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JHenckes's avatar

Thargoid War

One of the large events of this month has been the invasion of Shinrarta Dezhra, the birthplace of the Pilots Federation, by the Thargoids. The battle was really intense, with hundreds of commanders rallying to defend the iconic system. Eventually, it was the Shinrarta Dezhra Defense Fleet that managed to push the Thargoids back, but this invasion is a disturbing escalation in the current Thargoid war. This event underlines how fragile even the most secure systems can be and really questions what humanity is doing about its long-term defense strategy.

Felicia Winter

Felicia Winters' decision to delay her inauguration in light of the tragic events on Rhea 3, in which she suffered personal cost and widespread destruction, is understandable. Her attentiveness with recovery efforts was compassionate and responsible; after seven months, however, there is legitimate building political frustration. A heavy balance to be sure, weighing personal grief with public duty, but Winters' latest statement seems quite focused on making progress. It is high time she kept her promise and took over the mantle of leadership, as the Federation needs a stable presidency, most particularly in these turbulent times.

By what I understand, Winters is very much committed to her people, but further delays may undermine her authority. Quick transition back into her presidential duties will be important for regaining confidence in leading her.

Hunter's avatar

Shinrarta Dezhra this month was under attack :

A Thargoid invasion fleet recently attacked the system of Shinrarta Dezhra, but has been repelled. Florian Baljak, Acting Commander of Jameson Memorial, hailed the efforts of Commanders, Sirius Corporation, and Azimuth Corporation in securing the victory, which came at a significant loss of life. The system's ports are now being restored, and support is called for to help rebuild.

The battle began on 19 September 3310 with the Thargoids launching a surprise attack, and the installation suffered significant damage. A temporary permit was granted to clear a path for Commanders to join the defense. It would appear that Jameson Memorial did take some damage but the local forces managed to hold their own.

After this Major event many are speculating that this surprise attacks by the Thargoid forces in the heart of human territory will not be the last one , many say that after Shinrarta no one is safe in the bubble other say that even the farthest colonized system "Colonia " is not safe from the space bugs ..

Slamscape's avatar

This is part 2 of my attempt to change the government of Reienadi from an Independent faction to an Imperial one. It's not exactly galaxy changing stuff but it was a personal accomplishment.

MQC's avatar

Commander MQC’s Log Date: September 20, 3309

Today, I finally returned to my home system, Chamo, after weeks of exploring the far reaches of the galaxy. The familiar stars and stations brought a sense of comfort, but my homecoming was overshadowed by troubling news.

Upon docking, I was disheartened to learn that the minor faction I’ve long supported, “New Chamo Free,” has lost significant influence in my absence. This faction has been the backbone of our community, representing our ideals and aspirations. Seeing their influence wane is a blow to all of us who have fought so hard to establish and maintain our presence here. The loss of influence means that our voice in the system is weaker, our ability to protect our interests diminished. It’s a stark reminder of how quickly things can change in the volatile political landscape of the galaxy.

The situation is dire, and it will require a concerted effort to regain the ground we’ve lost. I plan to meet with the faction leaders tomorrow to discuss our strategy moving forward. We need to rally our supporters, increase our activities, and show the system that “New Chamo Free” is still a force to be reckoned with. Every mission, every trade, every act of support will count in our struggle to reclaim our influence.

As if this wasn’t enough, I’ve also received alarming reports of a Thargoid invasion in Shinrarta Dezhra. The Thargoid threat is one that we cannot afford to ignore. Their presence in such a significant system is a grave concern for the entire galaxy. While my heart is with “New Chamo Free,” I understand the importance of contributing to the defense against the Thargoids. The balance between supporting my faction and addressing the larger threat will be a delicate one.

These are challenging times, but I am determined to face them head-on. Tomorrow marks the beginning of our renewed efforts to restore “New Chamo Free” to its rightful place and to stand against the Thargoid menace. Together, we will persevere.

