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EVE Online
Kane Carnifex's avatar

Its not about moving from WH to WH. Its about how to farm the Sleepers which living in WH, WH GAS and Drifters :P If you RISK Billons of ISK in like Space without local you should know your mechanics

Once you roll a static, if nobody ever warps to it (warps), it will never ever spawn on the other side. I've had the same static for 4 days at a time in my wormhole. Once somebody warps to it, but doesn't enter, the lifetime of the wormhole starts ticking down (either 16h or 24h depending on the hole). Once the lifetime is at 15h, the hole starts 'trying to spawn' - meaning there's a bigger and bigger chance the other side appears as time goes on. If anyone should go through the wormhole from your side, all the above rules are disregarded, and the hole appears on the other side.

  • Roll your Static

  • New Sig will appear, this your new Static, which isn´t open to the other side.

  • If you warp to it the Liftime counter will start below 15h a chances is there which the other side will appear.

  • If you jump it you done it wrong

  • If you friend Jumps it and don´t tell you.. you have good friends

This is how you can make you WH to your personal safe space. You don´t need to D-Scan if nobody can enther you Hole.


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Kane CarnifexSome of this was a bit lost on us. I'm currently writing this up for the curated content, would you mind confirming whether what I've written below is an accurate?

"Start by rolling your static wormhole. If nobody warps to it, it won’t spawn an exit hole for hostiles to enter through, giving you dominance over your area of space. If someone warps to a static wormhole but doesn’t enter it, the wormhole’s lifetime will start ticking down. Once that lifetime is at 15 hours, the hole starts trying to respawn on its other side. But you’re still left with a safe window in which to rat.

Be warned, if someone leaves from your side of the wormhole, then all of the rules above can be disregarded. So if you’re not ratting alone, make sure you’re ratting with a good communicator. "

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Yes, this should hit it. If you plan to rat you role everything and if people come online you just inform them :)

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Scanning hotkeys. Double clicking will flip the axis. Ctrl+Mousewheel to increase or decrease scan radius alt+Mousewheel to increase or decrease probe spread. B to scan

Use a naming convention for your bookmarks. This could take a whole guide, but do it. If you're THE scanner in your corp, you make everyone's lives easier by making notes others can understand.

Learn the flow of anoikis. It can seem really abstract, but learning where people are going to be for why is the key to safe and effective operation, whether it's offensive or defensive. for example, a "low class" connection can seem innocuous, but the relative distance to to k space makes them ideal hunting grounds. On the other hand, you have THE C5 HIGHWAY. If you're on it, you need to know where you're going or you will be run over. Kikimoras are either a minor menace or a monstrosity depending on whether you're in a wolf rayet or not. The nuances go deeper and deeper.

Know when to Roll 'em, know when to hold 'em:complete hole control is considered best practice, but it requires a lot of hours. Sometimes it's more operationally sound to just run. No amount of security will protect you completely, but some amounts of security will prevent you from running. Strike a balance.

Pathfinder or Galaxyfinder. I wish we had an in game alternative, but these tools will do most of the heavy lifting for you for both mapping and intel. Use em.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Here is a video guide I put together a while ago on how to identify everything you need to know about a wormhole connection just by looking at it!

greybill's avatar

Naming Pings/Bookmarks in general

Different people have different ways to name their bookmarks. For pings at gate/wormholes, I use the following scheme:


For example, this would look like this:

M-MD31 @400 top, FDZ-54 @300 side, or C1a ABC @200 below

This allows to have multiple bookmarks at the same gate, structure, or wormhole and still be able to tell what direction from it they are located. It’s also easy to relay this info to others: “I have a ping on the M-MD31-gate at 400km above”.

Naming scanned Cosmic Signatures:

Naming wormholes and signatures after what they are + ID can be extremely handy. Such a bookmark could for example be:

Gas1 ABC, Relic CBA or, C4 static YXZ,

By comparing the alphabetical ID of the signature with the probe scanner window, one can also easily see what signature already has been bookmarked, and can be ignored in the scanning process.

