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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Here's a Cobra Mark 5 - I've had to guess a bit on the underside as I don't think that's been shared.


An actual, hand-made Cobra Mk V. You can't even buy them in game yet (but hopefully by the end of the year). Looks gorgeous.


Very impressive. I must find a way to sabotage you!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Fantastic Beetlejude! Second place is yours in a hard-fought contest!

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

actually kinda cool... kinda impressed. if only you had nailed some mood lighting it would of been a 10/10


I will never get bored of your models they're adorable and you make so much for charity with them! I love your unclassified relics and your brain trees too. They should get you to design the official Merch (if they did it) although everything would have a little cotton tag sewn in with "YES, YES IT'S MEEE LCU I TOLD YOU YOU'D BUY THIS TEESHIRT DIDN'T I? I HOPE YOU VOTED FOR ME FOR FEDERAL PRESIDENT!. " They should have a bounty for best player made App for use in game.

TyDale's avatar

I've been working on this fleet for years! Last model made was the Type-9, The beluga liner is currently being created! Now only if I could find the time to paint them...

Hunter's avatar

That is Large Force, You can take on the Thargoids Alone !

Odinoji's avatar

This has won me with that perfect clipper

Alex Sinclair's avatar

What an amazing collection! You win the third-place prize. We'd love to know how you make them!

Jaques Ufaltred's avatar

Original origami of the Viper MK IV. Never underestimate a CMDR who is bored in class. I have made a LOT of these in the past few quarters and while they don't fly as well as the paper airplane they were adapted from, we all know there's no aerodynamics in space!

RicardosGaming's avatar

Elite Dangerous 3d Printing the Mamba Link:

A sleek ship in the game but how does that translate to real life when I 3d print the Mamba from elite Dangerous

Block9's avatar

this is going to be a big challenge hahaha


A few years ago a couple of people made ships from wedges of cheese - it got to be a bit of a thing. and then the cheese pun names started.....I've managed to forget those though thankfully

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Now there's an idea for a reward! $5 for a cheese ship and a bonus prize for the cheesiest name. You may regret mentioning that...😬🧀


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