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Sturmer's avatar

It's a dangerous move hehe! Pandora box

If you are following notcoin and hamster games, as they launched a referral system, people have even for 1$ been spamming every single channel, that's how they got over 150 million users in 2 or 3 weeks

CelestialFlea's avatar

Yeah not what I want to see happen to JA, I'd rather have fewer users and better bounties than swarms of users and lower paying bounties.

Perhaps if the referral reward was tied to their referrals getting their first cash out (perhaps a small percentage of the cash out?), that would work a lot better and would weed out the day trippers.

Sturmer's avatar

No, it's still going to be tons of users trying to live on 'passive' income, luring everyone, including GPT bots, to work here.

Do you remember what happened to EVE when they opened 1 million SP retroactive rewards?! 70% of server text messages were related to those invite spam links, even now, 2 years later, any NPC corp has a bot that spams that message every 20 minutes...

CelestialFlea's avatar

Fair point, I hadn't thought of that possibility. I mean we do have rules for AI use, but it can be difficult to tell the difference sometimes if the bot is very good.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Mass referral is never a good idea. It should be kept to a select few able to do this. People should come here for the right reasons.

Boomer's avatar

Hi Dave, it's still something we're planning to launch but we're not quite ready to roll it out.

I'd be interested to hear what your thoughts are on the points raised by Sturmer, CelestialFlea, and EveOnlineTutorials. Incentivised referrals always come with risks, but I'm sure we can work to mitigate them and grow the community without it being too disruptive.

Dave's avatar

In a SWOT analysis, all of the above points about the issues it raises are very valid and are real threats.

However in the weaknesses column you also have that it's in the existing users interests to not tell anyone about it and keep it to themselves. The more we promote it and tell other people about it, the less chance we have of winning any bounties. To the point that eventually it will inevitably be a rare occasion that we win anything.

We saw this during the Smalland streaming bounty. There were a good number of medium sized audience streamers, that streamed the game to enter the bounty, but didn't mention at all to their audience either in the description or the stream content about JustAbout. Of course they are under no obligation to do so if the rules don't say they need to, however this is a weakness in that no-one is incentivised to do so. The opposite in-fact.

I wouldn't like to be the one to make the decisions to find the right balance, but I hope you find it.

greybill's avatar

The issue with referral links in Eve is a bit different since it directly provides chat channels that can be spammed.

I'm not aware of dedicated chats that are linked to Just About - but spam of such links outside of the platform could still make JA look bad.
It's questionable if that form of marketing would even yield the desired user base.
Also once out there, it may be difficult to convince a bot to stop spamming links, even if they are not functional anymore and the rewards have been cut.


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