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Inpunktion's avatar

I sent this as a bounty submission for the last weekly play bounty and was told I could post it here as well so that is what I am going to do! It is a pretty solid penta to win this ranked game, outside of some sloppy relic usage!

Ford James's avatar

Feddboii just a heads up you've submitted this as a reply and not a bounty entry! Make sure you submit to the bounty properly before it closes to be eligible for a reward. ✌

Dydo's avatar

When I first saw this bounty, I started searching for this video. Baron was broken and OP (look at that healing), specially after his Stellar Demise's skin came out and showed us his final form (he lost his charm, but it remembered us of what he really were).

Ford James's avatar

Hey dydo, thanks for entering this bounty but apologies for the confusion - unless stated otherwise in the bounty description, all bounties on Just About SMITE 2 require SMITE 2 entries, rather than those from the first game. Thanks for understanding! ✌


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