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EVE Online

EVE Online

So nice that makes playing in HS nearly as stressing as playing in all other areas.

It doesn't make New Eden a better place. It only satisfy the needs of relatively small group:

  • the need of feeling "above the rules"

  • the need of "abusing the rules" and winning

  • the need of imposing themselves and their ways on others

  • the need to ruin others' play

HS was meant to be safe, to be somewhat relaxed, and instead, they turned it into a place where you need to keep looking around and over your shoulders. They impose their pvp on people that, if they are in HS, it's because they are probably not interested in pvping, otherwise they would be in other areas of the game. They don't go where they can get kicked in the teeth back, but they boast they preyed on people that probably barely know what pvp is just as they boast how they play around Concord responses, responses and rules coded in the game itself.

But then it's right for Eve, where there are no rules, where being the most despicable person, without honor nor values, is cheered on and celebrated. It fits the narrative.

Yes, I never liked ganking, whatever people said to try sell it, and no, I was lucky and good enough to never get caught in it.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Ganking is good and bad for the game, in equal measure, however, this being said, this is a topic I have always been passionate about.

Pros - The pro of ganking has always been a simple one and it's not about lone miners, it's about mass mining in a completely safe system. This, if mass mining fleets could work day and night, would lead to a full-on Market collapse of the value of well everything.

The same could be said, for level 4 mission running bots, these could also destroy the salvage market and T1 module ISK income that new players use to break into the market.


Cons - The ganking of solo miners is a VERY bad thing, especially for new players in Ventures. This leads to more people quitting than I can count and is the No. 1 complaint on Steam reviews about lone players being taken out for no good reason at all, This also extends to level 4 mission runners in high-sec space with blinged-out ships getting whacked for no good reason other than "because we can" because this action has no pro or con, it's just nasty behavior.

Removing ganking is NOT an option. It keeps the market in check and stops the mass bot farming in high sec which we have seen in other games, ruining the market by afk bots farming nonstop. In other games such as Guild Wars, and World Of Warcraft, we have seen bot programs ruin the in-game trading situation.

It's a very tricky situation and not an easy mechanic to balance, EoT made a PODCAST that no one else did about Alpha accounts being used as throwaway ganking accounts, we said that gankers MUST be paid accounts, It must be a choice and a way of life in-game, CCP Watched it, listened, and implemented it because it was a good idea.

Whilst PERSONALLY I strongly disagree with any form of griefing in any game, in regards to Eve Online, it is a MUST HAVE to stop our in-game market from failure cascading and the game being ruined for everyone else. Botting is a huge problem for CCP and to remove ganking would open the doors for RMT on a scale we have never seen before.

Rixx Javix's avatar

The Truth Is Out There

Eve is a harsh mistress. The faster you learn this truth the better off you will be. The tools you need to avoid ganks, the tricks you need to learn, the skills you need to cultivate - are the same tools and skills that will guide your path no matter where on the map you travel. So, best learn them early.

There is no easy mode in Eve Online and there shouldn't be one. When you undock into the universe you are agreeing to participate in one of the most powerful sandboxes ever built. As such, you need to live in that universe and accept the rules by which it is governed. And find your own path to exploit those rules to your own benefit. Just like generations of Eve players before you have done.

A Universe without danger is a boring Universe. And while I personally do not engage in ganking High Security players, I respect those that do and the skills they have cultivated to excel at their craft. Just as I applaud those that have learned to avoid being ganked. Or attacked by Pirates.

Not undocking is also a choice.

EVEIL's avatar

Imagine a high sec without the threat of ganking.

Goods would move freely between the various trade hubs, multiboxers unleashing their private army of freighters without a worry in the world. Their only motivation is to see their isk balance creep forever upwards. Their cargo packed with the most valuable goods without worry.

Arbitrage between trade hubs becomes near impossible for those seeking the thrill of a good deal.

