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Video Games

Video Games

Gamepass for me, really interesting move, i was thinking they may go back on their Day one game pass for all games promise due to the massive income that selling millions of copies of COD at $70 would have given them.

TBH though I am more excited for getting my hands on the older COD games when they hopefully arrive on Gamepass!

Sturmer's avatar

it's a 70b worth gear starts spinnin :)

Paul's avatar

I dont have game pass and wont be getting CoD. Not sure why but I lost interest in generic fps games over the last few years. Will be interesting to see if Ian from P32 checks out the multiplayer during his Friday streams though.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Ive got game pass, but no. I think I’ve grown out of COD lol

Dave's avatar

I tend to give it a go every 2 or 3 years. It's a bit like the fast junk food of games.

Horror and Cats's avatar

The last one I played was MW3 I think. I don’t do multiplayer games and the stories have never again reached the amazing level of CoD 4 MW (in my opinion).

Junk food is definitely an apt description though haha

Juuni's avatar

havent really cared for the series.. it was fun playing warzone with the P32 community but the inability to create a custom lobby without having 50 players (way too high) and the constant 60GB+ updates because nobody knows what compression is anymore .... I gave up on it and don't care to try any of the campaign stuff.


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