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EVE Online

EVE Online
Alex Sinclair's avatar

Captain's Quarters, anyone?

Sturmer's avatar

Actually, we never requested captain's quarters; what we really wanted was station walking! I need a space where I can mingle and flaunt my 100 billion ISK outfit to other capsuleers. It should be more like a piazza, a place where I can display my wealth and make a bold statement to everyone around =)


Are you readying in my mind...? :|


Captain Quarters.

Change my mind.

Captain Quarters weren't… "useful" to the game at large. It was just a little area you could go in with your character, sit on a couch, enjoy TV, hang around, look at your ship up into the docking bay. It didn't matter from a purely mechanical point of view.

However, it mattered for the immersion, it made the pilot feel alive, feel real instead of just a portrait in the character sheet. It also gave a meaning to having clothes and "dressing up", clothes which you barely see nowadays.

I understand that it was probably a mess of a code, just like the POS code, outdated and uncommented. They couldn't make much sense out of it and maintaining it had become a burden. And yet, I still wish they had brought back an updated Captain Quarters, just as they did with POSes.

Elinore en Divalone's avatar

Captain Quarters :)

And let me out ffs, I want to visit PULSE Bar at J44...

While my computer barely handled it back then it made me feel more immersed into New Eden. Seeing my character walking around added more life to it and seeing my ship from the gallery brought things into proper perspective.

This is probably the reason I am fascinated by Vanguard (and enjoyed DUST514 when CQ was a thing)

And now I am just a ship, though awesome, majestic and lethal one...

(and a Vanguard for 4 days once a month)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Elinore! We're looking for a minimum of 50 words for this bounty though. Could you edit your submission and say a little more about why you want it back?

Kane Carnifex's avatar

I tried to google it but the old forum is currently a massacre of http errors. It looks like around 2015, maybe one of the super old VETs can step in.

We have/had an item ingame which was a mine. (Can't find it, aswell) And from here it gets kind of dirty.

Was it just a collector item from a mission? or Did we really had mine fields in space?

I heard a long time back that these were a thing and got removed because ??? And now when I try to get down the rabbit hole I am too fat and got stuck.

And what really grinds my gears is which “mine” is misused here by civilians! All I get are Orcas and Hulks and Mining Crystals.

Anyway even if it only existed in my mind and all my memories are made up.

Were mine real in EVE or do i still trippin hard?

Sturmer's avatar

Mines were removed with an Exodus, dec 2004. you could load them into missile launchers. back then you could actually load any type of missile into any launcher, only capacity was important. So yea, I had a Kestrel with 4 x 1 cruise missiles loaded into Light missile bays ;)

Sturmer's avatar

haha great, i think i had a BPO on one of my tunes, not sure if i can actually produce the mines

Juno Tristan's avatar

For as much as people say EVE Online is spreadsheets in space, it is really the community that drives this game, having social spaces adds a more human aspect that can really help build your immersion in the New Eden Universe.

With the player character work being done in Vanguard hopefully some of this could translate to a shared space accessible by both games

Walking in Stations! I'll need somewhere to show off all my Vanguard Dropsuits (eventually)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Juno Tristan, we're looking for a minimum of 50 words for entries to this bounty. Could you edit your submission to say a bit more?

Swagger Olacar's avatar

Since it doesn't specify that it has to be a feature once available in Tranquility, something I miss to this day is the Test Server. Having the Singularity server available to all players was such a great thing that not many games I can think of have. To me as a video content creator allowed me to make cinematics of pretty much any ship I wanted, do something in the backround while waiting for something to happen in tranquility on those slow and quiet days whee not much happens. To my alliance it allowed us to practice tactics, train pilots into capital ships, and other sub capital doctrines. It added a lot to the game despite appearances, something that EVE lacks is that instant action, to just load a match and shoot stuff left and right and the Test server compensated for that by giving your the option to load it and fit a ship, any ship, however you wanted and fool witht it with no real consequences. I'm hoping one day CCP will retract of this.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar


P.O.S - Player Owned Starbases

In this day and age of Eve Online, it is Citadel spam central, especially in Low-Security Space & Null/Wormhole space. The very essence of "holding systems" in Eve Online has disappeared, now it is simply "slam Keepstars down".

This has led to a serious lack of "defensive gameplay" going on across claimable systems. Now it all kicks off around one station by one.

P.O.S. warfare was much more tactical IMO, that it enabled fleets to kick off at each other.

So bring back P.O.S. warfare.

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

You can still buy and anchor a POS, they can't be removed.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Yes, but they are not used as main gameplay because of Citadels, and as far as I'm aware they can no longer be made/blueprint issues so for all intents and purposes they are gone. POS warfare is better than station games, hands down :P


I really did like the Concept of the Captain's Quarters and would like to see it brought back for Vanguard when not deployed for boots on the ground missions.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Eyekenspel We're looking for a minimum of 50 words for this bounty. Could you edit your submission to say a little more about why you want it back?

Sturmer's avatar

YESSSS! I don't even care about the ability to add my own mp3s, just let me switch in-game tracks to my liking.


Bring back Faction Auto-Targeting missiles!

Auto-targeting missiles have had quite a few changes over the years to their mechanics to make them more predictable and useful. However, years ago sources of the faction variants of these missiles were removed over concerns of people using them for afk income generation rather than imbalance reasons. This was a poor decision as there were numerous better ways of running sites, such as with drones and smart bombs, that were a major problem at the time. Since then that problem has gotten worse, especially with the rise of botting.

