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Video Games

Lousily drawn (yes i know my art sucks) saxophone for Super Mario Bros Wonder which can be picked up as a powerup during a stage.


Turns your character into a music maestro that sends musical notes at enemies and friends. The modes are set as follows:

SL + SR + Up -> <The power of love!> give friends immunity for 0.5 sec per shot

SL + SR + Down -> <Repel> make enemies move away from you until they reset or drop off screen

SL + SR + Left -> <I can give you wings> give friends the ability to perform 1 super jump via normal jump button, stored as a gauge indicator beside affected player

SL + SR + Right -> <Dance for me!> make enemies sing and dance for 5 sec (enemies will not be able to hurt you during this phase, but can be knocked out by friends/jumping on them if they are not spiked). Keep them performing by hitting them continuously. Not applicable for bosses.

Every mode comes with it's own music notes that complements the current stage music whenever fired. Once set, the player will fire music notes in a horizontal line based on the direction they are facing. An extra indicator in colors Red/Green/Blue/Yellow just below the player's character will note which mode the player is currently using.

<Repel> can be stacked on <Dance for me!> to make enemies move as they dance, however <Dance for me!> causes enemies to stop on the spot if used right after <Repel>.

A support powerup for multiplayer, only drops when 2 or more players join.

TheHermit's avatar

Helldivers 2: The Democratizer

Literally a roman candle strapped to a couple pieces of 2x4.

Modeled, textured & animated in Blender.

Fire rate is that of...well, a roman candle. 5% chance of firing a projectile with the power of a 500kg bomb, otherwise does no damage. Also, it's disposable. Just throw it on the ground and grab a new one.

CelestialFlea's avatar

(A small crystal I modelled in blender, to roughly represent the crystals in X4 Foundations, not sure what's going on with the background shadow, I think that's jus JA being JA)

Firefly Proximity Mine - X4 Foundations


This highly illegal proximity mine is thought to be developed by a rogue Teladi after his assets were liquidated by the Teladi Company following investigations into his trading activities. He had nothing left beyond a few scraps he was able to salvage. He needed a ship , one that could turn a profit and he needed one fast.

So he snuck into a border system on the outer edges of Teladi space and using the scraps from his belongings he fabricated a most devious new proximity mine. Designed to mimic the natural illumination of rare crystals miners often targeted due to their high value; it would detonate as soon as it was hit by mining lasers.

The ship he chose as his target, ended up being fully laden with ore. It was the easiest credits he'd ever made. He made more mines and stole ship after ship, the perfect crime he thought. No witnesses, no evidence. But such is the Teladi desire for profit, he got greedy. He manufactured the mines in a repurposed factory he acquired with his ill-gotten funds.

Authorities caught on, and the mine was outlawed but it is still an effective trap for daring pirates. Afterall, who can resist that distant twinkle that surely signals easy profit.

The mine is designed to disable, rather than destroy a ship so it can be boarded and is effective on small to medium ships.

Practical Functionality:

  • Once deployed it detects the crystals, and latches itself into to the asteroid next to the cluster and begins emitting light to match the type of cluster and natural flashes of light it produces.

  • Triggers in proximity of a mining laser

  • Effective EM blast radius of 200 meters

  • Effective against S & M size ships

  • Illegal ware, can only be traded on the black market

  • Attracts AI within 2KM range

  • Only has enough power for 10 minutes per deployment


Fortnite - Comically Large Player Trap

This item would allow you to set a trap on chests and if an enemy opens the chest the trap snaps and damages them and applying a slow for a couple of seconds.

This would create an interesting dynamic as enemies would easily get enticed by the opportunity for extra loot & xp. It would also be possible to react in time and jump out the way, but players would likely forget as most chests aren't a trap.

The reason I really like this idea is I think it fits in perfectly with the goofy items and vibes that Fortnite likes to create with limited items and weapons.


Legend of Zelda - Grappling Hook/Stretch/Extension Gauntlet.

As seen in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Link gains the arm of Rauru which grants him several abilities. From fusing objects to make stronger weapons, the ultrahand which allows him to levitate objects, and the ascending ability which allows him to move upwards through solid material.

This got me thinking about what if Link had a gauntlet that allowed him to extend his arm, sort of like Luffy’s stretching ability from One Piece, and Batman’s grappling hook from the Arkham games. Similar to the Arkham games, Link could launch himself into the sky after grabbing onto an object and then proceed to use his glider to traverse and land safely. This would also fight his theme of being a knight as knights often have swords, shields, and gauntlets.

Philip's avatar

Stumble Guys Ability - Trolley

The Trolley ability summons a trolley in front of your character. It is held for one second before being pushed forth.

Other stumblers that come in contact with the Trolley get knocked aside.

This is an upgradable ability - upgrade options include shortening the cool down, the strength of the knock down effect and the chance of food items spilling and scattering when it collides with other stumblers.

Trolley image was AI generated.

Nine's avatar

New Weapon for minecraft

" Kukri Sword "

OK, so this time I'm thinking, if for example Minecraft has a new weapon in the next update, maybe the weapon that suits me is "Kukri or Khukuri"

This weapon in Minecraft will have 2 special attack stats, where 1 is for fighting monsters or killing mobs and 1 is for killing monsters with special attributes.

where the attack stats for killing monsters with special attributes or certain monsters are greater than the attack stats for the other.

and of course this weapon will be difficult to make like the "Mace" weapon which recently came out in version 1.21 of Minecraft.

AirGaram's avatar

Terraria Weapon - Molten Edge

The Molten Edge is a late Pre-hardmode craftable weapon.

Damage : 45

Knockback : 5.5

Use Time : 32 (atk speed)

Rarity : Orange

Crafting Recipe : 10 Hellstone Bars, 5 Obsidian, 1 Fireblossom, 1 Magma Stone

Crafting Station : Hellforge

It generates a small wave of fire that travels a short distance each swing and inflicts the 'on fire' debuff. Triggers a small explosion each time it hits an enemy. It emits fiery light particles when swung.


Game : Doom

the cosmic disintegrator

A very powerful weapon, usable in doom, capable of tearing to shreds any enemy that dares to get close to the doom guy, this weapon emits a powerful water-colored laser with its toilet-style shape allows you to eliminate masses of enemies in a few seconds, it also offers a secondary fire mode the cosmic rinse a powerful cosmic wave capable of absorbing enemies, the weapon can be reloaded with special ammunition called cosmic spheres and you will find few of them around being a somewhat overpowered weapon that only the doom guy is able to use.

Additionally, the weapon can be upgraded by improving the cosmic flush discharge efficiency and the cosmic ray fire rate.

The weapon image was generated with AI


Game: Minecraft

Weapon: throwable dagger

This weapon is craftable, it is crafted by: putting one stick in the bottom left/right , amethyst in the middle and another piece of amethyst in the top right/left.

More information :Like I said it is a throwable dagger like the trident but you can also use it like a sword it will be able to have all enchantments. damage :This will take off 3.5 hearts when thrown and 4.5 hearts taken off when used like a sword.


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