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Elite Dangerous
Phoenix_Dfire's avatar

With the release of the Type 8 being considered a new update. We review the events of Update 18 and what it means for the future of Elite Dangerous


I just want to mention that this update, which greatly reduces the time to gather materials, especially for people like me who work as slaves in a capitalist system that creates beautiful things that seduce me and force me to spend my money (just kidding), plus the other previous updates, give this game a breath of fresh air and bring back the old school kids and attract the attention of new players.

This game is beautiful and makes me forget about the stupid adult problems I have as well as the depression that plagues me, so I'm excited to know that Frontier still cares and that there are so many people who still give our beloved Elite Dangerous a chance.

P/S: if you read this, thank you for your time, see you out there, Commanders o7

Luriant's avatar

Update 18: the Start to his End.


Finally, we attacked the thargoid mothership, Titan Taranis always was the main community target, the original Stargoid back in 3307, and the one that destroyed the Kingfisher megaship when trying to communciate peaceful. We killed a god.

Even better, Frontier lifted the unlock for caustic sink and thargoid pulse neutralizer, and every player that reached the titan, will have a decal and ship kit. This bring LOTS of players back into the thargoid storyline, and in Reddit, we shared basic builds, as basic as Diamondback explorers with the new modules, enough for the visit, but also doing some damage.

The main problem across multiple patches was Titan heat vents stuck in multiplayer instances. For the next rewards, only reaching the titan instance was enough, even if the titan had the bug. Nobody was left behind.


Include the first titan wreck, and the new item. Titan drive component, player got faster, and gave this items to Profesor Palin. The Community Goal started shortly after, and we enter the caustic cloud to collect as much drives as possible.


The first breakthrought toward the Supercruise Overcharge, a great improvement, but also the key to fight some Titans at very long supercruise distance like hadad. Jumprange wasnt great with C-rated modules and without engineering, but the extra funcionality was a game changer. AX community switched targets now that Hadad was reacheable.


Was a minor patch to finally fix the heat vent problem, and giving Oya rewards.


Included the first ship in 6-years, with a new monetization that give early access, but don't block new players for trying the ship at later date. Full selection FSD with Supercruise overcharge, engineerable. With the new PythonMk2 giving full control of the SCO experience. Everybody farmed mats to swap his old FSD with the new tech.


Included minor fix for the new preoutfitted ships, nothing relevant, but important for players that pay money for the PythonMk2.


Improved combat progress into the thargoid war, while reducing other methods like Tissue farming. The closer system ot the titan have a more gentle linear progression. But also encourage Human Pods rescue with the new countestrike systems. People docked the limpet T-9 and bring the real firepower to the fight.


Antiguardian zone resistance got a upgrade, that remove the damage penalty, and affect all modules. Back to the classic, Gauss and Large Shards returned to the fight, while the Enhaced AX weapons valid for players without the engineering mats. Thargoids ignored the empty systems and now only fight whatever the humanity once own, reducing the possible expansion of the thargoids. Ports in counterstrike system got reactivated, back to surface AXCZ if possible. Old toys, the new battlefields, the community run to play this content before winning the system.

Even Horizons players, without access to spires, can farm this items in barren planets with military settlements and revenant, using AX missiles and limpets.


Included the new Type-8 , for traders, and reduced the time needed to farm the engineering mats. Also Odyssey got a reduction in mats needed for engineers unlocks. Missions provide more engineering mats as rewards, making possible a more immersive gameplay. Players that ignored Onfoot content because the painful grind, now gave it a opportunity. Even progression into the Thargoid War provide engineering mats as rewards.

The community found new farming methods, like Crashed Anacondas with flak and limpets, closer than brain trees and crystalline shards.


No info yet, but Aegis and Galnet News encourage research in the titan wrecks, maybe a new trick, or the missing tech to tame Supercruise overcharged for older ships. Or Antiguardian zone resistance for Azimuth weapons. A hint of the new ship. The legendary Panther Clipper? A medium Gutamaya ship? a Explorer?

