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EVE Online

EVE Online
Limal's avatar

I know multiboxing is a big part of the Eve Online community, and other members' posts verify that. Personally, I have several accounts with multiple characters on each, mainly to avoid clone jumping. These are primarily trading or production alts. I rarely use them simultaneously, but when I do, it's usually for running COSMOS agents, where I might use my character with an Orca as a mobile platform.

I think it's great that CCP Games has allowed this type of gameplay since the beginning. Most MMOs ban multiboxing, and it has always puzzled me why. Eve's approach adds a unique layer of strategy and flexibility to the game.

Kaiser Friedlich's avatar


As a player that only does PvP Gameplay, multiboxxing is a vital tool in order to increase my chances for an enjoyable eve online evening. I mostly use my second account only for intel gathering/scouting/inital tackling of targets. Proper multiboxing setups, like drone bunnies or 15 marauders like the ones used in pochven are not something I did.

But in general my opinion is that players who invest more time & effort into their multiboxing setups should reap the benefits from it. I don't see it as destructive playstyle for eve online.

Sturmer's avatar

I'm someone who engages in multiboxing, including high-risk PVP. It would be insane for me to say that multiboxing is bad, as it's what keeps me invested in Eve Online.

I'm in a unique position, which you might call semi-retirement. After playing the game for over 20 years, many people around me have left. At one point, I found myself alone as everyone in my corp quit the game. I could have joined another corp, but with a new family and work projects, I wasn't ready for serious commitments, and joining a casual corp didn't appeal to me either.

I needed to adapt or leave. So, I created a concept to fulfill my fantasy of playing a nomadic fleet. I live in very hostile space, with no friends or stations, and I avoid gates. All my characters utilize covert technologies and covert portals, allowing me to travel relatively safely, engage in PVE, ambush PVP, and observe big alliances from a distance. I live in the shadows and enjoy this type of gameplay, which is impossible with a single account.

For the social aspect, I'm active in an in-game chat with a mix of pilots from various backgrounds—loners like me, big corps, small corps, gankers, and PVErs. There are about 250 people who almost never meet in person or in the game but have known each other for a decade. I could probably call them friends, why not?

Luka Zaharin's avatar

I do not multibox at the moment, as my second account is currently alpha. I have two utility alts on both my main and my secondary account, my main character on the first account and a char especially trained to work in tandem with the first one on the second account. What I most enjoyed about multiboxing so far, is having a scout when traveling or hauling and being able to avoid asking corpmates or friends to help me with tedious work.

In PvP situations, the second char is useful as backpack links, scout, cloaked hauler or fast reship, but overall I would say it takes a lot of training to be able to fly two or more ships well and consistently. I think every player that is good enough to fly more than one ship in serious PvP should be allowed to do so, as it takes a lot of training and dedication and brings no serious disadvantage to their targets that could not be brought in by calling friends.

In PvE, multiboxing is certainly a big question. Multiboxing Ishtars in 0.0, frigates in abyss and Algoses in FW plexes is very common. In my opinion it is good and every players own choice as long as they use it to farm rapidly renewable sites. I see no problem in multiboxing Abyss or missions, and I cannot say how it applies to nullsec. What I do know, is that it is very unpleasant to encounter Algos or Coercer fleets in factional warfare sites. They destroy the market, run sites that were supposed to be ran by small fleets and even attack friendly targets. The drone assist and sometimes even illegal input broadcast programs allow them to be highly efficient in PvP and there is little means of taking them down. So far I do not have any idea on how to remove this problem without causing other players to loose important abilities such as drone assist against kiters or training newbies in high-payout sites.

I am not a miner, but I am not sure I could afford the ships I like to fly if there were no multiboxing miners. At least in highsec, it seems like the high respawn rate of the asteroids allow them to consistently gain their income and keep the industry and markets stocked without causing harm to others.

All in all is multiboxing no way to replace space friends. It can be useful in many situations, but in the end a good friend is worth more than an alt. Alts do not listen to you, they don't laugh with you when you fly a silly fit, they don't suffer with you over a lost ship. The friendships made in Eve can be stronger than current allegiance, in the end, the game is not about pixels, ISK or even spaceships, it is about the people you meet on your way. Of course hardcore solo players will not conquer with this and everyone can play as they like, but in my opinion, Eve is about people, not places.

(btw, I want my people&places tab back, I miss having everything in one window :p )

PandoraRupture's avatar

I usually play with 10 accounts because it takes the same amount of time to earn enough ISK to pay for their subscriptions as it would for just one account. However, this isn't true for all activities since it's unlikely you can effectively manage 10 ships in T6 Abyssal sites or similar high-intensity situations.

If you play solo with one account, it's probably easiest and most enjoyable to pay for Omega directly and only grind ISK for your next goal, ship, or skill points.

I have mixed feelings about boxing. On one hand, it’s a great way to increase efficiency. On the other hand, many activities, especially in PvE, become monotonous.

In PvP, while boxing, I always risk 10 times what a normal player would by default. However, it's rare that an enemy outnumbers me or can even destroy one of my ships.

