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Emilia's avatar

I know this is controversial but Apple pay…. The act of not physically having to tap any card makes spending money SO much easier because it feels less real. Even contactless cards feel like the money is actually going to leave your account! But Apple pay just makes me forget I’m even spending money lol :)

Horror and Cats's avatar

The refinement of tobacco into cigarettes/cigars and the like. I smoked for 13 years and I’ve only just last year considered myself as officially “quit.” It took so much of my money, cost me health in ways I’ve surely not fully discovered yet, and quitting was genuinely the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.

It’s obviously a selfish choice to undo, but I think quite a few people would be in a better place if we never harnessed tobacco.

Philip's avatar

Nuclear bombs - because there are unstable people in power who could destroy the world with them. 💥

Paul's avatar

Easy one for me, AI.

I have spoken about this before on other posts and im sure you have read news about it or seen elsewhere.

My main gripe with it is its use in media/art as a replacement to human creativity. AI can be utilised in so many ways to benift society, medical diagnosis, combating cyber crime etc. However the main push seems to have been within the entertainment industry to fabricate art, writing, voice acting and even video. Leaving people with uncertainty regarding future employment and even thier likeness.

On top of that, as AI is so new there have been no laws or regulations made for it (that im aware of). So there is not much in the way of protection for these people either.

I hate it, scrap it for anything to do with replacing people.

Dave's avatar

Coding is another big thing it's doing and getting better and better at it by ripping off everyone else's code. Writing clean efficient code to solve a problem or automate something etc is very human creative and can be looked at as an art form arguably. It's coming for those jobs as well. Junior level basics at least anyway.

Sturmer's avatar

I wouldn't choose to un-invent anything, as each invention has played a critical role in shaping history and our current identity. Despite the existence of negative elements and tragic events, these aspects are part of our collective journey. The concept of the butterfly effect, often explored in sci-fi books and movies, cautions us about the unforeseen consequences of altering the past.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar


I hate them. Not only are they a massive danger to kids, but, it's the clouds of smoke.

I was walking through the city center and this kid, who could not have been more than 17, pulled out this brick, took a massive hit and blew it over his shoulder, right into mine, my wife's and the baby's face. Needless to say me and the lad had words about him being more aware of those around him and just because he vapes doesn't mean others have to as well. (nicely of course, not a monster)

But those "Puff The Magic Dragon" vapes absolutely infuriate me, the little ones, not so much, but those brick things, I wish they had never been invented.

Turn back time!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I wouldn't say an exact product more like the mindset of disposable everything. We used to make tools and items which would last long, or if they broke, there were shops to repair them. These days items are either not made to last or are specifically made to be thrown away after one use. And while yes in some cases it is safer or more hygienic to have disposable options, it's really got out of hand. If you have every been to a supposedly beautiful beach on an expensive holiday and had to walk knee-deep in plastic bottles and all the other things people throw away and it gets washed up on the other side of the planet, you wouldn't buy a single plastic bottle ever again. It's just heart-breaking to see all that rubbish.

Sturmer's avatar

As for repairs, EU making moves toward it, but really slow. Some regulas for instance obligates to make phones openable and with ability to change battery w/o any specific equipment. Most modern phones can serve 5-7 years, the only problem is battery degradation and cost to replace one at the workshop.


One invention I wish had never happened is leaded gasoline. Most understand at a basic level it is bad and that there were huge improvements in society when it was banned for cars. Unknown to most, is that it is still used in many other gasoline-powered vehicles and equipment. My local airport did a study recently that showed lead levels were still abnormally high in the surrounding area and even if they couldn't easily ban it, it would make economic sense to subsidize a drop-in replacement that would work with the old engines.

I was raised with a strong aversion to lead contamination. Quite often I think of the Roman empire and I was taught that lead poisoning was a serious concern back in the day. While it may not be the lowest-hanging fruit in improving public health, it is an issue that speaks to me.

Scrbzy's avatar

Might get yelled at for posting this on a social media platform but Instagram.

I feel bad for the youth of this age having to grow up with the pressures that come with it, it's all for show and full of people only posting the best part of their lives. I think influencers set unrealistic body/beauty standards but if you try to do the right thing and ignore/don't use the platform you get FOMO or become ostracised. It's at least on the radar of some governments but there's been a clear rise in children with mental health issues, a lot of them stemming from how they feel about their appearance. It's a pretty deep subject, you could certainly look at the link between dopamine and likes/followers too, but in summary I genuinely feel like we would be better off without Instagram.

Paul's avatar

Not going to shout dw.

I have Instagram and I dont see anything other then what I am interested in, it is a gallery of warhammer, cats and dogs 🤣.

There are instances where things are shoved in our faces but usually things are only shown because the user has been looking for them. The platforms should make this mechanic more visable so young users know they can avoid the issues causing them distress.

This doesn't include adds, sometimes they do just show what ever is sponsored.

Scrbzy's avatar

I think for us who're older and more grounded it's not so bad, I'm very much the same in that I only follow close friends and stuff that I actually care about.

The ads are insufferable at times and I think it's only gotten worse, sponsored posts are every 4th/5th one on my feed. There's more pressure on social media companies to safeguard younger users now and I think it will get better with time (I hope).


Yeah who invented 9-5 ....

Lanah Tyra's avatar

There are worse things than 9-5, I had many shift patterns which were total rubbish and compared to them 9-5 is a blessing. But I totally agree on the part that fixed working hours just don't really work anymore. We should be able to do our jobs when we are most productive and that will be different for everyone.

Of course there will always be jobs which need to have specific hours, shifts, etc

BeyondBelief's avatar

I would say things like cigarettes as there's no benefit to them and they're just harmful. On the same note I would also say vaping. Perhaps even worse on the basis that half the people who use them are children or young adults who have no idea what's actually in them. I think the products can get targetted to the wrong audiences.

Limal's avatar

All drugs which are not used directly to cure something: cigarettes, alcohol, coffee,

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Politics If this is a game, total noobs are playing it. The Tutorial Bot already shot himself. And the fucking bullys blockade this arcade machine for quite a while now.

Ohh wait this about something diffrent.

Convenience Food As more processed food is as more shit it has become. So the profit gets higher with the level of shit you can reach. Fooling with stupid prices and easy to perform, pushes it humans into obesity.

You can´t cook? You died.

I would kill it and double tap it and then burn it. Just to be sure it can never come back.


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