Doc's avatar

Super cruise overcharge is a true game-changer. It has opened up new opportunities within the game. Long in-system trips, once slow and boring, can now be completed much faster with the Python MKII, which excels at overcharged supercruise. I'm already using the Python MKII for faster trips and will definitely purchase any new ships optimized for overcharged super cruise.

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar

I'm finding myself enjoying the Type 8 more with each flight. I'm a huge fan of space trucking and absolutely love it. I even bought the kit for it. The engineering material changes were a brilliant idea, and that's coming from someone who has been playing Elite Dangerous since day one. The number of returning players is steadily growing, so what comes next for Elite Dangerous is crucial. I trust you all have great plans in store. I truly look forward to base building or a form of it. I also purchased the MK II its gorgeous and great for PVE combat.


Finally being able to buy the python mk 2 and engineer an absolutely deadly assassination ship , much welcome changes to engineering system by changing material rewards and getting mats for thargoid war participation


As a veteran in this game, I am glad and shocked at the same time for this release. Shocked that it didn't happen 5 years ago. I am happy to see the changes to engineering implemented NOW which is great for new players to stay with this wonderful game. At the same time, we veterans only have our time invested and irritations at the developers for keeping their heads buried in the sand. Still though, better late than never.


The changes made to the material grind for engineering in update 18.08 have been a huge boost to not only myself but also to the community to some it may have been to late and although unfortunate we must hold out to what is ahead. The Type-8 is a welcome addition to the ship gallery and I personally am very excited for the future ships to come. I personally haven't had much experience with odyssey but the updates for the engineering of our suits is welcome I'm sure. I can't wait to see what follows and to get back into the cold dark space of Elite Dangerous.


i think the biggest change is the fact the materials are more easy to find . the grind is less painful . And the fact to having new ship like we have right now for me is perfect . give the chance to people who want to help the game can buy the ship early , but people who cant ou wont just need to wait a little bit . for me is good .

Slamscape's avatar

There are a lot of minor and major changes that have been made to Elite Dangerous over the course of Update 18. Some notable changes have been updates to the way the thargoid war works, improvements to engineering, new FSD, new ships, bug fixes and more.

For the Thargoid war through the various update, a greater emphasis has been placed on combat actions influencing player progress in systems under Thargoid control. This was changed from when passenger rescues and thargoid sampling was the go to way to take back systems from Thargoid control.

Update 18 in 2024 has included 2 brand new ship variants, the Python Mk2, a combat focused ship and the Type 8, a trade/mining focused ship, both of which are specialized to take advantage of the new SCO drives, also added in Update 18. The SCO drive is a new version of the FSD that allows the use of supercruise overcharge that allows greater speed in supercruise, and has sped up a lot of travel between planets, stations, and missions.


This Update really showed what our beloved devs are capable of, with the balancing changes in engineering and other things before, the game has brought back many older players and also helped new players to enjoy the game rather than having to grind days for a fully engineered ship.

With the P2 now available for credits, it is an excellent titan bomber. However, I would hope for something new at the last titans to spice it up. Ideas: ( Inner B ubble stations get invaded or a sudden explosion in Invasions, maybe even better defences at the titan defending itself.)

I also hope for BGS to be overhauled as PP 2.0 is coming.

Hope youll take something out of this! o7

RicardosGaming's avatar

Learn all about the latest Elite Dangerous update- The Type 8 Update or 18.08 and the exciting new features it brings to the game. Get ready to explore whole new content in this epic space adventure! Join this channel to get access :

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Boomer's avatar

Hey RicardosGaming, welcome to the community! This is a really helpful update, particularly for someone like me whose just starting their journey with Elite Dangerous 😄

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The last changes for farm mats and how they better now and changes u did for enginer best thing so far and then we have th new python mk2 for free that such cool things to see new ships coming to elite my fav game i canot wait to see more ships and not just 4


We've seen long time awol players return to the game in our community. You can actually get a ship engineered in a reasonable amount of time now. You can also get around within systems much faster with the new SCO drives. This speeds up the game significantly and was badly needed. These are good changes and we're hoping to see more like it.

