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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

This is a partial sample of the start of one chapter 'Guardians involvement with humans origins on Earth (Sol system)' from the Guardian Glossary.

This entry will be edited later this month with a longer video - this teaser is to show direction and tech animating the avatars we have in Elite : Dangerous to talk. I think the videos where people are talking on their home cameras and not as their Elite : Dangerous avatars break the immersion and 4th or even 5th wall of the game's sandbox.

As of now, I'm interested in working on this as a team for any interested... as my ADHD tends to having me start multiple projects at once (finishing very few as interest wains), I think at least one other interested person would be enough to stay on track.

Or perhaps I'll just complete it, not being banned, blocked or censored given the nature of the content, of explaining your human origin.

Boomer's avatar

I'd love to hear more about your process! 🙂 There's clearly more to it than capturing gameplay and animating an avatar 😁

If I've understood correctly you've crafted a complex narrative comprised of in-game events, real-world experiences, and original story elements, and you engage in a persistent and immersive roleplay through your Elite Dangerous persona.

Have I got it right? Is there anything I've misread or missed out?

For the last 20-ish years I was part of the machinima (games-based filmmaking) communities, mainly Rooster Teeth / Red vs Blue, so I find what you're doing really fascinating 😊

...also, one of us! 🤘😆🤘

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

You summed it up correctly:

"complex narrative comprised of in-game events, real-world experiences, and original story elements, and you engage in a persistent and immersive roleplay through your Elite Dangerous persona"

I have been part of crews for a-list celebs for the last 20 years ( has a lot of selected work. And for most of my time in Elite I have avoided making it like work. But the pushback I received from a leading (fake)science group in game that create their own puzzles to publicly solve to hold their status in the game really hurt a lot of people and groups that I have known for almost a decade with their fuckery. So, I made my own player-journal over the last 3 years (about 7500 pages, mostly game images and personal art) to highlight what they do not. And to their credit, their maps and stats are perfect, as they should be when given the data to map for the rest of us. The game is miles-wide but only an inch deep. It would be nearly impossible to connect of discover most of what they mapped without their data reveals. Any group that does not show their failure or work in solving problems is probably propaganda. My journal ( from day one was a live google document. When I type, if people were logged in they can see the LIVE-docs update in real time, nobody is supposed to save anything on their computer. I thought it would be more of a evolving slow-art piece done this way. And, what I came to discover - many people had not reached the same solutions based on their knowledge base or lack of knowledge base as I had on my Elite : Dangerous expeditions. And I am not saying that I am correct on all of it. I can say that I provide links and cued-videos as explanation to why empirically I am thinking the way I do. I edit and change things when 'new evidence' is discovered. And Elite : Dangerous follows science fiction through history and pop-culture as I try my best to do in the documents. Elite : Dangerous roots seem to be in the book Chariot of the Gods (Sold over 70 million copies)... which was written by a German Diner Waiter. But, directors like Ridley Scott (Alien, Prometheus, Covenant) share this waiters view on history. This is the same history that Asimov books pulled on.

History repeats itself.

It's why Elite : Dangerous has snake names for ships. The flying dragons on historical on earth if you know where to look. And in game, many Guardians are depicted wearing horned helmets flying bio-engineered creatures that appear to be some type of dragon.

The walls of Empire in the Asimov based show Foundation. The Unknown Structures in the game were built by Guardians, and have a lot of Guardian Art inside. The Thargoid device (Transmitter) at their centers was reverse engineered much like the FSD drive of the humans ships. The Guardian Beacon and Unknown Structures still have puzzles not yet solved by Elites player base. We were all too stupid, which is why Salvation has come and solved the boosted transmission from first the Unknown Structure and later this year or next, the Guardian Beacon (as I think my squad is the only one to have solved two sets of of the first 6 steps in what we believe is 9 steps. A lot of my squad left after Odyssey frustrations, personal attacks from other groups, and unfair bans from the fraternal but unconnected groups that run the E: D -reddit / fandom / and fdev community forums.

It is nice to see this sites location being run fairly and without censorship to truth, knowledge, and exploration of ideas.

Anyway, the community never figured out the 2nd activations of the Guardian Beacons or Unknown Structures... and Salvation has come to save us, to finish the narrative of what was planned from launch of this great adventure. Everything in game is based on Earth History. And though you could say the Unknown Structure looks just like the Engineer (Guardian) ship in Prometheus - that is based on more earth history. The links and images are in the docs.

This illustration is by the guy that made the intro art for Game of Thrones. He draws from a lot of historical things. See the small space man in the bottom center in the orb (like Sagan's book Contact). There was a movie... but a lot of people just walked away from it wondering why Jodie Fosters character was an Alien. lol. The Pyramid in the drawing is very much like the Unknown Structure or the thing that a NASA scientist has a patent on based on a historical description, though what most people think of as history is converted mythology - which happened around 6 BCE - but that's another whole document.

Elite is original in their way of letting people research 'armchair-archeology' their way to understanding the origins of the humans on earth. And this is probably the biggest appeal... besides blowing stuff up. It's a shame that anyones voice has been silenced about conclusions.

So yes : "complex narrative comprised of in-game events, real-world experiences, and original story elements, and you engage in a persistent and immersive roleplay through your Elite Dangerous persona"

And happy to provide work-flow to tech and methods that I use for art and animation. I have no intention of gate-keeping, or trying to keep things as trade-secret when it comes to this adventure.

Block9's avatar

What is the minimum length of time for the documentary?

Boomer's avatar

Hey Block9, we're looking for original videos that are at least 5 mins long.

We will only consider videos between five-minutes and one-hour long.

