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Boomer's avatar

Hey CMDR Henckes, that's very strange! Thanks for letting us know. I've checked a few other profiles and some are showing the same as yours, but many others are the right age.

If anyone else has the same problem then please let me know and I'll report it.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I take a look, all of my friends from Brazil are showing all 55 years as well. There is a change of this to be because of diference of date formats? This came to my mind because the date in the image bellow, for me the month are shown translated to Portuguese, what is very strange to me because the rest of the site still in English.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

The earliest of Just adopters, great work

yan57436's avatar

I know I'm getting old, just! But don't overdo it haha

JHenckes's avatar

The team is so incredible that the site was created 55 years ago. The dedication is to be applauded (I'm also that age on my profile) 👏 😂


It also tells me 55 years ago, which is impossible since the internet didn't even exist 55 years ago

Kane Carnifex's avatar

ALERT ALERT ALERT, Fact Check active...!
---%%% Processing...

This not correct, 30. October 2024 the Internet got 55 Years old.

The Internet has completely changed the way we understand the world and our society. Connecting with other people has never been so easy and quick, but all this had a beginning that, on October 29, 2024, marks 55 years of service. It was in the United States in a data exchange between two computers located at the University of California in Los Angeles, popularly known as UCLA, and the Stanford Research Institute. This started ARPANET, the precursor of what we all know today as the Internet, but what was the first web page of all?

Hunter's avatar

Guess I'm with you in this one Brother 55 years of just about made what we are today after 55 years !!

ENDERS's avatar

"Joined about" is a missed opportunity to say "Joined JustAbout 1 year ago" ;)


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