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JustAbout is a website that promotes and rewards creativity and passion about subjects you already talk about. You can receive monetary rewards for things you already do related to a wide variety of topics, such as gaming, books and movies, and music. It's fun and rewarding in ways that aren't just about money. It's sharing ideas.

Merlinux74's avatar

Just is an interesting platform where you can share your passions, meet people who perhaps have common interests and also receive some rewards from your passions.

It has never been so nice to be able to receive payments by playing, and in doing so also learn about new games that perhaps you have never approached. Sometimes you skip games because you consider them not very interesting, but with Just you can not only learn about them but also appreciate them.

In Just you can range over various topics, not only games but also films, music and technology. And in the latter you can really talk about everything and maybe exchange advice with the community.

AbyKwon117's avatar

I've actually already talked to my friends at Just About and I've already explained to them how it's used and how I discovered and found the page haha ​​it was like this:

"Hey buddy look at this, I was browsing the social network and I saw that one of our favorite games joined a page called "Just About" it says that we should support them by participating in their posts, I joined and it's amazing because they reward us for leaving our opinion on certain things in the game BUT not only that! There are more communities apart from our game, there are many categories like sports, entertainment, video games etc. I was able to discover several communities of different games that I already play and entertainment! And I can participate by leaving my opinion on the posts they make, it can be from what do you think about this type of mode, what do you think about this update, if you have any advice to support people who are just starting etc and for supporting by leaving your comment they can reward you! And it's very easy to participate, you just have to look for a post that's ideal for you that you know about the subject and leave your comment, but you have to follow the rules that the post asks for and above all Do not disrespect anyone, every comment/opinion is respectable since we all have different points of view and once you participated and were selected you will be rewarded! You just have to collect a minimum amount so they can give it to you, for that you have to associate your paypal account in the accounts section, there are even other social networks that you can link to participate in certain publications that ask for your networks to see that the things you say and publish like photos or something you created are valid, that they are yours and not stolen. And that's how easy it is to participate and learn how to use Just About! You learn from other people, you meet more people, people support you with your doubts and you share your experience and opinions on certain topics! 😊 that's how big and beautiful the Just About community is.

(I apologize if it's not very clear, I'm using a translator)

CMDR Henckes's avatar

The Just About is a platform crated for content creators and passionate fans, but hot does it work? Basically it will give to the creators and fans that are in the platform money that will be transferred to their Paypal account at the end of the month if they get the minimum amount accumulated. And for earn money you only need to participate in the sites rewards and interact with the Community to earn Organic Rewards.

The Rewards are task that the modders of the site create to the community to something related to the community, for exemple, if you are in a game community the reward can ask you for tell some tips or even created a full themed video.

The Rewards are split in two types, the Evergreen Rewards where all the prizes are given at any moments if the submission is accomplished by the user. And there are the rewards that are given only after a deadline (you can call it Traditional Rewards since it was the fist kind of reward in Just), normally they are rewards with top prizes so the submissions must be evaluated to see their position in the competition.

All the rewards are evaluated by the modders that posted the reward and they will decide if the reward is respecting the rules, if not the reward is ineligible, and they will decide the top prizes, to see the champion or the top 3 champions.

Limal's avatar

Just can be seen as a learning platform. Place to grow, develop new skills, and earn money at the same time. But unlike traditional learning platforms, you’re free to choose the tasks you enjoy, whenever and wherever you like.

It’s the perfect space for new content creators looking to kickstart their journey, gain experience, and build their portfolio while getting paid along the way.

Sturmer's avatar

I focus more on the B2B side of JustAbout, as I speak more to businesses that could benefit from the platform rather than individuals signing up as participants, here is a different angle:

JustAbout is a community-driven growth platform that presents a unique marketing opportunity for brands. Instead of spending large budgets on top influencers for short-lived exposure, businesses can generate a continuous stream of content at a fraction of the cost.

What makes JustAbout special is its indexing power - content created here doesn’t just disappear like a fleeting social media post. While it may not bring instant viral views, it builds a long-term digital footprint, strengthening your brand’s online presence in a way that traditional influencer campaigns often fail to do.


Just About is a fantastic online community where you can see other people’s ideas, concepts and thoughts on various games and other topics. Not only that, but your personal contributions to this community earn you real money, simply from sharing your knowledge and passion for the things you love and know most of all!

Horror and Cats's avatar
  • Just About is a social media site where positivity is encouraged and negative/toxic behaviors are disallowed.

  • There are Communities like books and comics, film and TV, and video games, as well as sub-spaces within, like Pokemon and Minecraft.

  • You can submit to Rewards to earn money. Rewards are special challenges set by the JA staff you can enter, i.e. "Describe a Platform Feature to a Friend that's Never Heard of Us" (Reward Inception!)