Boxing in EVE is an integral part of the game, similar to Old School RuneScape. Removing it would likely see the active "player" count drop by at least half, if not more.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Personally I play Eve on one character, one account. That is and has always been my choice. However, in my world of PvP Piracy it is common for players to box at least two accounts - one being commonly used as a scout or tackle for the main. I have nothing against a player choosing to play this way, in fact, I have nothing but respect if they happen to be good at it. Especially when they are in my fleets. That is one flavor of boxing.

Generally speaking I have no issues with boxers. As others have said, they have to pay for those accounts and should be allowed to use them any way they choose within the rules of the game. I'm fine with that. However, in one regard, I do believe that boxing can have a detrimental impact in certain areas of the game - primarily when it comes to resources. There are only so many resources to go around and one player box-rushing a Plex or Site with multiple characters exploits those resources to their own advantage with a speed and ability that is challenging for another player to achieve or to stop. Especially when it comes to Factional Warfare plexes in Low Security space. This is beneficial to the boxer and detrimental to the non-boxer. And while I wouldn't call this an exploit or anything - it is cause for some concern.

And while it is easy to say those practicing this are also risking more, in my experience these box-rushers are also typically using other means to avoid being challenged. And that is where this becomes a real problem.

Otherwise, I love multi-boxers. It's fun watching all of their Algos explode.

Luka Zaharin's avatar

Hey, can I have your Algos-Killer fit? They are really unpleasant when they start to pile up, and I have not found any reliable way of taking them down yet.

Rixx Javix's avatar

It all depends on if they are regular multi-boxers or if they are running on code. If they are running code then the best way to catch one is to sit outside the plex cloaked and align to the beacon, then slide. Most of the time they can't respond fast enough and you'll catch at least one. Although we are hearing rumors now about a code upgrade that might change this.

If they are regular multi-boxers then a solid arty Thrasher Fleet is good enough usually. You can usually explode one or two before you have to warp out, or have a few buddies follow you in and clean up the whole mess.

Kshal Aideron's avatar

For myself, and most people in the Eve Rookies community, boxing is a means to an end. We will always put people before boxes in all of our fleets but we can and do box to get a fleet undocked. This unfortunately has been crucial in getting Headquarter Incursion fleets going.

However, when 1 person boxing is pushing a fleet of multiple people out is where the problem (and bad feelings) start to occur. I can't get anyone to FC Homefront Operations because several boxers are saving sites. We have multiboxers killing their own faction in FW to run competition for the sites off.

Boxing isn't a bad thing inherently. I think we're just at the point where people rather just play by themselves instead of fleeting up.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


No, multi boxing is not a bad thing, but it depends on what it's used for. I often used to multibox in my PvE activities, my most prolific one being a Marauder and two Augorors to speed run level 4's.

I think multiboxing is only harmful when used with the intention of disrupting others' gameplay such as ganking fleets etc.

This being said, Eve Online is a Sandbox and this is a point of the game, the whole point of "sandbox" is to "do what you want within the rules of the game".

So the argument that something can be "bad" would be the point of a knife if used as a weapon or as a tool. Multiboxing would be the same argument.

IMO There is no argument to be made it's bad for the game. Unless intentionally used as such.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

One Buck…but I have soooo much to tell.

First of all I started with one Account and later upgraded to two accounts.
My personal peak was 3 Accounts for some covert ops and AFK Camping in nullsec.

Anyway with my first ,and still my first, Jumpfreighter…
all my available  Characters got skilled into Cyno, PI and ofc. Reactions.

Also you can have a Dread and a Fax or Carrier at the same time.
Beside letting your JF Toon take a break in Jita for some really needed shopping & Wellness.

Don't underestimate the work for 6x Toons and total of 36 Planets of PI for example.
But it's much of Passive income which then can be concentrated to be more.

Spinning two Ishtars feels better than one, also in case of fire 10 drones hurt more than 5.

It makes some stuff easier, but depends on your social skills and how supportive your corporation is.

Rushlock's avatar

I don't currently, but I have before.

EVE is a sandbox, so multiboxing or not, neither helps nor harms the game, beyond multiboxing ofcourse making CCP more money.

It only negatively impacts solo corpless players. They do it in the first place to avoid interaction with other players, which is the entire point of a sandbox.

Multiboxing has been long running if not always a thing with EVE. The limitation in the past was hardware. Now it is easier to multibox than to interact socially with other players, and users generally take the path of least resistance.

There is no unfair advantage in terms of wealth. As you scale up your accounts, you simply put more on grid, so your risk increases evenly. There is nothing game oriented preventing someone from multiboxing themselves. Any limitation is hardware based on their end.

Nothing should be done about it. In short, it's bad for players in the context of hampering their need to network with other players. That's a player created problem, not a game created problem. CCP will never prioritize anything related to hampering multiboxing, because it would cost them money to do so, and cost them more money as a result.


I dislike it for several reasons.
Mainly because it gives an unfair advantage over others that don't or even can't/unable to do so.
This also has an effect on the market, causes prices to change either good or bad.

Plus it would also be more fun if people would just use 1 character.
I had this situation where I was talking to several people and then found out because they started to sound the same in stories and experience that it was the same person that talked to me with 3 different character as if they were all 3 individual players.

Plus multiboxers could at least use the random name generator on their alts instead of naming them IPWNYOU1, IPWNYOU2, IPWNYOU3, IPWNYOU 4, IPWNYOU5, etc.

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