In PvP Auto-Targeting missiles are still a unique tool. In fitting limited settings such as tournaments, they have a role to play as part of anti-jamming comps. For the rare anti-drone fit they are quite useful in structure bashes. And for awoxing spais, they are the best alibi.

If reintroduced at an appropriate cost they could expand on these niche uses, without upsetting the meta for PvE.

Sturmer's avatar

That probably will ruin the balance completely, FoFs at this moment are already too OP in PVE on ships like Orthrus, especially after the latest light missiles balance change. It's a raw +50 DPS on a ship that already deletes everything in let's say 4/10 in full AFK.

Sturmer's avatar

In considering this bounty, I found myself deliberating between several classic features. However, I'm aware that EVE Online is a complex game where certain additions, like combining AB+MWD, could create significant balance issues. So, I've narrowed it down to two relatively safe ideas:

A basic Jukebox feature – nothing fancy like creating playlists or mixing. Simply the ability to choose from over 70 EVE tracks, including all login tracks from previous expansions (please, please, please!). A simple loop function would suffice.

The option to fit oversized weapons on smaller ships – with the caveat that you can only undock if the current fitting rules are met. Remember how fun it was to have a Vigil spinning in the station with Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery II, or a Brutix with a single 425mm Railgun? These quirky and amusing fits added character to the game. I never really understood why CCP Games removed the ability to use oversized weapons on smaller ships.

Rixx Javix's avatar

I'm not going to post a submission for this one, I don't have any old features I want to see returned to Eve Online. But I am shocked at how many people have mentioned Walking in Stations as an option. They say if you live long enough you'll eventually see everything and I think they might be correct. Please, please a responding NO to Walking in Stations.

We fought a long and hard Summer to teach CCP an extremely important lesson about their own game - a lesson that included a lot of things like golden ammo, pricey merchandise, and even WiS. Eve Online is a game about spaceships. It should always be a game about spaceships. It is challenging enough as it is to get people to undock and create content. WiS would make that situation so much worse. So much worse.

WiS is a great idea - for another game.

Elinore en Divalone's avatar

Rixx, I know you are a big fan of board games, I saw you participating in EVE board game (from Titan Forge) twitch stream few weeks ago.

EVE Online can be viewed as a kind of a board game where most action is "make believe" and this kind of player characters explicit "simulation" feels off.

But consider this: while playing a RL board game you participate in it together with your living-breathing-laughing-teasing fellow humans. I bet a cosplay is not ruled out as well. You don't feel it's off do you? :)

Then WIS would be that for EVE Online - an explicit visible human factor of a board game. Some (like me) miss that.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Elinore - I do appreciate that sentiment, I really do. And I would agree if Eve had been constructed with that in mind from the beginning. But after 20 years? I really do believe Eve needs to continue to focus on what made it great from the beginning and not lose sight of its mission. Those of us who lived through Incarna can never forget what a horrid mess that was and the important lessons we all learned from the experience.

Bubba_EvE's avatar

-Ansiblex needs fatigue at the very least, since they facilitate mega-coalitions to dominate over long stretches of the map from the comfort of their capital system

-Marauders are still broken even after the recent balance changes: their dps is too high, oppressive and unbalanced, combined with absurd tank and mobility thanks to bonused MJD

-The nerf to rapidlight and triglavian weapons makes no sense in a meta dominated by marauders, recons and jaguars

-The nullification changes nerfed fleet ceptors for no reason at all, just because nullsec cried of ceptor fleets that could only kill a few ratters employing 30 guys. Fleet ceptors should have their nullification back without needing the nullification module

-Mobile observatories are terrible and should be removed. AFK cloak has never been a problem, the problem has always been free intel through local chat and afk cloak was the only counter against it. Mobile observatory are a huge undeserved nerf to assymetrical warfare and remove even more risk from already super-safe nullsec

-Citadels should only be able to use their weapons at 90% shield and at reinforcement timers so you can fight at citadel grids. Citadels on gates are very strong and should not be allowed as they allow ultra-fast reshipping and response. Anchoring should only be allowed at moons, planets or the sun to limit their number and power

-Navy Faction ships like osprey navy, exeq navy, etc are very cheap compared to their performance vs T1 and could do with a +20% material cost increase. On the other side pirate ships like cynabal, orthrus, etc are underpowered related to their cost vs T2 and faction and could do with a -30% reduction to build costs

-Bubbles in lowsec are awful. Many people play in lowsec because they don't like bubble mechanics. We have NPC and sov null already if you want to play with bubbles

-Homefront operations in hisec are over-tuned. They are very popular among both newbies and veterans since the payouts are extremely good and the risk and skill requirements are extremely low, which makes them very inbalanced from a risk-reward point of view.

-Test server should be back

EVEIL's avatar

I'm pretty happy with the changes that have been made since returning to Eve.

That said, there is one very minor detail that has been missing for a while now. Every time I've taken an acceleration gate into a mission complex I've been wondering what it is about the gate animation that I felt was lacking.

Its pretty enough in the current form, but then I remembered how it used to look. As you activated the acceleration gate, arcs of electricity used to reach out to your ship, seeming to propel you into warp. I always loved that animation, and at some point it was removed. Some combination of old and new would be perfection in my opinion. The warm orange glow of present, mixed with the blue tendrils of electric caress of old. I'm not trying to move mountains here, CCPlease.

Sturmer's avatar

yeah! It was a great small touch! Not sure why they removed it

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