Hey folks,
The first Friday of the month is here so it's time for the latest iteration of "what'cha playing?", where you tell us what you're currently playing! The rules are simple, vote on the poll and comment with what you've been playing, how it's been going, and anything else relevant as it helps us learn what you folks enjoy! In turn that helps with setting bounties, communities, topics, and the like.
We've included D&D here (we know it's not a video game, don't worry!) for future planning purposes, and please treat the poll as what you've been playing the most, because polls don't currently support multiple choice.
I'm having some PC issues at the moment - need to install a new PSU this weekend in the hopes it fixes things - so being the Arisen in Dragon's Dogma 2 and leading the charge for supremacy in Helldivers 2 is on hold for me right now. I'm still playing a bunch of Marvel Snap though, and I think it's about time I start a new Football Manager career soon...
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