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Retro Stu's avatar

Picture the scene, it's Download Festival, it's muddy as all hell. The bands haven't even begun yet, it's the time of the 5 day campers.

We are a curious bunch, choosing to camp longer than is required but it's these days that honestly bring out the weirdest and most wonderful.

All through the camps there had been repeated tales of a guy calling himself "The Mud King" - mainly because it seemed he had fallen over in the mud and then just lent into the name by using any muddy path as a slip n slide opportunity. Our friend Simon however was not content with a would be monarch proclaiming to be king simply by being muddy.

Simon decided that the real measure of a king's worth was in battle and so decided to challenge the mud king for his crown.

By this point quite a crowd had gathered, all with phones out, some chanting for the mud king and others cheering for this would be king, looking to bring a sense of dignity and pride to the throne.

Cue the muddiest duel you will ever witness all in the name of being The Mud King of Download.

I've put the video link below and got it to start at the point you see Simon (the clean one in his pants to begin with!) approach the king!

Sturmer's avatar

It was a few years back at a summer music festival, set beautifully on the seashore. I remember Pet Shop Boys headlining that night. Their performance was scheduled around 1 AM, and by that time, many in the crowd had enjoyed their fair share of drinks.

I was making my way back from the restrooms, hurrying towards the stage to join my friends. That's when something unusual caught my eye. Someone was struggling to stay afloat, clearly drunk. Without a second thought, I rushed into the water. The person was a young woman, barely able to stand in the knee-deep water.

I pulled her to safety, trying to converse over the roaring music to find her group. But as I was talking to her, I noticed another person stumbling into the water. This repeated throughout the night, and I found myself as a lifeguard until the early hours of the morning. At one point, I even had to swim out to rescue a man who had wandered too far.

Completely drenched and exhausted, I missed the entire show, but it was worth it. There's a good chance that night I helped save a life, and that's more memorable than any concert could ever be.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I was at a festival with my step-brother. We have the same father but we didn't grow up together, so apart from a very early childhood meeting I've never seen him. This was our try as adults to get to know each other. He bought me a bucket of mojito and said but he's not going to be responsible for me. I shrugged fine, he didn't know I could handle my alcohol very well.

He got offered some 'cigarette' by his friends and that didn't agree with him, he got high very quickly and had no idea how to go home. The complication was, he was supposed to go to another town to meet his wife's family and she was calling him early morning like where the hell are you??? So I had to call his wife back (whom I've never seen or spoken to before) to figure out where ha had to go, took him to the station, put him on the right train and he was fast asleep as soon as he sat down. So I had to call wifey again to tell her to get him off the train at their destination.

So big brothers never underestimate your little sisters, it might be them having to get you out of an embarrassing situation :D

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So this is one of the few times I've been to a festival, my MH difficulties make it hard to do so, but with Glastonbury, you don't have to sit or stand close to the stage so, it wasn't so bad.

We had just seen Oasis and I think it was James Brown, I was 18 at the time so I'm trying to remember the lineup that day. So we had just seen them and it was getting late, so we headed back and started drinking, heavily.

So we went to bed at around 1am give or take an hour, I was pretty hammered. this is where it gets funky, at around 4 am ish, we thought we heard what was rain, it had been raining on and off all day, however, Josh, who was sleeping close to the edge of the tent yelled "What The F***" and jumped up, ran outside and started arguing with some guy and this quickly, due to the fact Josh was still slightly drunk, escalated into a physical fight.

This guy it turns out was high on god knows what was so out of it, that he had started urinating on the side of our tent, needless to say, we had a circle of tents and everyone came out and separated the both of them, telling the guy to move on, but we had to the next morning, get some cleaning stuff and clean the side of the tent, it reeked, I slept in another tent that night because it was making me feel sick.

So yeh, Glastonbury 2004, dude high on god knows what, peed on our tent :)

Melicien Tetro's avatar

"...but keep it all clean and safe-for-work - this is a family community, after all."

Okay so not the craziest story I have, but this one adheres to community guidelines. :D

De Luna Music Festival 2010, Pensacola Beach, FloridaI had faked my way into press passes for this fest by way of writing music reviews for the local college newspaper. There was an armband system to denote attendees, press, and performers/vip. So I'm tagged as a journalist, and I'm stumbling away from one of the stages and I walk straight into a gaggle of VIPs. Florida, sun, vodka. I'm not thinking very fast. As I am proceeding to cross paths, I slooooooooowly start piecing things together. I recognize James Mercer first, Broken Bells' self titled debut had just dropped. Fake journalist, looking the part, walking straight into The Shins. We all awkwardly stop, I have no interview questions prepared, stumble over everything, so I thanked them for their work and scurried away in shame. They were very polite for the entire interruption.