Haulers for hire are out of a job. Their customers no longer needing to pay someone to take on the risk of moving their stuff.

People become isolated and tunnel visioned. No need to be aware of their surroundings, or react and change plans to mitigate risk. Their hauling routes become routine, monotonous.

Miners min/max, then once they reach their peak, add accounts in order to chase an ever higher isk per hour. But in so doing, drive mineral prices ever lower. Their fleets grow and grow, but to what end? No threat ever presents itself. There is no challange, no unknown. No sense of danger tickling that part of our primitive minds that adds that something extra to the game we all love.

Highsec without gankers would be a lonely place for people who want to play Eve as a single player game, the antithesis of what Eve is.

Sturmer's avatar

Ganking as a Catalyst (oh irony) for Growth and Change

In EVE Online, a universe known for its harshness and unforgiving nature, ganking can be seen as a rite of passage for many players. It pushes players out of their comfort zones, compelling them to explore new strategies, alliances, and aspects of the game they might not have considered otherwise. This experience often leads to personal growth within the game, encouraging players to seek revenge, form new alliances, or venture into less secure areas of space. This dynamic ensures that the game remains challenging and engaging.

The Survival of the Fittest

EVE Online is a game that rewards strategic thinking, preparedness, and adaptability. The threat of ganking reinforces these aspects by reminding players to never undock something they can't afford to lose. This core rule of EVE underlines the game's emphasis on risk management and strategic planning, crucial skills in both EVE and the real world.

Economic Implications

Gankers inadvertently support the game's economy. By destroying ships, they create a demand for replacements, which in turn keeps industrialists and miners busy. This destruction and creation cycle helps to maintain a balanced economy, preventing inflation and keeping mineral prices at a reasonable level. Without this cycle, certain aspects of the economy might stagnate or become less relevant.

Impact on Different Roles a.k.a creating jobs

The presence of gankers adds value to various roles within the game, like haulers and couriers. If ganking were not a threat, the significance of careful, strategic hauling would diminish, potentially making these roles less engaging and rewarding. The danger of being ganked adds a layer of complexity and excitement to these professions.

Personal Adaptation and Caution

From my experience, ganking hasn't significantly impacted my gameplay because I've adapted to its presence. By flying smart and taking necessary precautions, players can often avoid or minimize the risk of ganking. This adaptability is a key part of EVE's gameplay and mirrors real-world scenarios where risk assessment and mitigation are essential.


It's important to acknowledge that ganking can have negative effects as well. Some players may find the experience discouraging, especially if they suffer significant losses early in their gameplay. This could potentially lead to players quitting the game, which is not ideal for the community's growth. Thus, while ganking adds an element of realism and challenge, it's crucial to balance it in a way that doesn't disproportionately penalize new or unprepared players.

In conclusion, ganking, like many aspects of the game, adds depth and complexity to the gameplay. It encourages strategic thinking, fosters economic balance, and enhances the roles of various professions within the game. However, it's essential to maintain a balance that keeps the game challenging yet accessible, especially for newer players.

MacGybo's avatar

The bounty I was waiting for....

This is a pro-ganking post - specifically High Sec suicide ganking.

HS Ganking matches much of the gameplay pattern in Eve in that it's hours of waiting and then an explosive moment of excitement. As you scan ship after ship, you slip into a trance-like state where you're relying on muscle memory. Your brain is continually looking for those little Large Skill Injector / Extractor / Plex icons in the cargo scans. I've often described it as being like fishing. In that sense, it's actually quite relaxing.

As someone who's done Low Sec pvp, null sec blob-fests and plenty of PvE, there are few thrills as great as killing a ship which you know has goodies on board. You shoot. Did it die? Then the heart races as you wait to find out if anything good dropped into the wreck; if you can loot the wreck ahead of everyone else; and if your looter can get away without getting into trouble.