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As someone who only started really playing about a month ago, I'm really enjoying this game and the changes I've noticed. I originally played it 5 years ago on the Xbox but didn't really enjoy it, but after getting Odyssey on sale for the Steam Summer Sale, I say it was completely worth it. The little QoL changes and the new ships being added are always a nice bonus as well.


Some dynamics until their adaptation was a challenging process in regulating the swarms until the configuration of weapons and new engineering components and exploration of advanced technologies, but having a balanced ship, some enemies completely decimated squadrons of brave pilots experienced in pirate combat, the targoids came and shook the great bubble of humanity


Other than the cool new t-8 ship changes to materials imo are bad.

I get that new players have a hard time, normal.

but overkill in HGE USS's was lame..just lame.

the changes in material rewards in Missions is disasterous, pathetic and broken badly.

They seem to have restored it to its original state that took well over a year to adjust to where it was before this.

Now missions give raw materials, selenium, ruthenium, technicium, tellurium..NEVER WANTed. all are easy to get on planets.

the rest are g2 to g5 manufactued and encoded,

These are all replacing G5 Biotech Conductors and G5 modified embedded firmware and G5 Exquisite focus crystals

BIG POINT HERE - Missions are the ONLY source for Biotech Conductors.

so far in a week i have seen 2 BTC missions

3 to go kill 54 pirates

5 to take someone to colonia. - 25k ly drive

The thread on this in the forums is from just after engineers released and is proof this is not new nor is it balanced in any way.

The missions are rated as are the rate of how often/how many for a even the missions are affected.

FWIW imo this is the result of NOT Remembering the mistakes of the past.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Q_GT70, just another heads up that this is a 'reply' as opposed to a 'submission'. Do re-enter via the 'submit' button if you'd like to be considered for a prize. Thanks!


I want to add that the reason the latest materials adjustment is not good is becuse they did this once already and it took a long time to fix.

And Even though I am a bounty hunter, I build ships. I have over 1200 ships.

this latest materials fop makes it nearly impossible now to engineer my fav weapon the imperial hammer.

Lots of BTC's are required

They are now nearly impossible to obtain and any mission I have seen them in is not worth doing for what is offered, even if it means having none at all.

On top of that missions are not displayed because of pure randomness, every mission giver gets to know you and what you like.

Many missions are displayed because of thresholds and or limits of thing you have or have not done, and what others have done at that station.

So....currently have not done one lousy mission since the update.

KEY word is lousy, thanks to the latest change to rewards.

but i did build a t-8 with class 1 rails and 1 hammer anyway..great kicks ass and hauls.


Last patch was great, finnaly have new Phyton MKII. still have to engeneer it a little bit, but cant wait for T8 to came out because have not enough ARX to buy it. As I see for now I have some better fps in stations. Phyton is great I put shards on it and it rocks, materials are boosted also so it is much easier to collect enough of H5. in fact all 5

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Sin-Isha! Welcome to Just About! It looks like you've entered this bounty as a reply rather than a submission, please hit the purple 'submit' button and copy your answer there if you'd like to be in the running for a prize. o7


thnx didnt notice that at all

Alex Sinclair's avatar

No problem, it's easily done and you're not the first. We're trying to make it a little more intuitive :)


Last patch was great, finnaly have new Phyton MKII. still have to engeneer it a little bit, but cant wait for T8 to came out because have not enough ARX to buy it. As I see for now I have some better fps in stations. Phyton is great I put shards on it and it rocks, materials are boosted also so it is much easier to collect enough of H5. in fact all 5


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