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Sturmer's avatar

yea, time to make a monthly bounty - how you wasted your prev. bounty rewards hehehe

Horror and Cats's avatar

Okay that’s genuinely a great idea haha. Boomer payout splurge Bounty, please. Mine will just be a picture of a bunch of Scoop Away in a table like some kinda drug bust newspaper headline.

yan57436's avatar

Definitely the best way to spend your money

Luriant's avatar

Anybody from JA_Elite reached the treshold?

The Explorer Journal pay for itself, but will end in 1 hour.

Maybe some big bounties, and extra bonus to reach the magic number... if not, we have another 28 days to fill the wallet. And another month until Mandalay explorer enter early access.

RicZA's avatar

Reached threshold, payout doesn't seem to have happened for me though, it does say it can take a few days. You planning on spending your earnings on the Mandalay? Very much looking forward to that ship myself!

Luriant's avatar

I will wait until have the data, and the experience on others. Also a 4th ship, any pic wil provide valuable data (its a big cargo ship, a combat ship, or anything else....). But a medium explorer, if the footprint its small enough with those landing legs, maybe can replace my DBX for everything except Odyssey settlements.

Boomer's avatar

Hey RicZA, I'm sorry to hear the payout hasn't come through. I'll flag this with the team this morning. Can you just confirm:

  1. Have you connected your PayPal account?

  2. Did you reach the $25 or more before Sunday 1st September?

If so then I'm not sure why the payout wouldn't have come through 😕 I'll look into it this morning and get back to you.

RicZA's avatar

I see my bank hadnt verified the link. Got that sorted. Looking now i see i was on 23 on the 1st. So the error is mine. My apologies.

Boomer's avatar

No need to apologise! I'm just glad it's all sorted 😊


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