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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Just About, forever, no questions needed, no questions asked!

Boomer's avatar

That's good because I've got no answers! 😂


Hey, who said I'm friendly?! Who spews such lies about me?! 🤨😂

Boomer's avatar

...and yet here we are, having a perfectly friendly conversation 🙂


Hey all, I'm Groblin but also answer to Gorblin and Tiger-Headed prick thanks to Platform32

Boomer's avatar

Hey Groblin, welcome to Just About! 🙂A few of us from the JA team were watching Platform32 's streams earlier this week. He's got some great back and forth with chat, and we all kept losing it at EMMETT!! 😆

Boomer's avatar

Hey @Smokey_Lyle, welcome! I really enjoyed the vibe in the stream chat, so it's great to see some folk joining us here 😊 Also, I love your question about retro games that give you a serotonin dump, so I'm just about to share mine! 😁

Horror and Cats's avatar

Thanks! I really enjoy the vibe here! I haven't had social media since 2010, unless you count YouTube, so it's nice to see a place which isn't like all the other doom scrolling spots on the internet. I'm more than happy to contribute to the good vibes.

Dave's avatar

That's one of the reasons I join in so much on here, I have YouTube as that's not really social media, but I deleted all the others years ago.

I have signed up for an X account again to enter the screen shot bounties, but will be spending as little time as possible on there!

Horror and Cats's avatar

If you put up an image post on YouTube and have that account linked, would images be able to be shared that way? I made a Twitter (back when it WAS Twitter) so I could use a tier listing tool in a video, but I’ve only logged into it that one time haha. I’ll not contribute to Elon’s nonsense.

Paul's avatar

HI all, Im Paul. Found Just About thanks to the intellectually classy youtube streams of Platform32

Horror and Cats's avatar

When I watch Platform32 streams/videos on my phone, I hold it with my pinky extended.

Boomer's avatar

Hi Paul, welcome to the platform! I'm new to @Platform32's streams, but I feel his classiness has left a mark.


Thanks for the welcome! I joined a few weeks ago via recommendation from GameofBeardz ! I’m his biggest fan (his wife 😂)

Boomer's avatar

What better sign of approval is there than marrying someone? That's a pretty big recommendation! 😁

Welcome to the Just About community blaisentoast!


Thanks for the welcome! I joined via recommendation from GameofBeardz ! I’m his biggest fan (his not wife 😂)

Boomer's avatar

OK Scorned you really freaked me out there for a moment! I thought I'd implied GameofBeardz was married to you, not blaisentoast! 😬

Anyway, welcome to the platform! 😁

GameofBeardz's avatar

Hey Boomer!

Thanks for popping in chat the other night, had a blast playing Nightingale and getting to show off JustAbout and the new Nightingale community. Looking forward to playing a lot more and sharing this wonderful platform to more of my community ❤️

Boomer's avatar

Hey GameofBeardz, no worries! It was great to watch along for a bit. 😄 No doubt you'll see me popping up in chat from time to time.

I'm trying to check out more streams, starting with the weekly stream schedule in the Content Creators Space.


Hi, Resonant Alchemist here, but my friends usually call me Misty. Excited for this new platform and was made aware of it from my good mate GameofBeardz what a legend.

Boomer's avatar

Hey ResonantAlchemist, welcome to the Just About platform! It's great to meet you and the other folk GameofBeardz introduced to Just About 😄


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