'Lovely view, shame about the flesh-melting geysers.' To win a prize in this reward choose a planet and mock up an AirBnB-style listing for prospective holidaymakers.
So what would that look like? Think of how Airbnb and equivalent sites display rental properties, then match that style as closely as you can for your planet. If you'd like to just focus on a particular structure or part of a planet, that works too. You'll probably want to include such details as:
The planet name
A title for the listing
Its location and views
What sort of visitor would enjoy a stay
Amenities, key features, nice touches, and other selling points
Multiple photographs highlighting its various spaces
Information on the local area
Customer testimonials
We're open to video submissions or even mocked-up web pages, but we believe that an image/graphic with text is the best, most shareable medium to enter with. You can also create your entry directly on Just using images and text. If you do, we're looking for at least 200 words of text and multiple social-media verified images.
We have a top prize of $50 for the entry we're most impressed by (but not necessarily the one we'd most like to visit on our summer break!)
Image credit: Frontier Developments and CMDR_M
Pot total
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