Finding the ideal corp can be a challenge. They come in all shapes and sizes, from newbro-friendly Highsec corps to ruthless pirate gangs. Eventually, we'd love to create the internet's most comprehensive guide to EVE corps. For that reason, we'll run similar bounties in the future with different corp categories, but for now we want your recommendations for great corps that fit one of the following criteria:
Highsec corps
Lowsec corps
Nullsec corps
Wormhole corps
While just suggesting one corp won't disqualify you, what we'd really love is to receive multiple recommendations in each bounty submission. If you can, recommend a corp for each category. Tell us about the corp's attitude, ethos, goals, entry requirements, reputation, and/or activities. We're looking for a minimum of 120 words.
already paid
$32 / 48
This reward closed to entries at 12pm on March 21, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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