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TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

This is the creepy Pokédex entry for Yamask in Pokémon Black

Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry.

Pokémon Shield

The spirit of a person from a bygone age became this Pokémon. It rambles through ruins, searching for someone who knows its face.

It's strange to think about these Pokémon were once human.

Limal's avatar

Among all pokemons in Unite, Chandelure is very creepy, especially for oponents who suffers his imprison ability!

Unite entry:

Light up the night with Chandelure’s Ignite Midnight! Chandelure enters the cover of darkness and then reappears, continually shooting a beam of fire and dealing damage to those engulfed.

Irony comes as shadows cover a blazing fire

Zeref_Vermilion's avatar

Sinistcha #1013 generation 9

It pretends to be tea, trying to fool people into drinking it so it can drain their life-force. Its ruse is generally unsuccessful.

the shape is scary and the bowl is broken, imagine if we drank it how disgusting it would taste 🤢🤢

Sturmer's avatar

After browsing our Pokémon collection, both kids agreed that Gastly is the creepiest Pokémon we’ve ever captured. With its sharp teeth, menacing look, and smoky aura, Gastly is definitely not something you’d want to encounter in AR-mode in a dark alley!

Gastly is largely composed of gaseous matter. When exposed to a strong wind, the gaseous body quickly dwindles away. Groups of this Pokémon cluster under the eaves of houses to escape the ravages of wind.

Gastly (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia (


One of my favourite creepy or disturbing Pokédex entries has to be for the Ghost-Fire type Pokémon Chandelure. Each dex entry for this pokémon is spooky in its own right, but this entry from Pokémon White, X, and Omega Ruby is very chilling (despite it being a fire type):

“Being consumed in Chandelure’s flame burns up the spirit, leaving only the body behind”.

Wings's avatar

What in the dementor..?!


We all love a cuddly bear, just take Ted for example. But Bewear (7th Gen) is a little more (unintentionally) sinister.

This pokémon gets a bit too friendly with it's trainer and can result in serious crush injuries!

Cherebi's avatar

For this I will be picking the Gourgeist dex entries from Sword and Shield

Small Gourgeist pretend to be children to fool adults. Anyone who falls for the act gets carried away to the hereafter.

Large Gourgeist put on the guise of adults, taking the hands of children to lead them to the afterlife.

Supersized Gourgeist aren't picky. They will forcefully drag anyone off to the afterlife.

I mean, being tricked or forced to the afterlife? Pretty chilling!

Paul's avatar

Driftloons Pokemon Legends: Arceus Pokedex entery is pretty creepy but all the dex enteries for them seem to include children going missing.

Makster's avatar

Gotta be for this due here Parasect.
It's pre-evolved form is a cute little crab with some mushrooms on it's head but then you read about the more sinister purpose of the mushroom:

The bug host is drained of energy by the mushrooms on its back. They appear to do all the thinking.

Pokemon Yellow

It's pretty scary to think a spore could take over something larger and inhabit the whole creature. The use of 'They' also conveys a sense of otherworldliness as if the Parasect now becomes part of the mushrooms hivemind and loses all agency

Melicien Tetro's avatar

I decided to go hard more for this and choose a non-Ghost pokemon.
Had some tough competition from Drowzee and Hypno, but let's take this super weird thread from Kadabra's pokedex entries.

Emerald -
It is rumored that a boy with psychic abilities suddenly transformed into Kadabra while he was assisting research into extrasensory powers.

Fire Red -
It happened one morning - a boy with extrasensory powers awoke in bed transformed into Kadabra.

Sun -
A theory exists that this Pokémon was a young boy who couldn't control his psychic powers and ended up transformed into this Pokémon.

Legends:Arceus -
There are rumors that a child with mystical powers became a Kadabra; however, this remains unverified. I suspect that the spoon Kadabra holds enhances its brain waves.

So, maybe some Kadabra and Alakazam are evolved from humans?

AirGaram's avatar

I found this article of a few of the most disturbing dex entries, and i have to agree that most of these are a bit disturbing like how a spoink will die if it stops bouncing, how a yamask's mask was once the face that it used to have when it was human, and how terrifying mimikyu's actual appearance that it actually killed someone.

Ford James's avatar

Hey AirGaram, nice find! Do you have one specific Pokedex entry you'd like to nominate?

AirGaram's avatar

If i have to pick one, then it would be for mimikyu because of it's unknown terrifying appearance

Shovel's avatar

For me, it has to be Dusclops.

I mean, not only does it look terrifying but the one eye thing doesn’t do it any favours! It genuinely looks like something that’s come out of Pans Labrynth or something. This is your standard “monster under my bed” kinda vibe!

Ford James's avatar

Hey Sturmer, Limal, and Shovel,

Hope you folks don't mind the collective tag, but I'm just letting you know that your current entries will be ineligible for a reward on this bounty. We're asking for the creepiest Pokedex entry, not just the Pokemon you think is the creepiest, so feel free to edit your submissions ahead of the bounty closing and be sure to follow the instructions in the bounty description! ✌

Sturmer's avatar

Ford James you please explain the issue? Are you asking me to post a generic Pokédex entry instead of one for my chosen Pokémon?

Limal's avatar

Pokedex picture - check

Game picture - check

Database link - check

why it is creepy- check

what do i miss?

Ford James's avatar

Your entry needs to include the specific Pokedex description you deem as being the creepiest, as each Pokemon has multiple (for example, your pick Chandelure has seven different Pokedex entries in the main games) - here are the relevant instructions from the description:

We want you to share your favourite creepy or disturbing Pokédex entry! Make sure to explain why it's your favourite, copy the entry from the relevant Bulbapedia page for your chosen Pokémon (and link to the Bulbapedia page!), and extra bonus points if you can grab an in-game screenshot of your chosen entry!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I submit to you, Mimikyu!

Mimikyu is a Ghost-Fary, he/she is from Gen 7, his back story well, it is as terrifying as it can be heartbreaking at the same time! being a Mimic, no one really knows what Mimickyu actually looks like, only what they see, no one has seen the true form and it is rumoured if you do see the true form of this one, your end will be swift and painful! His most often disguise is the Pikachu costume made out of rags, so it is mistaken for a sweet and kind Pokemon!


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