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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
USCSS's avatar

Chronicles of the Commander USCCS (This story has fiction and reality)

I'm going to tell you something that happened to us in the system in Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-11.

My squadron and I were jumping from system to system fighting Thargoids as if there was no tomorrow. The bubble was chaos. Interceptors were coming out everywhere. People were desperate, they didn't know what to do. Many stations were damaged. It seemed like there was no hope anymore.

It was already late. We were tired. My ship, an "Imperial Cutter AX" needed repair as did the other ships.

But as we were leaving, we received a distress signal from the system Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-11. The planetary base "Wilder Enterprise" had been damaged and the sensors were detecting signs of human life inside, so we couldn't leave them there.

My squadron and I approached carefully. The base was surrounded by a Green fog. The weather was disgusting. There were wrecked ships everywhere. Thargoids patrolled the area, but we managed to sneak in by cooling the ships so they wouldn’t detect us.

Inside the base, things were worse. The Thargoids had turned the place into something out of a horror movie. The walls were covered in an organic thing that seemed to be alive. And in the middle of all that, we found the survivors: a group of scientists and technicians hiding in a shielded chamber.

Getting them out of there wasn’t easy. When we took off from the base, the Thargoids attacked us. We defended ourselves as best we could, but we lost two ships from the squadron. My “Imperial Cutter AX” also fared badly, but at least we managed to get the survivors out.

But it didn’t end there.

When we entered orbit and performed a jump to leave the system, we were intercepted again. By then, my ship had no shields and only 20% of its hull was intact. The warning systems kept going off. It seemed like an impending disaster awaited us.

As I tried to stabilize the ship, I saw on the monitors that a Thargoid interceptor was rapidly approaching. The scanners showed it was ready to fire. At that moment, my squadmate stepped into its path, absorbing fire and buying us precious seconds.

“Jump, USCSS, jump now!” I heard over the comm. I knew we couldn’t hold out much longer, so I locked in the coordinates for another jump. But the Thargoid interceptor was so close that the jump process was slow. The Thargoid wouldn’t give up, and I fought back panic as I waited for the jump process to complete.

Finally, the jump drive activated and launched me through hyperspace. The other ships also managed to jump. But our nightmare wasn’t over yet. When we reached the new system, another Thargoid ship was waiting for us. It seemed like there would be no rest.

We were prepared for the worst, but suddenly, a nearby fleet carrier defense squadron appeared. The allied ships attacked the Thargoids, giving us the respite we needed. I took advantage of the distraction to head straight for the Fleet Carrier.

Arriving, and seeing the massive structure of the Fleet Carrier, was an indescribable relief. We landed and began emergency repairs. My ship was in a sorry state, as were the others, but we were safe. As the technicians worked on the ships, I slumped in my seat, grateful to have survived.

Now, months later, things are calmer, but the Thargoids are not entirely gone. Humanity is still standing. But many are traumatized by what happened.

And that's it, Commander. That's my story.

There's a phrase from Fallaut that says "War never changes" and Elite Dangerous is no exception.

Greetings Commanders!!

(Translated with Google Translate)

AlvarZ4's avatar

I have created this short story based on real events as they happened, giving it a narrative touch to make it more enjoyable to read. I had 2 images of the battle, I hope they are enough to represent the event, but I'm sorry I don't have images of when the Anti-Xeno Initiative arrived. I hope you like it.

The Defense of EZ Aquarii: The Battle for Sanger Settlement

Alarms blared across the Sanger Settlement as the sky became a chaotic swirl of energy beams and screaming interceptors. The Thargoids had arrived in full force and our defenses were buckling under the immense pressure. We had held them off as long as we could, but our weapons were beginning to overheat and our ammunition was running low. It was clear: we needed reinforcements, and fast.

The call for help had gone out across the system and the Federation responded quickly, deploying a Farragut-class battlecruiser to reinforce the embattled station. The arrival of the massive warship momentarily turned the tide, its artillery pounding the Thargoid scouts and interceptors with relentless accuracy. The station's defenders took the opportunity to regroup, rearm, and prepare for another wave.

But the fight was far from over. A Hydra-class Thargoid, one of the deadliest Thargoid interceptors, descended upon the battlefield, its caustic weaponry tearing through human ships with ruthless efficiency. Though formidable, it was dwarfed by the mere presence of the Farragut. The Federation cruiser unleashed a devastating bombardment, forcing the Hydra to maneuver on the defensive. However, Thargoid forces swarmed the area, overwhelming our squadron. The order came: retreat and regroup. With heavy hearts, we initiated an emergency jump out of the system, leaving Sanger Settlement behind.

We spent hours coordinating our return, gathering supplies, and planning a counterattack. The data we had gathered on the Hydra’s movements gave us a small hope of exploiting a weakness. Our hearts pounded as we exited the supercruiser back into the war zone. What we saw next was both a surprise and a relief: another Farragut-class battlecruiser had arrived.