Some nay-sayers describe it as a low-skill game style. That can be true. Anyone with two characters can set up to be a ganker. But if you're doing it in a market hub, you will have competition. You will have other gankers, thieves, anti-gankers and opportunists. So anyone can do it, but you need to be very, very good to survive.

So, does it make New Eden a better place? I say YES - as much as any other style of play. Us gankers have a tight community. We share stories, killmails, intel and advice. Every week, we see stories of big ganks on reddit and the Eve forum. As well all know, it's this community engagement that makes Eve what it is.

Rixx Javix's avatar

I want to add that MacGybo is the sole reason my own opinion regarding HS Ganking has changed over the years. Having him as part of Stay Frosty, talking with him, watching his videos, and learning more about the skill involved in being successful at his craft, has enlightened me to this often marginalized corner of the Eve universe.

Swagger Olacar's avatar

I think that it doesn't make it better or worse. If the question is if it makes New Eden a better place I say is importan to specify better as opposed to what? From playing other Sandboxes/MMOs/RPGs seems like ganking is kinda of what you can expect as part of the gameplay is "a feature" by design wether it was intended or not. So doesn't exactly make it better to other settings in its category. Some might argue that makes it better becuase it takes some sort of calculated knowledge to know how much it takes to take a target down before CONCORD shows up as if it's some sort of skill, or even go as far to say that is a necessary thing to keep the natural cycle of ships (you buy it you lose it, then you buy another one) but null sec and low sec already cover that roll pretty well and in a much larger scale. On the other side the opposition suggest that makes it worse since it deters new players from sticking around, which again, doesn't make sence since it's a core mechanic of this type of games, some go as far as too say that High Security space loses meaning given the fact that you can still get your ship destroyed, I would argue that even in real life and in our current society even in the safest countries in the world one is never inmune to danger, and that if you are so tired of feeling so defenceless that you do something about it, either move to an area like shooting back or even shooting before you get shot is fair game, or that you put some effort into outsmarting your enemies.

In conclussion, ganking was, is and will always be a thing in EVE Online and many other games of the genre. Doesn't make it better or worse, is a matter of as they say "choosing your poision" and how much you are willing to let others decide how much fun you are having in a GAME.

Brother Grimoire's avatar

Ganking is a necessary evil.

It gives a harsh lesson for players to learn from and those that don't wish to repeat their mistakes will "git gud".

Additionally, it serves to create more demand in the EVE economy by making a lot of ships and materials disappear.

FUN INC's avatar

Ganking is part of the sandbox - once you undock you are in the sandbox.

Fly smart, fly safe, fly fun! o7

OP updated with further detail:

In order to minimise risk, and fly safe, you should:

  1. always use tactical bookmarks,

  2. avoid warping gate to gate,

  3. use insta undocks,

  4. use instadocks.

These 4 things alone will help protect you massively.


  1. Don't carry Plex with you EVER.

  2. Don't carry Plex in your cargo EVER.

  3. Don't EVER carry PLEX in your cargo.

Fly smart!

  1. Once you undock you are effectively consenting to being ganked

  2. nowhere in EVE is 100% safe - ignore what people say about hisec - just don't think that way

  3. safeguard yourself against losses by being practical, and smart.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

We might need a little more detail if you want to win a prize for this one 😉

FUN INC's avatar

Added some meat on the bones! :P

Kane Carnifex's avatar

13 Years of Game time no Freighter/JF lost in HS/LS/NS.

You got ganked if you got to much money in short time and didn´t learn the game how you should it.

This is it. Named it.

If you would understand the game, you don´t push 250 Mill l into a Iteron with Expands Cargo jeeting from Jita through 0.5 Securty system.

But here you are asking what happend?!

I rule this like a DARWIN AWARD. Dumb people deserve it, so we all derserve it if we do dumb things.

We don´t need to tell you not to put the hamser into Chef Mike (Microwave) But some people in big country needed EXTRA Information for this. The exact thing counts for ganking.

Also Gank is very good source of SALT.

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