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Konquest's avatar

Kanan Jarrus / Caleb Dume

Kanan survived Order 66 as a young boy thanks to his master, Depa Billaba. He never got to finish his Jedi training, which constantly made him doubt his abilities. Even when training Ezra he seeks to better himself and master his skills. It's the classic underdog story that begins as a rogue like cowboy character. Eventually as he begins to train Ezra he shows more responsibility and grows as a character. I Hate Love the ending but I see how that has to happen for story purposes and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

FUN INC's avatar

Ooooh! - this is tough.

Scrbzy has already mentioned this, but i feel that Kylo Ren is a vastly underated character.

He seemed to be on a precipice of good and evil at more points during the course of his appearances than possibly any other character (even more so than LS for example).

I can't for the life of me remember the name of the planet, but where Kylo is fighting with Rey and there surrounded by the planet that was basically imploding, and there is all the fire and ice around them, the light and shade of good and evil, heaven and hell etc definitely feel that his character was being torn apart and caused him to be very conflicted emotionally during the course of his appearances.


Quinlan Vos

Super chill in fighting Cad bane in clone wars . defeats volfe karkko

Did the whole grey jedi thing before asoka

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I was hoping Quinlan Vos would get a shoutout. Such a cool character.

Sturmer's avatar

Ahsoka Tano

My favourite Star Wars character is Ahsoka Tano ❤️, and her appearance in 2023 was fantastic! She's a remarkable character for many reasons; check out her detailed wiki page if you're not familiar (it's impressively thorough, with a 116-page PDF!). What captivates me most is her development. Initially introduced in the Clone Wars as an impulsive, rebellious teen, we witness her evolution into a true Jedi. Her transformation culminates in the recent TV series centered on her, where she emerges as a mature, composed Jedi, embodying the very essence of the Jedi's beliefs and path.

Makster's avatar

It's a little silly but I love Tag and Bink.

Its was a limited comic book series that pokes fun at the Star Wars franchise with these two background characters. Think Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (1990). These two guys survive through the galaxy interacting with all these important players in the Star Wars universe. The writers are clearly fans of the franchise and don't want to create retcons in the franchise.

They've actually nearly made it onto the big screen but had to be cut for various reasons. It's probably the one comic I recommend any Star Wars fan to read as it is a trip down memory lane going through all the major set pieces of the franchise from a different angle

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice choice. Which big-screen appearance did they almost manage?

Makster's avatar

It was Solo: A Star Wars Story. They were supposed to be the officers that escort Han when he fails to get into the pilot academy but alas it was cut but from various bits of media they are still credited as Tag and Bink.


Now, putting aside that the concept of "greatest" is debatable.

The greatest ever Star Wars character...

... from the Original Trilogy?

... from the Prequel Trilogy?

... from the old Expanded Universe?

... from the new Canon?

Luke, Han, or Leia? That's a hard choice. The young guy coming to greatness, something very relatable? the hardened older guy that still has a heart of gold? Or the woman that defied standards and role models showing the balls?! You tell me I'm forgetting Darth Vader, with "its magic", the Emperor, heart of all evil, or Tarkin, a true villain using fear to keep local systems in line? What about the See-Threepio, human-cyborg relations fluent in over six million forms of communication, and his counterpart, Artoo-Detoo? It's not a choice I can do... they are all too great.

In the Prequel Trilogy, it would be a bit easier as I would probably focus on Obi-Wan Kenobi, I know he appears in the original trilogy as well but I already spoke too many names and it's in the prequel he said "Hello there.", and on Senator Palpatine cause he worked so finely leading to the rise of the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society.

Then, the old Expanded Universe had... a lot of characters worth of attention, from Ysanne Isard to Thrawn, to Wedge Antilles and the pilots of Rogue Squadron, to the children of Han, Leia and Luke, further forward to Darth Krayt or further backwards to Darth Bane or Revan.

In the new Canon, this is the way, so the Mandalorian? The new Thrawn? Omega and the Bad Batch? Rex? Rey? One of the Jedi from the High Republic? Ashoka Tano? I'm not sure honestly.

Okay, okay, you're asking me one name... only one...

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The man. The legend.

Nothing else is needed to be said. He is Obi-Wan Kenobi, of course he knows that name, that's him.

Philip's avatar

KS2O from Rogue One

He's such a witty robot and I think he stole the show in Rogue One - which was also my favourite Star Wars film.

Damien Mason's avatar

Alan Tudyk is fantastic in virtually everything he's been in.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Rogue One is next on my list right after The Empire Strikes Back. Amazing movie. And I loved how they took some core ideas from old SW books to keep old fans happy, while giving it a rewamp to make it fit into current canon. Someone on that production team clearly did their homework.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Totally agree. I loved Rogue One and Andor. They encapsulated the reboots I wanted to see

Horror and Cats's avatar

Princess Leia was the first live-action heroine who really stuck with me and certainly shaped my positive view of tough, independent women. In episode 4, she's a princess who isn't afraid to go full smuggler to fight an oppressive regime and in 5 she's graduated to frontline military command. By 6 she's getting shot, having space-motorcycle chases and strangling her captors with their own slave bonds.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Both my favourite characters are from the books of Timothy Zahn and after a long debate I'll have to go with our blue friend here:

Possibly the most well written character of the entire franchise. One of the most terrifying villains the Rebels had to face, and one of the greatest hero of the Empire. He's a tactical genius, and fought himself up from no-one to one of the highest possible ranks in the entire Imperial Fleet. And we all know what kind of achievement that is if you are not human.

