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Game mode

Duel mode is a 1 vs 1 game mode which takes place on the same map as the 3 vs 3 "Jousts", this game mode tests the intelligence in combat and the individual skills of each one, Since there is no team that can support or save you, however it is one of the most competitive in SMITE 1 and exciting without a doubt.

About the game

The game as I said before, takes place on the Joust map, with the jungle and structures in the same place, the Blue, The Red, The Purple, The Knight, the Towers, Phoenixes and Titans, The difference is that you are alone against the enemy, which causes this game mode to be more demanding individually than any other and that before starting the game you will have the option to ban 2 gods so that they cannot be used in the game, as well as the opponent, which is a total of 4 banned gods.

Quick Start

As in Just you can start with the buffs, you can start with the Blue, then the Red, then you clear the wave of minions and then you go for the Purple and return to the line. A more aggressive way is to go straight for the red where most of the time you will have direct confrontation with the enemy and whoever comes out victorious can either clear the wave of minions or go through the purple one through the portal and It is important to mention that the jungle is very important for leveling up, gold farming and fights.

Build and strategy

These are taken into great consideration as it depends a lot on the enemy god you are facing, however it is perfect for testing aggressive builds that you normally wouldn't do in a Conquest or Just, and try new strategies so that you can put the enemy in difficult circumstances so that they either spend their entire repertoire of items and assets or you can simply get the kill.


Some tips I can give to win the games is not to worry so much about the kills, to have importance in the jungle, waves and in the knight which when defeated gives you improvements and disables the nearest enemy structure which gives a large window of opportunity to take down structures.

Remember that whoever defeats the Titan wins the game, not whoever gets the most kills.


Duel is the 1v1 mode of Smite 2, ported over from Smite 1 it allows players to test their mechanical skills in a head to head format.
The map is the same as the 3v3 Joust mode having one lane 1 jungle and 4 camps, 2 blues on each side , 1 red and 1 purple as contested buffs, in addition there is 1 main boss near the purple buff that disables the enemy towers for a duration of time.

There are 2 starts that are worth mentioning. Most aggressive start is trying to contest red buff. This buff is a very big power multiplier and usually there will be a level 1 fight around it, if the red is won you can take the portal towards purple buff and then get your blue for a triple buff start. The other start is on blue and then to lane. this leaves up red but if your god is worse at level 1 brawls it might be a better option.

Build wise my recommendations are to build somewhat bruiser with some tank items that directly counter your enemies damage type. Every solo laner knows defence items are more valuable early game than offensive ones.

Thats it, go try duel with this information and most importantly have fun.


Approach: Know what god or goddess you are going to play in the game and have a second option just in case if banned.

Banning phase: Ban the best gods in that patch, currently good bans would be the adc gods, they are currently strong, they can easily make targets like destroying towers or killing the buffs camps fast. For example: Jing wei and Ullr.

Build: When the game starts it is time to think that you are going to build, it depends on the god you playing, it would be good to choose hybrid items, if the enemy god heals it would be nice to consider becoming an antihealing item.

Early game: The first wave of minions comes a bit later than when red and blue come out, you have to analyze what the enemy does, if you give him the advantage of taking a buffs, he will end up taking advantage of you, prioritize taking advantage of him early by controlling the lane push and securing the buffs.

Mid game: Keep analyzing which objects would be more optimal to win your opponent, if he is a god of damage based on intelligence, items defensive to intelligence are a good option. Keep in mind to take advantage but also to survive and not die. Try to do your combos and hit your attacks.

Late game: Don't forget that to win the game you have to destroy the titan, fight for the Lost Knight to facilitate your arrival at the Titan, it will also provide you with a special buff that will help you beat the opponent.   



In this mode, you will play 1v1 in a single lane. There are four buff types around the map: blue, red, and purple. There is a boss in the right corner of the map that will disable the outermost enemy structure. An important detail is that this boss becomes stronger as the game progresses. This mode is a great way to test new strategies.


You can start at the blue buff, red buff, or in the lane. Be aware of enemy invasions. Clear the first wave as your enemy does, try to poke, or go for other buffs to gain experience and gold advantage. Just like in Conquest, farming is very important in this game mode.


Adapt your build to counter your enemy and enhance your character's strengths.

Final Considerations and Tips

The objective of this game mode is to destroy the enemy's structures and Titan, not just to get the most kills. Don't focus too much on kills, instead, prioritize objectives.

Pay attention to your enemy's build and strategy, you can learn a lot from your opponents in this mode, from new strategies to item combinations.


