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Video Games

Video Games
Paul's avatar

Not pc but Amega for me. I used to love the huge boxes, I remember Cannon Fodder had a hidden image of a soldier in the camouflage box art.

I think my favourite was the cover for Money Island 2!

Boomer's avatar

Yes! Amiga game cases were a thing of beauty, and so different from the actual game art 😆


Paul's avatar

Oh god yeah, seeing what the dev invisioned on the box art compared to the game was always a bit of a gamble 😂

greybill's avatar

Carrying a box home from a store had its very own feeling of anticipation. But I don't miss the chaotic-looking shelves and slow installation process via CDs.

Boomer's avatar

They took so long to install and it sounded like the computer was getting ready to take off! The little click when the CD tray ejected was so satisfying though 😄

Sturmer's avatar

I definitely don't miss physical game boxes, and sometimes I regret being a bit of a hoarder. They mostly just occupy space on my shelves. Some collector's editions are so large they don't even fit! Honestly, it's been about 20 years since I last opened something like the Diablo box.

Boomer's avatar

Feels like you need an entire room just for the stuff

Horror and Cats's avatar

Honestly I was always more a fan of jewel cases. Heck, I wish physical games still came in cases that small haha. Something pleasing about a small shelf which can still be absolutely packed with games.

Thomas's avatar

Somehow I knew this post would be about big boxes. I was talking to a friend about this just the other day. I've got a really fond memory of buying a triple pack of Civilization II, SimCity 2000 and The Settlers from Electronics Boutique as a kid that came as three giant boxes all next to each other, held together by a big sleeve that you carried like a suitcase. It was half the size of me!

Dave's avatar

What about the really thick instruction manuals? I remember the original sim city can with what was basically an entire book about city planning rather than just instructions!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I never get rid of anything gaming-related, I literally have boxes of stuff and games. For me, it's my links to memories.

Boomer's avatar

There is a real nostalgia to it all, particularly as collectors editions are largely digital nowadays.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

As much as digital is helpful, I do miss the boxes and collectors edition cases n posters


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