boberto, the thoughtful breakdown from Retro Stu and the excitement from Letitia Lemon, but after a careful consultation Sturmer is the winner of a free copy of the game. Look out for an email in the inbox you used to sign up to Just About very shortly, and have a fab weekend exploring Dragon's Dogma 2 with your son 😊

Sturmer's avatar

Thank you so much to everyone at JA for this incredible opportunity! Winning a copy of Dragon's Dogma 2 is a fantastic surprise. We're both excited to delve into its world and create some unforgettable gaming memories. This game will not only be a source of entertainment but also a wonderful bonding experience. 😊

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