Duel is a really interesting game mode where players dont feel binded by their own teams and can express their skill in a pure way!

Its a 1v1 gamemode with a lot of potential different playstyles, picks and strategies.
From pressure with meta to outplays and out farm with unconvential picks.
It's a place fit for everyone who wants a go at knowing how good they truly are!

My favorite playstyle and my tip is to try and play good clear gods with decent objective shred!
Wether its a hunter or a mage with poly. I always try and take away the enemies freedom and create it my own. Focusing on backing for your own 1st powerspikes is extremely important to start and maintain or map presence.
It's nor black and white on what the most optimal way is since you can get leads by forcing 1v1 fights and keep winning them but you can also just outfarm and secure every objective on the map.
I love the versatility!

A good tip or rule of thumb to follow is always look out for what is available farm to take and compare to how much you want to shut enemy down by killing them. Knowing what is worth and always keeping your options open is what I found the highest rated players do.
Keep it simple, play your favorite gods and most importantly: have fun!
No one can tell you that you suck anymore. You are your own judge. Being aware and self critical is important to improve and better your gameplay and decision making!


Duel mode

Duel in SMITE 2 is The mode where You test your skills in a 1v1 player Match, this leans The game mode to a more competitive and direct style of playing rather than a casual, jump in and out kind of match. We need to think that Even that there's no league of this mode or anything in smite 2 (as it is in conquest) in smite 1 it was a only competitive/league Game mode, so when You jump in duel you're most likely to find experience players if you're new in duel, don't be afraid to stay with your main for a while until You learn to play most gods or at least know how they work, which brings me to the first tip.

Know your gods and items

One of The most important things in duel is knowing how each god works as The same as items, The builds in duel work different in this mode than in conquest, can be similar but most likely not The same, You have to know how to build and counter what your enemy is building and doing, after all, you're gonna be alone in this one. One build item can changes The course of battle so, know how, when and what to invest when it comes to your build. Also with all The new additions in smite 2 in gods passives and abilities, knowing strengths and weaknesses of each god comes in handy. You have 2 bans when in lobby, and besides that everything is available so, My advice is, know your gods as Best as You can.

Take advantage of buffs

If You pick a god with a strong early Game You can take advantage with securing 2 to 3 buffs and without losing Minion waves, buffs in smite 2 are very important, the fact that you're able to pick 3 at The same time is huge, The new map makes it more accesible, since everything is really close together, so if You are able to secure as much buffs as You can, that can secure You The advantage flor most of the Game.

The most important ones in duel tent to be red and purple, since they give You fighting advantage when trading off. Also, don't forget about the Lost knight, that Big mob at The far right of The map, he gives You a penetration buff and deactivates objectives, as well as making The Titan hit lets and be more squishy.

Timing is everything

Try to have in mind when is a good time to do something, as in conquest, there are Moments for everything, as in doing objectives, buffs, fighting. Again all of this is different in duel, a kill in the right moment is more important than a random kill, since that can literaly make You lose or win The game, for example, You can combine The moment where You choose to do buffs, to fight, and at The same time as The minion Wave is arriving or when The enemy has no Minions (depending The situation) so You have The advantage and if You make The kill You Then might go and do the Lost knight or straight to tower or phoenix, taking The advantage of how many seconds to respawn does The enemy have, good timing for certain moments can win You a Match.

Don't be afraid of taking your time.

This goes to anything really, from learning how to play a new god, to making good builds and mostly to play wether safe or agressive in a Match, as being a moba, smite 2's primary Game mode is conquest, so, most of The things lean towards how that mode plays, meaning, certain objects or gods can be somekind broken in duel, not by a large amount that You can literaly do nothing against certain god, but enough to know that if You don't play safe or Smart You most likely Will lose The game.

So if You need to play safe or play until late Game that's fine, some of us like to play tanks or weird builds with not that commonly strong duel gods or sometimes a god has a really strong early and You need to be careful, so if You are not an experience player yet, don't be afraid or in the wrong to play safe or slow. Have to know The límites of your pick and skills. Just don't stay always under tower or something like that, that's annoying for everyone.

Have fun

I know we all like to win, but wether You are really good or a newcomer to duel, You should try to keep yourself together when it comes to winning or losing in duel. I said that there's more competition in this mode, but that does not mean that You should aim for that, there's a reason why You can pick any god and Made any build and most importantly, is your Match, no teammates depend on You checking a role for The game to go right, it's You and your skills and creativity against someone elses. Do any build You want, play any god You want; as any videogame ever: it's made for fun, so have it. Also, duel is a casual mode, You lose nothing if You don't win The game, take advantage of that... For now at least. 🤓

Inpunktion's avatar

What is duel? Should you play it?