With two capital ships in the fray, confidence rose among our ranks. The combined firepower of the Federation tore through the swarm of Thargoid ships, giving us the perfect opportunity to strike at the Hydra. We went at it with everything we had, unleashing plasma blasts and experimental anti-xeno weaponry. Still, the battle remained uncertain. The Hydra was relentless, and for every Thargoid ship we shot down, more seemed to take their place.

Just as we began to fear we would be overrun again, our long-range scanners picked up multiple contacts approaching at high speed. Reinforcements. The Anti-Xeno Initiative had arrived. A dozen, then two dozen independent commanders launched themselves into the system, their ships packed with AX weaponry, all ready to join the fray. The tide of battle changed dramatically.

With new firepower and renewed morale, the combined might of the Federation, our squadron, and the Initiative pilots drove the Hydra back. Its once-formidable shell began to splinter under the attack, and finally, with one last attack, it erupted in a fiery explosion. The remaining Thargoid forces scattered, their attack thwarted.

The battle for Sanger Settlement had been won, but not without a price. The station was badly damaged, and many brave pilots had fallen. However, when the dust settled, one thing was clear: humanity would not bow to the alien threat so easily. We would stand our ground, fight, and defend our home, no matter the odds.

The battle was a hard-fought victory, but the war was far from over. Only a few more systems remained under Thargoid control, and their liberation was within reach. Every battle fought, every settlement reclaimed, brought us closer to the final confrontation. The Federation, the Anti-Xeno Initiative, and the brave independent commanders were ready for what lay ahead. We had faced impossible odds before, and we had prevailed. Now, all eyes turned to the gargantuan Cocijo Titan. Its destruction would be the ultimate symbol of humanity’s resilience and defiance. No matter how fearsome the Thargoids were, no matter how overwhelming their forces seemed, we had something they did not: unity, determination, and the unbreakable will to survive. The war was not over, but victory was within reach. This was not the end. This was only the beginning of our final battle.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This was a fun read, thanks Alvar!

AlvarZ4's avatar

Thank you for taking the time to read it Alex Sinclair

GreybeardSeawolf's avatar

Commanders Log – October 3rd 3310

Today I was on a routine AXI patrol out of Borrego's Vision when I detected a NHSS (Threat 4) approx. 23Ls from the station. I jumped into the region in my AX Chieftain, GSS Josephus A. Miller, deployed hardpoints and launched my XG7 Trident fighter. Apart from the wreckage of some poor bastards ship the area appeared empty. A scan didn't detect any activity and no visible wakes. As my finger hovered over the retract hardpoints button my Xeno scanner lit up and the space all around me exploded with Witchspace entry portals. As the Caustic Missile alert blared, I hit boost and spun the ship to get some distance from them and figure out what I was facing.

I ordered the fighter to engage at will and tried to make sense of the readings on my scanner. 4.....5....6........7 targets, I cursed at the time it took to twirl through the ident algorithms until finally the first target resolved into a Regenerator Class Thargoid Scout, temporarily separated from the rest of its group as my fighter led them away in pursuit. Still having no idea what the rest of the targets were I knew at least that I had precious little time to try and even the fight. I swung around and tagged the target with my long range beam, closed to 2 klicks, boosted straight at him opening up with my 4 AX multi's. I was rewarded with a cloud of debris as the AX shells struck home. As we roared around each other I managed to clip him each pass until it finally erupted in an expanding caustic cloud, which I only avoided by wrenching back the stick and boosting the hell out of there.

About 5 klicks away my fighter was taking damage in a web of weapons fire and thruster wakes, I tapped through the targets and managed to identify the remaining ships as 2 Inciter and 4 Marauder Class scouts. With their attention firmly on my fighter I got within 500m of the first Inciter undetected and hit it with everything I had. It lurched sideways, rolled and tried to accelerate away with me right on its tail, AX bullets tearing into its hull. I was now the center of attention and with missile warnings blaring in my ears, I didn't hear its death squeal and ploughed right through its caustic explosion taking damage. My ship shuddered as at least 2 missiles hit and a wave of energy bursts battered my shields. I boosted away and assessed the damage shields at 60% and hull at 92%

My pilot announced ''We've lost the fighter Commander'', things were not looking good. The remaining Inciter was ahead and coming straight towards me. I lined it up dead center in the crosshairs and pressed both triggers. Nothing happened, the multis were reloading and only the weaker beam laser fired. My knuckles whitened as I jammed the throttle forward, wrenched the stick back and punched the boost as a wave of energy bursts slammed into me, shields at 40%. I knew that if I didn't end this fast, I was toast so I throttled back, pitched the stick forward and used the boost to come in right behind the scout as it screamed past beneath me. The cannon shells tore it to pieces at point blank range and there was no way to avoid the explosion.

The rest of the action is a bit of a blur to be honest, I remember launching another fighter, without the speed boosts the Inciters gave them and the regen from the Regenerator the Marauders were slower and easier to take out. I made it back to Borrego's Vision with no shields and 46% hull damage, the post action shakes are so bad now that it's hard to drink this Rum without spilling most of it down the front of my flight suit, but I made it back. Barely!!

