Are you ready for the challenge XCezor called "the Dark Souls of Elite Dangerous"? Let's find out.
Everyone loves an underdog, and every dog has its day. In this David vs Goliath style challenge, we want you to prove you're Elite's top gun by taking on one of the game's hardest combat challenges in one of its most poorly suited ships. Here are the details:
Players must accept and defeat a Threat-6 bounty or above (only the bounty target is valid).
The challenge can only be completed in a Sidewinder, an Eagle, a Viper Mk3, an Imperial Eagle, or a Cobra Mk3.
To win a prize, entrants must be one of the first 15 of our members to complete the challenge.
The fight must be filmed, and the video submitted as proof of completion. Be sure to include proof of the target in the video. The video cannot have been published before this reward went live.
It's not essential, but we'd love it if you shared your ship build and fight strategy too.
Our thanks go to Solaris104 for suggesting this exciting reward idea!
Image credit: Frontier Developments and CMDR John Wick as seen in our Elite Dangerous nebulae gallery
already paid
$40 / 300
Created at . Page last updated at .
Deadline at .