RicZA's avatar

September has definitely been one of the more tumultuous months. The big news being the that of the Thargoids sneaking past our defenses and attacking our favorite Jameson memorial. Whilst I applaud AXI and the like who have been courageously spear heading the efforts on the front lines, my heart goes out to the "younger" commanders that threw themselves at the defense of Shinrarta - something closer and more attainable - ill equipped but with boundless courage. During a chaotic battle with a Thargoid Hydra, I witnessed a wing consisting of an Eagle and a Cobra, swoop in and unload their arsenals. Granted their retreat was swift but went to show that humanity is all hands on deck.

While most Pilots are fighting the Alien threats, it would seem the corporations are fighting amongst themselves once again. Sirius' nose is somewhat out of joint at the success of Achilles with the launch of the SCO Drives. Let's see where this leads... Hopefully Li Yong-Rui doesn't get up to any tricks.

Speaking of Leadership, Felicia Winters has said she will be stepping back with regard to recovery operations of her home world, so perhaps we will finally see an inauguration next month. Although I suspect there may be more turmoil in her future...

There is much anticipation about the new Mandalay launching next month, with Zorgon Peterson just recently releasing some amazing footage of development. Who of you are looking at purchasing one and for what role?

Players have seen an increase in PVP activity, more so in Shinrarta. Known to be a hunting ground for the pesky bunch, Shinrarta system coms have been bustling with maydays and calls for help. One wonders if they are Thargoid sympathizers or merely opportunistic, alas, these are threats that exist so be weary.

Great News! In an attempt to balance their stocks after launching the Python MKII, Faulcon deLacy, is handing out the Python MKI's to any Pilots that may need one. These can be collected at Hutton Orbital for 0cr.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

New ship coming

The recently announced and now the deep dive about the Mandally is about to be released to the public probably next month. It is promised by Zorgon Peterson to be one of the best if not the best ship for exploration


Is strange to imagine the powerplay dispute without Zachary Hudson, he has been an important figure to the Federation over the last years but now Felicia Winters is about to become president. 

Winters is with her inauguration delayed and this wasn’t seen with the good eyes of her supporters. This is due to her focus mainly in the recovery of Rhea 3. She states she will assume her presidency post, but there is already a lot of disturbance between the federation politics and maybe among the other powers around the bubble.  

There are rumours of a new superpower to emerge, it has been said that it is an Alliance superpower, but it’s hard to tell who they are and even the rumours are really real but how much it has been talked about is worth mentioning it here. 

Thargoid War

The Thargois War was looking so good for humanity after the destruction of the Thor Titan ship, but it looks like the Thargoids are starting to get desperate. This week they attacked the heart of the Pilots Federation. But as expected the thargoids lost another battle but will have to make a lot of effort to repair the damage that they have done to Jamerson Memorial. 

“Rumble in the Bubble”

Looks like we had a gang style fight or a rap fight it’s hard to say! But for those who watched it looked so much like a bunch of kids playing with dangerous toys (weapons) and having fun, some almost died, even though they didn’t really die. 

They looked like they were having a good time instead of a real rumble but I don’t think that would be a good trend for the bubble or even in colonia, shooting each other for fun isn’t the best thing of all. (If you want to shoot for fun go kill the Thargoids!!) 

You can see the footage, it is on the thousand year old site YouTube, this is the link


"As for today, September 19th, 3310, Thargoids invaded Shinrarta Dezrha, well within our defence lines. It' is really rare that every commander receive a permit for the system, but any capable of fighting the bugs or rescuing citizens from the system are welcome. I've been to Jameson Memorial today... what a mess. Bugs and ships entangled in a laser show. I barely made inside the station with my Type-7 to rescue some groups."

" The Thargoid war, an earthquake in Rhea 3, and now Shinrarta invasion... what a year, right?"

"Oh, president-elected Felicia Winters said this week she would ste aside from Rhea 3 aid, which she did since February, so maybe more action from the Federal side we'll be seen. Federation, Empire, Alliance, Independent: be as it may, the more, the marrier. Heed the call commanders! Fly safe!

