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I definitely, and I mean I definitely did not travel to Sheffield from Manchester, wait outside a hotel until 2 in the morning, realise he was not there then drive to leeds from 2am-3.30am. I DID NOT sleep at my car in a service station, I did not wake up at 5.30am, finish the drive to leeds. Wait outside a hotel in Leeds at 6am and I definitely did not meet my hero daniel bryan, who did not autograph his new york times seller book for me, he did not chat for me for 1 minute and he did not take a photo with me and I do have a video of the whole interaction... OR DID I

I really wanted to meet Daniel Bryan ey,

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

I remember when I was around 7/8, I went to watch Liverpool vs Exeter City in Exeter and after the match, my dad and I waited in the rain to try and see the players leaving the stadium.

A lot of them walked past quickly to get out of the rain (understandably) even if they said hi, but one stopped, talked to us and even signed my programme. Andy Carroll, to this day I will always remember how much that meant to little me.

Shovel's avatar

I met a wrestler called CM Punk - not sure if you’ve heard of him? I was in London for the massive AEW All In PPV at Wembley Stadium last year 2023, and I was just walking around Wembley, getting some food and my partner saw punk just walking around. We politely asked if we could take a picture and he said sure! He was super nice and friendly and made sure to tell him that I can’t wait for the show later that day. How mad that one of the biggest names in wrestling was just casually walking around??


Back when I did track and field, our running club did club competitions, putting each athlete in their respective age group against each other.

My first win came at under 13 level and at our presentation night, our sprint coach managed to pull some strings and get none other than Darren Campbell to come along, with his Olympic relay gold medal. Quite the surprise and an amazing moment to receive a medal from an olympian and all round nice guy!

Apologies for the picture quality, I can't find the original and the only copy I have is on my 30th birthday card 😂

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Whilst I was in school every one had the chance meet Dame Kelly Holmes as she was invited to a sporting event at the school, she done a talk and also presented the sports awards to the winners of the sports, though I was never any good at sports so I did not win one of those. Still it was nice to meet her not long after she had won medals at the Olympics.


A bit of a strange one, but Phil “The Power” Taylor approached me at Birmingham International airport back in October 2022.

It was the week i was getting married and i was picking my mum up from the airport as she was flying in from New Zealand. As i was waiting, a flight came in from Dubai, and i clocked The Power coming through arrivals. I gave him a knowing nod as if to say hello, and he walked over and started talking to me about Coventry City as i was wearing the then current home top.

We spoke for a good ten minutes just about football and then he said he needed to be on his way, but thanked me for the chat and not just hounding him for a photo like some others do.

Toretto 70's avatar

I once met a soccer athlete who used to be famous, his name was Cristian Gonzales, he was in the spotlight in 2010 because he brought Indonesia to 2nd place. I met him when he was touring with a group and resting in my city and at that time I was also in the rest area. . So I approached him and asked for a selfie and I was amazed to see his really healthy and fit body. Too bad I lost the photo


I was fortunate enough to go to an England Men’s Football Team training session as part of my work. We took an amazing robot called an AV1 with a young lad on the other end and introduced him to all of the players a few days before a life saving surgery.

All of the players were so polite and friendly and spent time chatting with the robot and wishing the young guy luck with his surgery but I was super impressed with Gareth Southgate and Declan Rice!

Southgate was so nice and friendly. I actually kind of panicked as I thought he wouldn’t have time for a chat so I kind of didn’t really say much to him.

Declan Rice was so charming and charismatic. He was chatting to what seemed to be a personal friend and I interrupted them to say hello as I was needing to leave soon. He was so nice and didn’t seem to mind at all, his friend was nice enough to let me but in too.

I’m a fan for life now 😂

Retro Stu's avatar

We were stopped at the motorway services on the way to my sister in laws wedding years ago and it just so happened the West Ham coach had stopped there too.

A bunch of people were crowding round the ever so easy to spot in a crowd Andy Carroll but not many spotted or realised that Kevin Nolan was also there chuckling away that Andy was getting all the attention.

I said to him "I don't know what you're laughing at, I know who you are, can I get a pic?" He was very happy to do so. My now wife also got a pic with Andy and all she could say was "My god you're tall!"

Makster's avatar

I can't say for confidentiality reasons but I ended up meeting quite a lot of Olympic athletes ahead of the Tokyo Olympic games.

I was working at the vaccination site near Manchester and all these people needed jabs before they could fly over to Tokyo. All of them were super lovely and kind.

Due to the various restrictions on the jab at the time, there was a lot of clinical details that needed to be discussed on whether they could have the jab. Obviously I would make sure it was safe and appropriate for them to have it but I would joke to them:

I'll let you have the jab on the promise you'll bring home the gold for England.


Not sure if you can call it meeting but i went to college with jack whilshire just before he went of to arsenal


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