It's not exactly required, but here's some extra guidance:

We recommend giving it a theme, a subject to investigate, and a philosophical voice-over narration.

Block9's avatar

all right :) thanks o7

Block9's avatar

Hey guys, I really put a lot of effort into this video even though it's only 10 minutes long. I'm sorry if I didn't add everything to the video because I didn't want to make it boring. Not only for the money, but I also like making videos. Today, with the motivation of Just About, I decided to create my YouTube channel to post various content about Elite Dangerous. I hope someone likes the video and subscribes to the channel to motivate me to make more content. I'll love reading comments and suggestions for my videos too. I want to thank Just About for this opportunity and let me know if the video meets the reward guidelines. :)

In this video I talk about how to fight and find the Tharogoids, some weapons needed for combat and also some theories about their physical appearance, since it remains a great mystery.

JHenckes's avatar

You really nailed this documentary, congratulations! The quality was very good!

Your speech is very fluent, and the content of the video is very interesting, keep it up, I've already left my support on your channel!

Block9's avatar

That makes me very happy. Thank you very much CMDR 🫡🙂

MQC's avatar

This is really great content, it's something to be happy about, no doubt about it. o7 Commander, and thank you for your time and work.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I echo JHenckes and MQC's compliments here! This is really great, educational, and enjoyable, and you’ve got the tone just right. We're delighted JA has inspired you to make an Elite YouTube channel! 3rd place and $30 is yours!

Block9's avatar

wow thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Howdy Gosht! I'm looking forward to watching this. That said, it looks like you've entered as a 'reply' rather than a 'submission'. We can't award replies, so please hit the purple 'submit to this bounty' button and copy over your entry so you're in the running. o7

Gosht's avatar

I am trying brother but although I have linked my Youtube on my profile it still asks me to link to it in submissions. Will check if it passed the gate later.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Much appreciated, thanks Gosht. I've also sent this to our tech team to see if it's stemming from an issue on our side. If it is, we'll make sure you don't miss out on consideration for a bounty reward because of it. o7

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Aha never mind then :) Glad it's working!

Gosht's avatar

Greets Overlords!
Written, produced and directed by me, Hive Radio and Canonn Research we bring you Bishop Loon, KarenKreepio in an Elite Dangerous mockumentary on the state of the Galaxy.
Admiral Gosht
Squadron: The Hive

Gosht's avatar

If there's an interest in scifi satire we'll make Episode 2. Meanwhile, The Hive will continue to repel the caustic cauliflowers wherever they may arise, while planning our eventual attack on the Goid homeworld.
For The Hive!
For Humanity!


Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is very fun and creative! I was getting real Flash Gordon energy at times!  

Gosht's avatar

Thanks Alex. It was an interesting experience scripting, directing and producing it, while not using any of the usual ED flight backgrounds, cockpits etc. Also I had the pleasure of working with Bishop Loon from F.U.C.K. (Fargod United Church of the Klaxions), though most of his dialogue had to be expunged :) Nevertheless, if you can lip read you'll see a short sample. KarenKreepio got more and more stressed as the shoot progressed, mostly because I messed with the sound levels. She left on a shuttle as advertised. All in all it took about three weeks in production and about the same to write, plan and setup.
Glad you got scifi vibes. Strange but true that I'm a scifi writer in RL with a 7 part afrofuturistic TV series called 'Xelexnia' in the pipeline.
Thanks again for your support. Means a lot to me at this time.
Cya in the black!
For The Hive!
For Humanity!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Our pleasure, it was truly a delight!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is an exceptional video, we're all very impressed! First place and $100 is well-earned and all yours! Enjoy!


Thank you so much, you are very kind. I've enjoyed watching the other entries in this bounty - they have given me inspiration to explore other topics in future.

RicardosGaming's avatar

Explore the future of the Thargoid War in Elite Dangerous lore with Cmdr Jameson. Learn about the Thargoid hive ships and what may come next in Elite Dangerous Odyssey. Thargoid Titans are dropping like flies and with 80% of their known war force decimated by humanity - what is coming next in Elite Dangerous?


This Video : ➤Link:

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Excellent scripting and a highly enjoyable watch!


infoSTARS – The Galaxy’s Truest News

Just in time for the 5-year anniversary of the Screaming Eagles’ takeover of Kurughnaye, investigative research platform infoSTARS took a closer look at the events surrounding the gang’s transformation from mundane pirates to an obscure business conglomerate with a presumably dark and dangerous agenda...😉

The Truth Is Out There!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

There are some great touches in this. I enjoyed the voice acting in the Secrets and Oaths section.


Haha, thx! That was no acting, that was 'real' 😂


Let's go on a journey of discovery, seeing everything that makes up the galaxy: From asteroid belts over planets and stars all the way to black holes. Let us see what we can find out in the black!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

TheHappyHans Absolutely wonderful! I love this; you’ve nailed the Carl Sagan influences! It was a very soothing listen, and it's educational and beautiful. I enjoyed the 4:50 twist and the follow-up, it made me chuckle out loud. The second curveball at the end too! Second place and $50 is yours!

Slamscape's avatar

This is a documentary about the system I consider my home. I had been planning something similar even before this bounty, but I morphed the idea into the documentary format. I hope you all enjoy.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Fantastic work: calming, gorgeous, and very well executed. It’s a beautiful system, I see why you like it.

AuraxisAnimus's avatar

My submission went through but it's not on the list? Can you help

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi AuraxisAnimus

Sorry to hear you've run into an issue, that's a new one for me. Can you submit a bug report using this form please?

If it turns out to be a technical issue on our end, please get back to me and tag me here using Alex Sinclair. We're awarding this bounty now, but I can arrange for your wallet to be manually credited with the prize it would have received.

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