Duel is a great way to test yourself in a 1 on 1 scenario against someone (ideally) with equal skill. If you enjoy the Joust mode and want something similar that allows you to flex your skills in a 1v1 situation then duel is the mode for you.

How to duel

Unlike other casual modes this mode is catered more towards competitive players rather then the casual audience despite currently being a casual only mode. This is indicated by the draft pick/ban style of play before the game starts. Before picking your god both players are given 2 bans to remove any characters they simply do not want to play or fight in the duel. This allows for a bit of theory crafting and planning before the game even begins. Similar to other modes duel is all about controlling the map, clear the majority of buffs on the map and don't miss waves and you will stand good chance in a fight, pay close attention to what item(s) your opponent has and how much gold they have in pocket to pick and choose when you should take a fight. The red buff is especially important to contest in most situations right off the bat in duel. This is because red buff allows you to get pressure on the wave and opponent with ease, of course some mana hungry characters will still opt for the blue buff start to ensure they can clear the wave safely.

One lost tip

The Lost Knight! In Smite 1 known as the bull demon king. This jungle objective is immensly important in controlling the pace of the game. Just like in Joust defeating this creature will net you a 20% penetration buff, health regen, and will disable the frontmost enemy structure or in the case of the Titan weaken it. If you get this buff you are able to dive your opponent with a big advantage in the fight and will often give you the win condition you need.

kamiel's avatar

General Mechanics of Duel Mode:

The map is much smaller then the conquest map, its a single lane with a jungle on the sides, it has fewer objectives compared to larger maps, where there is a single Titan and one Phoenix protecting it.

Duel is about counter-picking, mechanics and 1v1 skills, and good management of resources since it doesn't have teammates everything depends on how and where u play the map. Buff control (like Red, Blue, and single purple buffs) and lane pressure are really critical for gaining an advantage.

There is a pick-and-ban phase where players can remove gods they don't want to face themselves. This makes it very situational which god you will be playing and facing. However, knowing which gods your opponent prefers may give you an upper hand in this phase since maybe you know someone that is trying to snipe you and get in your game or you know his usual bans to get to know him.

It is faster than the other modes with XP and gold accumulation and this speeds up the game. The minion waves, god kills, towers and jungle camps are the only sources of income.

Normal Duel:

Casual Play: Matches are less intense, so they might as well be regarded as practice games. No SR (Skill Rating): Because a win or loss doesn't change your ranking, they are less important. Relaxed Opponents: A great place for trying out gods or tactics, as the diversity of skill levels means you'll see all sorts of players and diffrent skill levels in this mode.

Ranked Duel:

Highly Competitive mode: Matches will pit players against each other depending on their SR or rank, which in turn signals that games will be more evenly balanced.

Outside of that, Pick-and-Ban Strategy becomes so important because knowing the meta and counter-picks will render your opponent on more than one occasion to be most likely using gods that he has mastered of using playing it allot.

In summary, Duel mode is a pure test of your individual 1v1 ability.


Duel is one of the most unique game modes in all of Smite 2, coming from the original Smite, this game mode offers a quite unique 1vs1 experience within the MOBA genre. Duels are played in the same 3vs3 map of Joust with the same objective of destroying your rival's structures until you reach the enemy titan and win the game, with the only difference that it is only you against an enemy. In this game mode, having a good strategy and knowing the mechanics of the game are highly rewarded. For this, the gods that are usually selected to play are those that have good damage to structures and objectives such as ADCs, midlaners and junglers

Some tips for this game mode are:

  • Play aggressively

    In this game mode more than any other it is important to play aggressively to obtain a level and gold advantage since snowballing is the best way to win games easily and quickly.

  • Control the Minion Lane

    Strategies can be applied to freeze the wave so that your enemy loses experience and gold and take advantage in all possible ways, also minions can be a great help to pressure the opponent and gain experience and gold advantage.

  • Keep Calm

    Being a 1vs1 game mode, mistakes can be costly. The first minutes of the game are the most decisive but even if you lose the early game, don't give up and try to hold on until you can have a more complete build.

  • Resource Management

    Manage your mana and health well, since there are no allies to help you. When you can, buy potions and chalices to be able to stay in line longer, withstanding the blows of your enemy.

In short, Duel is a very fun game mode that offers a different experience from the rest of the game that allows you to test your skills like nowhere else.


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