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EVE Online

EVE Online
Schadsquatch's avatar

When can we expect to see the second coming of Bob for the faithful?

Brother Grimoire's avatar

Would you ever consider blowing up your popemobile for a good cause?

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Did you experience by yourself that the gaming community is getting “colder”? Did we lose the "we are all gamers" mindset?


Could a warclone such as the Imperial Paladin “Templar One” be brought back into communion with the Amarr Church? What of the other layman who fought planestide in the name of the Throne?

Wadd Enderas's avatar

What is your honest opinion of Alex as an interviewer?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

😂 I guess I should save this one until the end

Swagger Olacar's avatar

What is your wisdom? :prayge:


How do you plan on bringing Minmatar within the faith and the fold?

FUN INC's avatar

What is your favourite ship in EVE & Why? (aside from the Friendship ofc!)

What is your least favourite ship in EVE & Why?

Rixx Javix's avatar

How far do you believe we need to go to ensure that Eve is a safe and welcoming community of players both outside and inside the game, without losing the elements of the game that make it unique?


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