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EVE Online

EVE Online
orik Kado's avatar

When you carry a corpse in your ship and you get scanned by an Autothysian Lancer, it may end up killing you to take the corpse.

And let's not forget the classic argument that miners and industrialists are less valuable players than those who engage in PvP.

greybill's avatar

When you carry a corpse in your ship and you get scanned by an Autothysian Lancer, it may end up killing you to take the corpse.

I think of this to be an urban legend. Or, maybe did you experience this supposed fact firsthand?

MacGybo's avatar

Wandering randomly around at any given time in New Eden is Tom's Shuttle. It's CCP's tribute to David Bowie (Major Tom). It's as rare as anything can be in Eve. Just a tiny ship, making it's own way through the universe, in memory of an amazing artist. Simply beautiful.

Eaglefirefly's avatar

The battle of B-R5RB was one of the largest player vs player gaming space battles in the history of gaming at that time. So large that the ingame value lost in real world currency was around $300,000. It even made it into Wikipedia. And. I was there :)

greybill's avatar

The reddit user u/StainGuy deleted their account after CCP actually introduced a low-sec gate to the null-sec region of Stain, which they had campaigned for and posted about for literal years on the r/eve subreddit.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ha! Any idea why? Maybe he thought his work was done?

greybill's avatar

Indeed it was. Changing the geography of New Eden by posting on reddit is not a small feat. Funnily enough, the community could not be sure the gate would actually be happening for real - CCP Aurora got to make an official news-post about it. On the first of April... 😬

Swagger Olacar's avatar

That it has been a player vs player internet battle record breaker at least twice already...where the first record was set by EVE.

JAKEL33T's avatar

Ammo is automatically ranked as longest range at the top to shortest at the bottom in the sub-menu when you change ammo.

MacGybo's avatar

I only learned this a few weeks back. Stellar fact.

Rushlock's avatar

This may stray toward being more of a tip, but as an avid Explorer, after YEARS of scanning, bookmarking, and working signatures, someone in Twitch chat brought up pressing L opens a window that displays all your bookmarks in your current system. My mind was blown, and my gameplay was never the same :D You can learn something everyday in EVE.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

You've just given me an idea for a bounty: 'EVE quick tips'. Maybe there will be more undiscovered shortcuts sitting right under vets' noses.


Literally hundreds of them! I've been playing for 15 years and have those ohhhhhh moments when I see someone do something magical that I've been missing.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's all I needed to hear. It's now in the bounty calendar.

Rixx Javix's avatar

The Maulus Navy Issue was introduced into the game in a direct effort to get me to stop talking about banning Warp Core Stabilizers, there is even a nod to this in the ship's description, "Borrowing innovative concepts from local pirate bands".


Okay.... there's at least one mistake in the ordering of the tiles on the Eve Monument in Reykjavik. They are mostly in alphabetical order, but not quite.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I wonder if there's an intern at CCP trying to keep a low profile

FUN INC's avatar

Poitot is the only named system in Syndicate

It even has its own website & Lore entry


Dammit! I came to say exactly that! 😜


Everything posted in Jita local is a scam; if it doesn't look like a scam its just some kind of new meta-scam you dont yet understand

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This feels like it would be better suited to one of our 'hot take' bounties 😅


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