Sturmer's avatar

I think most of stories here will be related to at least minor intoxication :)

Horror and Cats's avatar

There's no way I can stretch this into 150 words, so here's a freebie:

Mickey Avalon sprayed me in the face with champagne from the stage at The Ace of Spades at the stroke of midnight on NYE 2012. Since I've only been to four or five concerts in my whole life, I'd say that's pretty crazy.

mar1gold 's avatar

Not my craziest story but most SFW - once at leeds fest me and my friends were sat around our camp at about 3am. Out of nowhere this Australian guy falls over all of our tents and then asked where his was. we asked what his tent looked like and he just went 'uhhhhhh red??????' (red tents everywhere). Then his other friend came and he left - before that though, he screamed..

' You Brits know how to F***ING PARTY!!!!!!!!!'

he seemed like a nice guy heheh

antibird's avatar

It's not me so it probably doesn't count, but.... A mate of mine was at Download festival, and after a day of listening to bands and rocking out returned to his tent. He entered his tent and the smell of poop hit him like a brick wall. He checked all around the tent and couldn't see anything. Then he moved his tent thinking he must have put it up on some dog poop or something. After a night of disturbed sleep he woke up and the stench was still there. Still he could find nothing. Giving up he decided to make himself a bacon sandwich. He opened his cool box up and there he discovered it. Sat on top of his food was a horrible stinking human poop.

Festivals are gross yo!


I think it was at V Festival back in the late 90s. I avoided the toilets as much as possible but my friend needed to go, so I was waiting for her by the lines of stinking portaloos. There were always queues so I was waiting for a while. A kindof hippie-looking older guy came over and offered me a drag of his 'cigarette'. I was trying to be friendly and open to stuff so I accepted. When my (beautiful) friend came back, the guy was very keen for us to join him somewhere else but my friend was way more sensible (thank god) and never smoked or did anything bad so she whisked me away. As we were walking towards the stages I started stumbling and had to hold onto my friend. I felt completely blind and told her I could only see black with lights shining (it was daytime), so she had to drag me to a patch of grass where I lay on the ground for ages. In the background I could hear the one and only James Brown literally shouting "James Brown!" over and over. Luckily after lying on the grass for a while I felt normal again but I have been told that the cigarette was probably laced with some kind of acid... I learnt my lesson. It was the weirdest experience. But James Brown was amazing!

Scrbzy's avatar

The first and probably last time I went to Creamfields Merseyside I witnessed what I can only describe as a tribalistic mass burning of tents (no one was harmed in this ritual)

It was the final day of the festival and I remember seeing a fire in the field next to our campsite, upon investigation we discovered a large crowd surrounding said fire. People were piling tents on (I assume/hope their own) and it just kept growing and growing. Obviously it had to be put out before it got out of control but it was oddly enjoyable while it lasted, something deeply primal about a bunch of humans dancing around a fire.

There are other stories from that trip that put me off returning, but they're not safe for sharing here!!!

NightyMooncle's avatar

Well the festival is not that bad, atleast I do better at playing that ball game where you throw the ball and hit the target, which makes me kinda of nostalgic thingy


My really pretty friend went to see Wheatus back in the days when crazy things happened like mosh pits, and crowd surfing.

For teenage dirtbag she got picked out of the crowd to join the band on stage. As she was getting lifted up by security another jealous girl punched her in the face and knocked her out 😂

So instead of going up onstage she ended up sat out to the side getting first aid.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Beginning of Summerbreeze. An alternative to Wacken in the north.

There was a wide offer from the health and beauty sector at this event. Various Metal Doctors offered their services. Breast expansion by Magic Metal Hands…But let's not talk about how I got Magic Metal Boobs.

At this time, if you were chosen, you could have an illegal super Laser Pointer from China. Like one which goes +2km…. Anyway I had one of these in green. Do you think I was the only one with one of these? Hell no and the battle was on... and this my friends is how we became the only two Metal Jedis of Summerbreeze. After a long battle in the Sky we finally met at the tentside. It tends to if both moving around it is harder to find each other.

But we met and we jugged Beer.

So 20k People and there are two shitheads with badass lasers creating the Metal Jedi Class. Was ist fun?  Hell, yes.


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