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JHenckes's avatar

I haven't looked into it, but I remember reading about it some time ago. These rewards are part of the earnings from advertising on the site (it ends up being an incentive for us to be more active on the site and this generates returns for them too). The bounty money, on the other hand, is really an investment on the part of the companies to help the community improve the game or just to keep the game constantly being talked about, which increases their profits. It ends up being a two-way street, you see.

Amoni P's avatar

Yeah, that doesn't sound sustainable.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

This article already tell this:

"Each community on Just About has its own treasury, with community treasuries receiving at least 50% of the revenue generated from things like advertising and sponsorships. This money is then shared with members through a number of individual and collective activities."

Amoni P's avatar

Thank you. That is the answer I asked for, but it doesn't seem like enough to cover the cost of this and still be profitable for them.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Amoni P Remember that the companies that own the games Elite Dangerous, Smite, Nightingale and EVE Online made a partnership with JustAbout. So I believe that sponsorship from this companies help a lot to pay for this reward and works like a marketings for them.

Makster's avatar

yeah I don't recommend quitting your job for JA bounties.

Real World bountys on the otherhand..

yan57436's avatar

I imagine that the site is a venture capital is a type of investment made by companies or individuals (known as venture capitalists) in startups or emerging companies with high growth potential. As such, there are investment rounds and regular feedback. But who are the investors? Those who are interested in forming or maintaining an active community, like some of the games we see on the platform.

I don't have any information, it's based purely on my guesswork

Amoni P's avatar

Yeah, but they'd have to have a way to make a return on investments. Generally speaking, people don't just give out money without asking for something in return.

yan57436's avatar

The platform is still very much in its infancy, and I believe there will be future ways to monetize it, such as using the ideas proposed here in the games, or even the content present here, there are an infinite number of things. But I agree with your thoughts

"If you're not paying for a product, you are the product"

Horror and Cats's avatar

What they are getting “in return” is traffic and engagement which makes more partnerships likely and creates growth potential. Scalable, symbiotic business strategy

CelestialFlea's avatar

Don't quote me on this, as I can't prove it but it wouldn't be out of the realms of possibility for JA to be sponsored by developers and publishers for some of the higher payout bounties which attract more eyes, hence the community is so strict when it comes to certain behaviour.

Personally I'm not too concerned where the money is coming from, because JA is a great community to be part of even without bounties I'd still post here.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Exactly might thoughts. Getting rewards is a nice extra, but mostly I engage with the bounties because their topic is interesting. Often I don't even submit an entry just reply to others' submissions because they started an interesting discussion.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


If I may, I've been here pretty much since the start. I've been reading through this thread and it seems to be you are implying that Just About is not being honest about the goals of this site.

The game developers themselves sponsor each community, the "free money" if you like, if simply provided by said developers to not only engage members but also, of course, promote the said game by essentially offering money for playing said game.

As someone who is on Discord and met the Just About staff IRL as well, I can assure you 100% that there is nothing underhanded going on here and the site is what it is, much to the saying "it does exactly what it says on the tin" which leads to another saying "never look a gift horse in the mouth".

What you have here, is a community of gamers, held to a higher standard than the normal cesspits that exist across the internet, toxicity isn't welcome, helpfulness is, guidance is, productive discussion is.

Also, the bounties are not a main "aspect", it is simply one among many on this site. Just About has never asked us to promote them, tweet about them, or do any self-promotional image work. You also need to remember this site, whilst public, is still in "beta" and not a fully finished product.

Forgive the bluntness, but I prefer to be direct and to the point.

Rupert's avatar

Quite a few people have answered the question before me, but to confirm: The money for rewards comes from the games companies and sponsors that we attract to the platform.

We believe that their marketing money spent on grassroots community engagement and creation is of benefit to everyone: the games company, fans and players, and the platform as well. Plenty of money traditionally gets spent with the media, with big influencers and on other activities, and we feel that that the community should be part of the picture too.

It is a new and unique model so we are still figuring things out as we go, but we're delighted that CCP, Frontier and Hi-Rez are all on board, and we have several more on the way. As the platform and community grows, we certainly hope it'll be a great business and one that challenges the current status quo.

Somebody posted, "If you're not paying for a product, you are the product" which is a quote we absolutely recognise. But actually this is one of the things that has led to Just About: For most platforms, you are the product. Your data and your content are exploited in all sorts of ways - for free - and all of the value created accrues to the platform and its owners. With Just About, we are attempting to alter that value exchange by putting a large portion of our revenue back in the pockets of those who created it: you.

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