In our ongoing mission to spread the good word of Just About, we need to meet potential members where they are. Discord is a very exciting platform in this regard - just like us, it has its roots in gaming, but as it’s mainly an instant-messaging service it works quite differently from us. For the right Discord communities, we see our offering as additive, not competitive.
Introducing JustABot!
The Just About Discord bot - splendidly named, though we say so ourselves, JustABot - empowers Discord communities to discover and experience parts of the Just About platform in their existing environment.
Using JustABot’s commands, server admins can tailor it to share only the information they choose, into only the channels they choose. If you’ve got a server or a channel that’s focused on, say, Dragon’s Dogma, and want to filter out bounties concerning other games or topics, that’s possible.
After one simple setup it’s an entirely automated, no-stress way to let your members know about new bounties or even bounties that are due to expire soon. And bounties, let’s remember, are opportunities to share opinions, make cool things, and explore your passions - all with real-money rewards.
If you think your members would enjoy that, then you’ll need to know…
How can I add JustABot to my Discord server?
If you’re a server owner and would like to add JustABot to your Discord server, leave a comment on this thread and one of the JA team will reach out to help you hook it up. And if you’re enjoying Just About and think it might be of interest to a Discord server you belong to, why not point its owner this way?
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