GreybeardSeawolf's avatar

My favourite character in a fantastic show

AndyRice's avatar

Me too, that’s why I like this name, detective Miller is also my favorite character.

GreybeardSeawolf's avatar

''Doors and corners kid, that's where they get you''

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Well axin and federation are responsible for the current affairs of the galaxy. They missed a key community goal which has plunged the galaxy into deeper darkness. Axin non stop attacking of thargoids has done very little and represent some troll faction from experience. The Axin squadron that represents the Axin faction has no allegiance to a superpower which makes them a rogue element only out for their own glory. Good example how blind axin cronies are is the “Tomorrow War” my faction will stop the thargoid war with intelligence not stupid blind rage, attacking and antagonizing the thargoids is like a drop in the ocean, had done very little except make the aliens very hostile towards humanity…

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

How am I just a participant? Do you see that Star Wars Video? That’s real Star Wars lore and story line and real player faction lore.


The Second Thargoid War: A Commander’s Tale

I can still feel it, the weight of those days. The air, thick with tension, buzzing with reports that sounded more like warnings than news. I was just a Commander—just another pilot. But when the Thargoids came, everything changed. And I, like so many others, was swept into the war, thrust into the fires of an invasion we never thought would come.

I remember the first attack. It was so sudden, so brutal. One moment, everything was fine—the usual patrols, the quiet hum of the engine in my cockpit. The next, the skies themselves seemed to tear open. The Thargoid interceptors dropped into our space like dark shadows. No warning, no chatter on the comms. Just chaos.

We scrambled. At first, I thought it was a fluke, a rogue attack. It wasn’t. These were the Thargoids, relentless and relentless. Their interceptors were sleek and deadly, their threats more than real. They tore through our fleets, vaporizing ships as though they were nothing more than paper. There was no time to think, only to react. I can still hear the shrill sound of the scanner pinging, knowing that death was close behind.

The war wasn’t just fought in the skies. We had to protect humanity’s way of life. Space stations were taken down, colonies wiped out. We weren’t just defending ourselves from an enemy; we were fighting for the future of everything we knew. The real horror was that they didn’t stop. It wasn’t a skirmish or a raid. It was an all-out war.

I’ll never forget the moment we decided to repel them. We gathered our forces, our wings—everything we had. A ragtag group of pilots, desperate but determined. We joined fleets at Pleiades, Taranis, HIP 22460, and countless other battlegrounds. The Ax Combat units were some of the fiercest and most skilled, but even they had their hands full. Still, we pressed on, relentlessly.

Each day, we learned something new about the Thargoid ships, their patterns, their weaknesses. And each day, it felt like we were losing more ground. There were moments when I thought we might not make it. I’d see ships explode into the void, friends I’d known for years gone in the blink of an eye. There were commanders I respected, who’d taught me how to fight, now lost to the Thargoid onslaught.

But there was something else. There was hope. As grim as it was, the war brought us together in ways I’d never expected. Commanders from every corner of the galaxy, every rank and faction, united against the Thargoid invaders. We had no choice but to fight, and fight we did. The hardest part wasn’t the fighting itself—it was the toll it took on you, mentally, emotionally. The weight of seeing so many ships fall, knowing that in the end, we might not have enough firepower to push them back.

But we kept at it. It was in the small victories that we found our strength. The first time we managed to take down a Hydra, the joy and adrenaline of that moment was something I’ll never forget. We celebrated, but even then, I knew the Thargoids weren’t done with us. This was far from over.

The turning point came when we finally got access to the new weaponry and tech—specifically, the Xeno scanner and the Caustic sink. These tools weren’t just a game-changer; they were a lifeline. We learned how to damage their hulls, how to adapt, how to fight back with a precision we didn’t have before. And with that, we struck back harder than ever.

The final assault on their base, on Thema and Pleiades Sector, was the most intense battle I’ve ever been in. We launched everything we had. Fighters, missiles, flak—every trick in the book. I can still remember the moment the last Thargoid capital ship went down, its massive structure shuddering as it collapsed into itself, a dead weight floating through space.

But the cost was high. We lost commanders, ships, and civilians. The scars of war didn’t heal immediately, and the haunting memories of the battles would stay with us. There were times I couldn’t sleep. I still hear the hum of the engines and the echo of weapons fire in the back of my mind. Even after all was said and done, after the Thargoids retreated, I knew that we’d won—but at a great price.

The Second Thargoid War left us all scarred in different ways. Some carried physical injuries, others mental. It didn’t matter who you were—war changed you. The only thing we could hold onto was that we fought for something larger than ourselves. We fought to protect the future of humanity, and that fight, as painful as it was, gave us hope.

Today, the Thargoids are gone—at least for now—but the memories linger. Every time I look up at the stars, I remember the sound of gunfire, the flashing lights of explosions, and the faces of those who fought beside me. But I also remember the victory. And I’m proud of it. We stood against the Thargoid menace, and together, we won.

The scars remain, but so does the strength of our unity. And that’s what will carry us forward, no matter what the future holds.


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