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Dave's avatar

Far too often than is needed, but I'm trying hard to stop! It's really not worth it today with the diminishing returns from improvements in most tech. 20 years ago it was a different story, and there were huge improvements and changes with every iteration.

My pc build is 4 years old. I'm going to be really tempted by the zen5 cpu's and 50x0 gfx cards when they come out at the end of the year, but ultimately a pointless upgrade as nothing is troubling my pc today, and probably won't until the next console gen. This is the one most likely to tempt me though even though it's not needed at all...

Laptop is 10 years old so I'm doing well there. Still works fine for the basic occasional use I need it for. May end up with a forced upgrade once windows 10 is out of support for security updates. But I will go for a low end cheapest you can get, Chromebook once that happens.

I used to buy all consoles but I've managed to stop and sold them all off. Just use my pc now.

Phone, I have tried a few different models and switched platform over the last 18 months, but now I'm on the standard pixel 8 and the plan is to run it until it's no longer supported. Phone upgrades are the most pointless out of all of them. They are already more powerful and feature packed than they will ever need to be.

Main TV - now just running a 5 year old 1080p, 32 inch, but with a decent small soundbar. No plans to change it. It's surprising how fast you get used to the smaller size and that you don't need all the bells and whistles. You can also take the cheap streaming subscription instead of the upgrades as you don't need high picture quality, which saves a decent amount a month. It also makes your sitting room look much better without a giant TV taking over the whole space.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

IMO I upgrade when my games don't run correctly or I buy a new game and my PC can't run it perfectly, lags etc, gfx tear. then I think "Okay, need to upgrade now". is pretty much my MO lol

Makster's avatar

how about your phone/ tablet or TV?

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Phone - I have an iPhone 13 so it's fine atm, tablets, don't use them and the TV tbh, we have 50 inch flat screen so that will do for awhile lol

Sturmer's avatar

Great topic, by the way - I've been wanting to start this discussion myself for a while.

Personally, I don't line up every year for the newest smartphone; instead, as a DIYer and prosumer, I tend to upgrade my gadgets on my own. I'll add bigger batteries, solder in superior power controllers, expand memory, and switch up cooling systems. Typically, I use devices for about 2 years under standard warranty before tinkering with them, then continue using them for an additional 2-3 years or more.

I usually opt for an upgrade when a new version introduces groundbreaking changes or features. For example, I recently upgraded my camera because it offered features like C-log3 10-bit video recording, a 40 FPS photo mode, and focus stacking - capabilities my old camera simply didn’t have.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Oh this is a good one!

I feel like tech is not made to last these days. companies are trying different ways to get you to buy their newest thing.

I don't use smart TV, so as long as it looks good and it works I'm fine with it. Not sure how old is ours, my partner got it from a charity shop, it's flat, looks nice, full HD. Might buy a bigger one if we actually get our own house one day and have a bigger space, but for now it's fine.

Phone: only when I can't upgrade it to the latest Android, and even then I try to stay between 200-300 which I can pay for upfront as I hate paying a lot of money to companies monthly for an overexpensive phone.

PC: when my games don't run anymore. I will buy occasional upgrades like SSD or bigger hard drive for storage, but the main parts only when my games don't run as nice as I would like them to, and even then I try to go for GPU first, only swap the rest if I must.

Console: if a new Final Fantasy game comes out for a newer PS :D

Makster's avatar

Planned Obselence is a thing..

With your phone are you on a contract?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

No, i got a SIM on a 30 day rolling contract for £7 with 14 GB data which is enough for everything I need it for, so just bought my phone separately when the old one wasn't upgrading anymore.

Makster's avatar

Which phone company are you with?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Talkmobile, it works on Vodafone network.

Damo's avatar

You have so much more restraint than I do! But I love seeing Final Fantasy as the marker for tech upgrades. That was my “killer app” through earlier PS days.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I bought my PS5 when FFXVI came out 🔥

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Once a game doesn´t run smooth after i downgraded the graphics.... than is time for part upgrade or complete depending how worse it is.

Lasttime just the GPU would be enough but ... lesson learned.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ve only had laptops for quite a while and I’ve done RAM/SSD upgrades on them after a few years, but for my knowledge and ability that’s about all I could manage.

I did recently get a beefy desktop PC with a large case, so I’m looking forward to upgrading GPU and CPU as well after a few years when the gaming graphical standards have their next leap.

Damo's avatar

I tend to upgrade mine whenever my nephews or nieces find it’s time to upgrade. They will get my hand downs and I use it as an excuse to upgrade to the latest hardware. Probably every 6 or 7 years I will completely renew my gaming PC.

For consumption devices like my tablet or phone I’m a bit bad and tend to upgrade every couple of years whether I need to or not. The exception is my laptop. I have a MacBook Air that is 4 years now and still excellent. I have no need for a new laptop and more and more tasks are being delegated to my tablet or Pc these days.

My biggest problem however is with general gadgets. I have so many things I buy because it looks and sounds cool, only for it to be barely used. I have 9 raspberry pis but only 3 projects I needed them for. I have Phillips hue lights behind my monitor, nano leaf wall lights, and led strips under my desk.

I’ve been burned more than once with my gadget obsession. I have both version of the Nokia N-gage, a Gizmondo, Nvidia Shield both handheld and set top box. I have an OnLive console too, but that was free at a gaming expo so the only cost was the waking up at 2am so we could wait at the front of the queue for 7 hours.

Dave's avatar

A gizmondo? wow! I've only ever met one person that had one of those! A guy at work raved about how great it was and the next big thing.

I also got the free onlive box, but I got lucky as at the developer session talk, they put one under every seat. Saved hours of queuing at the booth!

Damo's avatar

The Gizmondo was a terrible, terrible device. The actual history of Tiger electronics and the Gizmondo is ripe for a Hollywood script with gangsters, fraud and all kinds of celebrities being tarnished!

OnLive was great but ahead of its time. The broadband infrastructure just wasn’t ready to stream games like it is these days. It’s a shame the controller wasn’t regular Bluetooth as it felt great. Sadly it’s just a nice museum piece for my games cabinets these days.


I change only once the tech piece is too old and/or too broken to do what it needs to do (and there is a budget for it, which is not to be taken for granted) and if I can, I wait a little more.

Damo's avatar

I wish I had the level of control you have. I always start off with a budget, then get sucked in with “but just a little more and I get this, and this, and that”.

Makster's avatar

Til the wheels come off! I'm with you brotha'


So this is an interesting question for me

Throughout most of my life I would always update my technology when it would run out of contract. When my two year phone contract would be up I would always upgrade to another. However in the past five years I really feel like technology has reached such a high level that an upgrade to a phone is minimal apart from a slightly better screen, camera or feature we do not need (e.g heart rate monitor on a phone)

I have started to only upgrade my technology when it has started to break or get very slow so usually phones would now last me up to 4 years whereas before they would last 2!

Limal's avatar

I can wear old hoodie for 5 years, but i tend to change tech quite often!

Konquest's avatar

Back in the day GTA games would be my benchmark. Starting from GTA 3, I was still in college at the time and I played on PC. I had to save up from part time jobs to fund my gaming. When the next GTA comes out and I couldn't play it smoothly I would upgrade :D San Andreas, GTA IV and GTA V. As an adult now, I upgrade whenever I feel that i'm limited by my hardware. So generally I will upgrade to the best or 2nd best at the time to last me for the next 2-3 years.

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