Another smart thing to do with wormhole bookmarks is to use the option to automatically delete the bookmark after 2 days. Such "housekeeping" methods can improve group play quite a bit.

Brother Grimoire's avatar

Wormholes. The scary place that even Nullbears are wary of.

The lack of a Local chat that updates when people enter system presents an opportunity for pilots to survive or die on their own merits. In this submission, I will detail some of the things I've learned about surviving and thriving in wormholes.

  1. Always bring a cloak. With local chat being "opt-in", nobody knows you're there unless they can see you on grid or via the directional scan window. A cloak will remove the possibility of the latter.

  2. Use your D-Scan. The directional scanner is a powerful tool that works with your overview settings to tell you what is in space around you. Get used to spamming that "v" key in wormholes, because you will be doing it a lot.

  3. Don't forget to bookmark your home hole. I've been guilty of this more times that I care to admit and it gets a little embarrassing.

  4. Position yourself smart while hacking. This is a trick that I love. It has got me out of a few close scrapes, including one where three guys decloaked and dropped a warp disruption bubble. I advise orbiting the container you're hacking at 2500 meters so that as soon as you see a hostile, you can cloak your ship and steer yourself to safety. Most ships have a targeting delay, giving you a window to cloak before they can shoot you

  5. Use a third-party wormhole mapping tool. Tools like Tripwire and Pathfinder are invaluable in providing you with information about the wormholes along your route and tracking where you have come from. Use them whenever possible!

MacGybo's avatar

I'd love to see a detailed / beginner's guide on how to use things like Tripwire and Pathfinder. They look like such useful tools.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great work Brother Grimoire. And MacGybo, maybe that's something we can make happen :) I've made a note.

AlexGra 's avatar

Here are some wormhole space advice:

Bookmark Everything: Always bookmark your entry and exit points in a wormhole. This ensures you can find your way back, as wormholes collapse and change over time.

Use a Covert Ops Ship: These ships are ideal for wormhole exploration due to their cloaking ability and scanning bonuses. They allow you to move stealthily and scan down connections.

Scanning is Key: Train your scanning skills to quickly find signatures leading to other systems. This is crucial for finding routes and avoiding danger.

Travel Light: Carry only essential equipment and cargo. Space is limited, and the more you carry, the less agile and stealthy you become.

D-Scan Constantly: Use your Directional Scanner (D-Scan) regularly to check for potential threats. Other ships in wormholes may not show up on your overview, so this is your early warning system.

Always Watch Local Chat: Keep an eye on the local chat channel. A sudden appearance of unknown pilots could signal danger.

Safe Logging: When logging off in a wormhole, make sure you're within a safe spot, not near celestial objects, to avoid being probed down and ambushed.

Travel in Pairs: If possible, explore with a partner. Having backup can be a lifesaver if you encounter hostile players or NPCs.

  • Remember! wormhole space can be unpredictable and dangerous, but it also holds valuable opportunities for exploration and riches. Stay vigilant, adapt to the ever-changing environment, and you'll find success in your wormhole adventures.


Navigating wormhole space in EVE Online can be a challenging and rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you navigate wormhole space safely and profitably:

Prepare your ship: Choose a ship that is dispensable and able to fit a cloaking device. Equip your ship with a probe launcher and a hefty supply of scanner probes. This will enable you to search for wormholes and find your way out of them. Fit your ship with modules that increase your survivability, such as shield extenders, armor plates, and damage control units.

Scan down wormholes: Wormholes can be found by scanning down cosmic signatures. Once a wormhole is probed down, it can be warped to and jumped through much like a stargate, though unlike gates they must be warped to and then jumped through as a two-step process 12.

Be aware of the dangers: Wormhole space is dangerous, with no local chat channel to warn you of other players in the system. Be always prepared for combat, and keep an eye on your directional scanner to detect other ships in the area 1.

Join a corporation: Joining a corporation that specializes in wormhole space can provide you with valuable resources and support, as well as access to more advanced ships and equipment 1.

Use various third-party services like EVE Metro to help you get intel or something like WINGSPAN Delivery Services if you get lost.


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