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EVE Online

EVE Online
Wadd Enderas's avatar

The Iteron Mark V developed and manufactured by Gallente Federation. Ideally it kitted out with 5 Expanded Cargohold modules in the low slots to really maximise the amount of scrap metal you can throw at your opponent.

Surprisingly, the ship does actually come with a turret hardpoint, but really making use of that would just get in the way of thed salvagers you'd need to fit to clean up after all your wanton destruction.

It is important that you focus on a specifc target though, which is why the ship limits you to a maximum of two locked targets at any one time. The raw HP of just 2,160 keeps the while thing in balance though, to ensure things stay interesting.

orik Kado's avatar

The best ship for PvP is the Nereus. Basically, why wouldn't it be? It's the only cargo ship in the game that can use drones. Here's how it works:

You'll go out looking for smaller ships and intimidate them with your powerful drones. If they don't agree to give you their ISK, you'll use your ship to teach them a lesson and kill them. Once their remains are floating in space, you'll scoop them up into your enormous cargo hold (2700 m3) and continue looking for new victims until you've filled it completely. Then, you sell what you've obtained because you need ISK for more Nereus, and the cycle repeats.

Warning: Excessive piracy may lead to hair loss, an obsession with Triglavians, and death at the hands of CONCORD.

Rushlock's avatar

Obviously the fitted Retriever CCP sells in the New Player offer! How could anything you pay money for ever lose in combat?! The bundle even unlocks an EXPERT system that makes you a MASTER of flying that ship. You're basically unstoppable, and at the same time can mine rocks to gain even more riches!

FUN INC's avatar

hold my beer, let me go dust of the venture! We don't want to kill them quickly... we want to mine them to death! :D

JAKEL33T's avatar

PVP isn't just about the DPS & kills, sometimes you just want to be in the same room as the party. The Monitor is the best PVP solo ship for "getting into" the action, even if you're living vicariously.

Rixx Javix's avatar

The secret answer to this question is the Pod, capsule, stinky water home. I've killed 436 ships with my Pod according to zKill which means it ranks in the top ten of my all-time rankings. And while the pod is only 14.7% effective, true masters of PvP know that it is the hardest ship in all of Eve Online to score kills with. But I'm breaking that oath today to share the news with you!

Look at any great kill-mail and you'll always notice tons of pods littering the kill. Once you see this, you will forever be unable to unsee it. Now ask yourself, what are you missing?

The Pod. Death dealer.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Do you ever salvage a ship with a live capsule inside?

Hold my joint!

There is this rumor around which says a Noctis can salvage a ship once it's damaged to the hull. Salvagers are the cruelest weapons in the whole eve universe. These are the only ones which rip live parts out of your ship  letting attributes, modules diminish on your overview. Being stranded in your capsule.

I called this bullshit… if you search for it you find nothing like it would be a hidden secret. Some would say it is an easter egg others believe it is a feature like these DEV T2 Blueprints.

Was there a module on F2 or did I forget to fit my NOS? Driving your enemy into insanity slowly transforming his ship into a cloud of nothing.

Did Star Citizen already steal this feature? Yes, they have been making ships into nanite clouds since 2024.

Be careful if you ever see a noctis in the wild, the heavy tractor beam will slowly lure you into the dead zone of his salvager range like a lanternfish from the deep dark sea. An industry ship would be nice killmail.. you fool why did you not run as we told you. You have doomed us all.

Why did you never hear about this before? Because since I am writing this I have a constant knob tank over my body.

Not because I am scared of it… the call of my noctis for new prey is always present.  If you close your eyes you hear how metal breaks into pieces and the ship system shutting off one after another.

Also if you will be called by the Noctis of the deep. You answer because the mating ritual between two noctis is a spectacular spectacle.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Ladies & Gentlemen, I present to you, the Velator, with this amazing and incredibly expensive PvP Fit, I not only have the ability to destroy my enemies but also to mine their ship afterwards!

Sturmer's avatar

The best solo PvP ship in EVE Online is the Blackbird.

This ship got hull bonuses to jammer range and strength, making it an excellent solo electronic warfare vessel. The Blackbird is equipped with enough mid slots to support a versatile 'rainbow fit' of all four racial jammers. Additionally, it has 2 mid and 3 low slots to spare, providing the flexibility to include a propulsion module, a scrambler, and hull tank modules.

With a bit of luck, enough time, and skilled piloting, the Blackbird can take down any target, even a marauder – assuming, of course, the marauder happens to be AFK.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

EVE is actually an Japenese RPG with Spaceships.

Fact: The Blackbird is like a Tank similar to like the ones in WOW or other RPGs. With you jamming you force enemys to only be able to shoot you. Which is a perfect agro skill for an TANK.

No, you don´t shoot my Logi friend. You will only shoot me.

Limal's avatar

wait, what's the point in ECM for solo?!

Sturmer's avatar

Solo pvp in eve is a myth =P


The best ship for PvP by far is the Rorqual ORE Development Edition. The battle Rorqual by is the highest form of elite PvP. Flying a rare ship that seems defenseless is the perfect bait, while the rorqual can defend itself and support a nano gang lying in wait. The name alone will also confuse people when they look at their overview while many mining bots will not see the ship as a threat.

Swagger Olacar's avatar

I'm going to provide the obvious answer and that has to be the Ibis, the starting corvetter of the caldari, I was once told that if something is not broken, don't fix it, begs the question why would even want to upgrade from the Ibis:

  • It has infinite ammo.

  • Is free.

  • Has an ewar bonus for ECM jammers.

  • I comes with a mining laser as standard.

  • Will get you through most of the initial missions of the game to learn all of the basic mechanics.

  • Looks better than every other corvette so there's that.

  • It comes with free modules!

  • It has a drone bay.

Some say is so good in fact that it costed some B0SS Alliance an Alliance Tournament becuase they could not shake the ECM from a single Ibis.

Honestly, it can do most basic things in the game, yes would could buy a specialized mining barge like a hulk but is the hulk free? can you fly it when you are just fressh from the game? is it alpha friendly? no? then look no further for the best ship in the game! Try yours now!


The shuttle.

Perfect tank, perfect DPS, perfect agility. All in the package. Don't worry about what module to fit and what to not fit, the shuttle has you covered, coming already perfectly fitted. Just perfect the way it is.

Free your mind, fight free, fly free.

Buy a shuttle today.

The problem with this bounty is that if there is a ship, someone did try to pvp with it, whatever it was intended or not for that (see Battle Ventures or Battle Orcas for example); thus it might not be as ridiculous as you might think XD

EVEIL's avatar

The most powerful ship in Eve is Friendship. But how can you possibly fly the friendship solo?

Dear reader, cast off the shackles of social obligation. Never again will you have to call for help, only for your "friends" to arrive seconds too late, conveniently. Never worry about having to schedule fleets again. The solo friendship experience is here: Multiboxing.

For the measly cost of the tattered remains of your social life, you too can pay CCP for the privilege to field your own fleet. Spread your attention thinner than your abused wallet as you fail to do with three clients what you could barely do with one.

Embrace the concept of task saturation, for it will be all that stands between you and that ever nagging feeling in the back of your mind telling you to go outside.

Multiboxing! Playing with yourself never felt so good.


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