  • On the first of every month, if your wallet is at or above $25, you receive a payout via PayPal!

  • Is some cases, usually with image and video Rewards, you need to submit via connected social media accounts to verify that you are indeed the creator/OP of your submission. Connecting socials is easily done by clicking your profile dropdown and selecting "Connected Accounts," then choosing your platform(s) of choice.

  • The Just About Browser Extension helps to remind you of active Rewards, i.e. when you open up YouTube, you may see a pop-up in the corner of your browser saying there are a few active Rewards in Content Creators. Don't worry, the code is open so you can verify there aren't any Big Brothers hiding in there.

  • Finally, there is a Discord bot called Just a Botwhich acts as a sort of notification pushing service for new rewards and new posts. A JA mobile app is on the roadmap, but for the time being, it is nice to see when a fresh Reward goes up live.

projectazone's avatar

Just is a very interesting platform where you can get rewards for your passions. Whether you are a video game player or an art and book enthusiast, or a big music listener, you can find the right space and give your own contribution and earn a little something too.

And then from the community you can get to know new realities, propose your own ideas and sometimes even discover things about your passions that maybe you had never discovered. Although there are different rewards, you can keep everything under control thanks to the Chrome extension that will allow you to be updated on each new challenge.

And then Just does not leave you alone, it also notifies you by email if there is something that can be right for you.

To participate in the challenges is simple, just go to the topic covered and send your contribution paying attention to what is requested. It can be a text, an image or a video. To participate it is essential to have social networks to connect and on which you will set up most of the content.

Artificial intelligence? Not required, not necessary!

GoJapan's avatar

Just About is a fantastic platform, which rewards users' creativity, includes not only video games but also technology, entertainment, music, sports and other issues. Basically it is a platform that not only rewards users, through rewards, with requests of various kinds, all that revolve around the user's creativity, but also a platform where to socialize, discussing with other various issues. Each section includes both the community side and challenges to be completed to obtain rewards, the sum of which varies according to the commitment. Just About allows you to connect your social networks, indispensable not to say mandatory, such as Bluesky, YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram and others.

In addition to having a comfortable interface and an advanced notification system, which allows you to know when there are new challenges or content, it presents both the extension for the browser and an information bot, for now, however, there is no app, So it is possible to use the platform in mobile only via browser in desktop mode, but to round off, test your creativity, show what pasta has done to others and get to know new enthusiasts, is the top!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

This one is quite easy for me to answer as I often talk about Just About.

As a Dad and my wife doesn't drive, I often have to do school runs and people will always ask me what I do etc. I always mention just About and they will say "I don't understand" and I have to explain it to them.

"Just About is a website, the first of its kind where you can simply join a great community and make money from the games you play, they have a system called bounties where you simply take part and if you win, you get money which is paid out every month"

That's how I describe JA to anyone who asks about it.

FEBRIAN_574H's avatar
  • Just About is Platform based site, it's very positive and you also can get paid when you apply the submission

  • submit the submission and if the moderator like your idea they will pay you, the balance will displayed in your JA Wallet and payout every early month, and balance will come into your Paypal account.

  • Many Communities you can join like Film & TV , Tech, Books & Comics, Music, Sport and Also Video Games and the space like EVE Online, Minecraft, Pokemon

  • Sometime the submission need you to connect the social media account and upload there. so the moderator can monitor

  • The most usefull feature is the browser extension, it can notify you what is new in JA when you're not open JA


Just about is an awesome web/community in which you can share with others your passion for games, books, TV Shows and movies, music and many other topics. You select a "challenge" of the theme that you want to write a about and, if you follow the guidelines and the moderators approve your submitted text, you will get an economical reward (yes, it is true!).

Sturmer's avatar

Horror and Cats FirestormGamingTeam FEBRIAN_574H lebiadkin - Guys, your submissions are flagged as comments. FYA

Horror and Cats's avatar

Brought that up to Boomer a while ago. Looks like the submit button is fixed now

Vivisector's avatar

Yo bro ever heard of justabout site? No? Broooo you don't know what you lose. Just about is a community where people could talk of videogames, music, movies, tv series and some nerd stuffs. You can meet new people with same passion, but YOOOOO the best part? You can make few bucks from that because efforts "bounty" like challenges on the site and if you go good they payout your works. Try to find another site like that, come on!


Platform where you can share your passion,meet with other people and receive money from task


Rewards (and other cool stuff) inside!

Not only are there great reward submissions to check out, but some of the best conversations on the internet are happening here - and our members are getting rewarded for having them. Don't miss out!

sunglasses emojiemoji pointing left


There’s more to love

Help shape the future of our platform as we build the best place to express and enjoy your passions, whatever they may be.


© Just About Community Ltd. 2025