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AirGaram's avatar
  1. Design a regional variant of an existing species whether its a new original region or an existing one.

  2. create a description of unique pokemon fusions, you can draw if you want

  3. create a concept for a new region including its city, landmarks and maps

  4. rewrite an existing dex entry for your favourite pokemon

  5. a concept for a new eeveelution

  6. create a guideline for completing a certain game

  7. create a team based on a specific type or generation

  8. design a team if you are an elite four member

Foolish_Imp's avatar

I have three suggestions that I think would be fun.

  1. Bake or make a Pokémon themed treat.

    This is simple and fun, and you have a treat to eat afterwards. You could bake cookies and design them or make a sweet that doesn't require baking. the design could be a Pokémon or something known to the Pokémon universe.

  2. Write a short story about your favorite Pokémon.

The short story could be any kind of story, just one that includes your favorite Pokémon.

  1. What genre would be fun to mix with Pokémon and write a short story or give examples to showcase your suggestion.

    For example, if you think it would be fun to add the horror genre to Pokémon, give us a little story of what that might be like or give details of key features and world building that would make a great Pokémon horror game.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar



  1. What is your all-time favourite Pokemon and why?

  2. If you could give a Pokemon a new power it doesn't have, what would it be and why?

  3. Write a short story of a Pokemon taking on a challenge and winning!

  4. Design and show us a new Pokemon movie poster!

  5. Take two Pokemon, combine them to show us the result and list the powers (no digital or AI drawings, must be hand drawn)

Just a few ideas that require a bit more time and effort to enter/take part in.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Here are some of my ideas.

  1. Design a new evolution for Eevee

  2. Design a new style of Pokeball and explain what it does

  3. Design a new Mega Evolution for [Pokemon]

  4. Make a new Pokemon Move and explain what it does

  5. Write a plot for a new Pokemon movie

  6. Tell us about your first experience playing/watching Pokemon

  7. Design and explain a new Team like Team Rocket etc

  8. Design a new regional variant for a Pokemon

  9. Write a new Pokedex entry for the Pokemon of your choice

  10. Tell everyone about that one Pokemon that got away

  11. Write the plot for an episode of Pokemon.

  12. Show off your strangest Pokemon merchandise

  13. Show off your favourite Pokemon merchandise and explain why

  14. Design a new Pokemon

  15. Find an NPC and give them more of a backstory

  16. Design a new Pokemon item and explain what it does

  17. Take a picture of the rarest Pokemon card you own

  18. Design a new Pokemon card

  19. Explain what is your favourite piece of Pokemon music is.

  20. Create a Wildlife documentary in Pokemon

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Share Your Code for Your Current Regulation Competitive Team

Description: Share the code for your current competitive team under the current (or upcoming) regulation. Explain your team composition, strategy, and any unique choices.

Format: Written post with team code, strategy explanation, and battle tips.

Example: "Share your Poképaste for a VGC Regulation G team utilizing Groudon."


7 star raids can be pretty rough, and they rotate.

Share Your 7-Star Raid Strategy


- Share your detailed strategy for tackling a 7-star raid in Pokémon. Include the level, EVs, nature, moveset, held item, and the reasoning behind your choices. Describe the key tactics and techniques you used to succeed in the raid.


- Written post with optional images or video clips.

- Include:

- Pokémon details (level, EVs, nature).

- Moveset.

- Held item.

- Ability.

- Step-by-step strategy and key tactics.

- Screenshots or video clips of the raid (optional).


- "Share your strategy for defeating the 7-star Emboar raid. What Pokémon did you use? What moves and items were crucial? How did you manage the raid mechanics to secure victory?"


Both of these bounties get that high level information into a format that's interesting and usable by less experienced players.

Limal's avatar

Pokemon Fan Fiction challenge

Write a short story (700-1200 words) about a day in the life of a Pokemon trainer and their team. Or maybe a hunting journal.

Stories should highlight the bond between trainers and Pokemon, showcasing unique personalities and adventures. Bonus points for including illustrations or comics

Sturmer's avatar

Pokémon Nature Photography

Take photos of real-world locations or objects that remind you of specific Pokémon or Pokémon habitats. You need to take a photo along with an explanation of the Pokémon or habitat they resemble and why.

That bounty will encourage creativity in finding or arranging scenes that evoke the Pokémon world.

Another bounty could be about creating original or sharing 3rd party Pokémon memes.

Kings Court's avatar

Yo Poke Peeps !

So my idea for a Pokemon based Bounty, would be to take a Pokemon that DOES NOT have an evolution chain and create an Evolution for it !
What would it look like ? what would it be called ? would it be the same type or have mutliple types ?
It would be taking something originally there and then improving upon it to make it "more" !

What do you think ?

  1. What's the funniest/weirdest nickname you've given to a pokemon?

  2. Tell us which pokemon you found most irritating when roaming through the different biomes on the games.

  3. Which gym leader did you find most challenging?

Paul's avatar

-Where could future game locations be based on?

-What new mechanic would you like to see implemented?

-Other then main line titles, whats you favourite pokemon game?

I might add more lol

Cherebi's avatar

Hello Just About Team!
Here are just a few ideas that just popped into my mind.

1 - Share a photo of your favourite shiny Pokemon you have caught?
2 - Create your perfect Pokemon Team?
3 - Share your favourite gym leader from any Pokemon game and why?
4 - Create a video sharing your Pokemon TCG collection?

I am sure there will be more...

Cherebi's avatar

Oopps I just saw you already did the gym leader one, ahaha! Beat me to it!

Ford James's avatar

Great minds think alike! We already have a bounty live right now around your favourite gym leader, so feel free to get involved. In our Pokemon trial run over on Just About Video Games, we also ran a Pokemon Go-specific shiny bounty, so if we have enough community members with shinies in the other games (where shinies are notoriously much more difficult to find!), we can certainly run a general shiny bounty. Love the other two ideas as well - if you do think of any more, feel free to edit and add to your submission!

Sturmer's avatar

I don't mind running a shiny again! it took me 5 weeks and 3000km travel to get one lol, but the bounty already expired.


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