Without going into too much spoilers I will only say that under his command we have seen the Empire flourish, and we all wonder what would have been the outcome of the Battle of Endor if Thrawn was in command of the fleet there.

The old books now dubbed as Legends will always be canon for me, but I think it says a lot about how great of a character he is that he made it into the now official canon as well. And what I love even more and salute the master for writing it this way... all the new books about him are in line with the old ones. They are prequels, perfectly fitting into his original story, not overwriting a single fact about him.

I haven't watched Ashoka yet, but really excited to finally set some time aside and do so, they chose a perfect actor to portray him.

Makster's avatar

Even as a Star Wars casual like me that has only consumed the main movies I even heard of this guy's feats and the Chiss empire. I hope when he makes his big entrance in the main movies they will do him justice

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

There is no greater evil than Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker. The evolution from highly skilled, good guy Jedi to bad guy, is just a no-brainer for me!

IMO the character was so well written that people obviously did not see it coming and that is what made him, him, his ability to perform full-on evil activities and have a solid, logical reason for it. Just makes it the best-written character in my opinion!

Damien Mason's avatar

Captain Rex

In a world filled with magical samurai that war between light and dark, it's difficult to make a comparatively regular character stand out. Captain Rex fills this void perfectly as Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano's lead clone trooper. He doesn't appear in the movies, unless you'll count the hinted retcon that he fought in the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi, but instead plays out through The Clone Wars, Rebels, and The Bad Batch animated series. Seriously, these are gems, so much so that I prefer them to the live action stuff.

First, a word on clone troopers as a concept: The Clone Wars does an incredible job of giving them all distinct personalities despite all having the same face and voice. What makes Rex so special is that he throws caution to the wind compared to his programmed brethren, going along with Skywalker's often bonkers plans. He has a lot of heart and, without spoilers, is the key person involved in the microchip conspiracy, which is one of the most engaging plotlines in all of Star Wars.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Have you watched The Bad Batch? I haven't gotten around to it yet

Konquest's avatar

You should :D It's really great! I recommend

Damien Mason's avatar

I've not watched the latest season but I plan to catch up!

Scrbzy's avatar

Strangley a divisive character among the fanbase but my nomination is Kylo Ren.

I love the fact that he's constantly torn between the light and the dark and is so emotionally unstable. It gives him air of unpredictability which becomes a terrifying feature with someone seemingly so powerful. We could go deeper into how badly written the sequel trilogy is and how his character was done dirty with dialogue and progression but I think Adam Driver did a stellar job with what he had.

As a final note, the cross guard hilt is fucking dope and the kyber crystal being unstable like he is is a nice detail that I appreciated.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Totally agreed, I have many gripes with the sequel trilogy (especially episode VIII), but Adam Driver - as always - was fantastic. And you beat me to it with the unstable kyber crystal comment

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Now how do I choose from my 2 favourites??? And that's not including a side character probably no one knows about but I love dearly.... You are killing me Alex!

Paul's avatar

Got to be Asoka Katana. Her story from padawan to outcast is brilliant and shes one of the few force using characters that are not just the usual Jedi or Sith. Disney should leave the Skywalkers alone and focus on Asoka.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

For sure. I liked her more and more as the animated series progressed, and I like the character arc in the live-action series

Konquest's avatar

Ahsoka has been through a lot. The ending scene of clone wars series really hit me, the scene where she was pushed to train harder, knocked out but despite the hardship she persevered.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Yes! That final scene was incredible. So incredible that I just had to watch it again.

mar1gold 's avatar

General Grievous from Star Wars is the best because he's like a cyborg ninja with tons of lightsabers :) When he fights Obi-Wan Kenobi, he does this really cool move where he spins his lightsabers in a circle :0

Makster's avatar

He also has COPD and despite the empire's health insurance providing him with a lung transplant, he still does his job of exterminating the Jedi. Truly we all can learn a thing or two from our General

Demonsmustdie's avatar

MY favourite character from Star wars is Bobba Fett. I got to meet the original actor from the movies.

He still is a brill bounty hunter

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey there Demonsmustdie - it looks like this was meant to be a bounty entry. Unfortunately, we can't award it when it's just a 'reply'. Thanks for entering anyway though!

Juuni's avatar

Can I submit for a little justice for Jacen and Jaina Solo? Cruely deleted by the Disney steamroller.


Obviously Jar Jar Binks

Lanah Tyra's avatar

No one mentioned my other favourite character so I'll have to.

Alex Sinclair You really made me choose between her and Thrawn? Not fair...

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Alas, I don't think we're going to get Mara on the big screen now :'(

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Sadly :( When I still wanted to be a film director / actress I wanted to make movies from the original Thrawn Trilogy and I wanted to play her.... girl can dream 😅

Alex Sinclair's avatar

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