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

It started off so innocently. Removing the corrupt and evil Canonn admins from the Milky Way.

Phase One of six : Complete

Shifting of the Galactic Tides. Science you cannot question is propaganda.

The suppression of Guardian information has come to an end.

News of the 'first alien invasion' of Earth (Sol) released to the public.

Hunter's avatar

that's interesting , hope this will be accomplished through all phases keep up the good work


A Month of Galactic Turbulence

The Galactic Navy's Triumphant Return

One of the most significant events of the month was the resurgence of the Galactic Navy. After years of internal strife and a weakened presence in the galaxy, the Navy has made a formidable comeback. A series of decisive victories against pirate factions and rogue systems has reestablished the Navy's authority and restored faith in its ability to maintain order.

The Battle of Alioth

The most dramatic clash of the month was the Battle of Alioth, a hotly contested system located near the core. The Federation, Empire, and Alliance all vied for control of Alioth, a system rich in resources and strategic importance. The battle was a brutal affair, with fleets from all three superpowers clashing in a series of intense dogfights and orbital bombardments.

Ultimately, the Federation emerged victorious, securing Alioth and consolidating its position in the core. However, the battle was a costly one, with heavy losses on all sides. The consequences of this victory remain to be seen, as the other superpowers may seek to retaliate or form new alliances to counter the Federation's growing influence.

PowerPlay Developments

The PowerPlay landscape has also seen significant changes. The Alliance has made significant gains in the Perseus Arm, expanding its territory and influence. Meanwhile, the Empire has faced challenges in its holdings, with several systems slipping away due to internal divisions and external threats.

The Rise of Independent Powers

The month has also witnessed the rise of several independent powers, including the Pilots Federation and the Guardians. These factions have played a crucial role in shaping the galaxy's political landscape, challenging the dominance of the established superpowers.

A New Era Dawns

The month of [Month] has been marked by intense conflict, political maneuvering, and the emergence of new forces. The galaxy is in a state of flux, and the future remains uncertain. As we look ahead, it is clear that the coming months will be filled with even greater challenges and opportunities.

USCSS's avatar

Galactic Tides Report: September 2024

Welcome to the second edition of our monthly report, where we explore the most important events, battles, and territorial disputes in the Elite Dangerous universe. September has been a month full of action and strategy. Here’s a detailed summary of the galactic happenings.

Major In-Game Events

The Thargoids launched a major incursion into the Pleiades Sector, targeting key human installations. This event has tested the resources of the Anti-Xeno Initiative, which has called for reinforcements from independent pilots. The outcome of this battle could shift the balance of power in the region. Additionally, explorers discovered new Guardian ruins in the Synuefe region. These ruins have provided valuable technology that could enhance human capabilities in both exploration and combat against the Thargoids.

Climactic Battles

A fierce battle erupted between the Federation and the Empire over control of the LHS 3447 system. The Federation emerged victorious, securing a strategic foothold in the region. This victory has bolstered their influence and disrupted Imperial supply lines.

PowerPlay Updates

The Alliance has made significant gains in the Witch Head Nebula, capturing several key systems from the Empire. This shift has weakened the Empire’s presence in the region and strengthened the Alliance’s position in the ongoing power struggle.

Faction Successes and Failures

The Sirius Corporation successfully negotiated a trade agreement with the Independent Pilots Federation, boosting their economic power. On the other hand, the Kumo Crew faced a major setback after a failed raid on a Federation convoy, resulting in heavy losses.

Unique Perspectives

Independent pilots have played a crucial role in recent events, from defending against Thargoid incursions to exploring new frontiers. Their contributions are shaping the future of the galaxy.


September 2024 has been a month of significant developments in the Elite Dangerous universe. From epic battles to strategic territorial gains, the shifting galactic tides continue to create a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape. Stay tuned for next month’s report as we continue to chronicle the adventures and conflicts that define our galaxy.

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