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Video Games
Shovel's avatar

I Feel like a good guest to have is good old Nicolas Cage. He has a rep for him eclectic film roles and his personality. Imagine him dramatically reading lines from some iconic video games of doing some live action role play of the famous Castor Troy character from Face/Off. or even like a parody of his character from National Treasure but have him find hidden Easter eggs in a game.

If you pair Nicolas Cages appearance with an over the top stage stunt where he timely controls a giant robot - pacific rim style, it could be fun. The robot could engage in a mock battle with another celeb controlled robot or digital opponent.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Hi Guys for the GAMESCOM stage l think that this is the moment of Wesley Snipes and since his surprisingly appear like Blade in the movie DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE I think that Wesley could be a good Choice


PS: My First commentary 😊

SIRCAM's avatar

It would be awesome if they invite David Hayter (Snake voice) considering that Metal Gear Solid Delta is coming, and as we all know Mr. Hayter will put his voice in it.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

It's fairly common now for FFXIV Fan Fest to feature producer Yoshi-P dressed as one of the new jobs coming in the next expansion. I have to say cosplaying really suits the man and he's clearly enjoying himself on stage, would love to see him in his element at a big gaming event as well. So since we know FFXVI PC release just has been announced, it would be really cool to get him on stage dressed as Clive Rosfield, swinging about that sword, and then have Ben Starr (voice of Clive Rosfield) show up and challenge him for a duel.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I would love for Christoper Judge to come on stage and say something outrageous like this...

This to me would be the highlight of the night if he came on and just full on roasted an up-coming game like this, because I love this guy, not because I am a SG1 NERD, but because this is just funny as hell. So I'd like for this sort of thing to happen!

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

With the remaster of Until Dawn for ps5/pc coming on October 4th, I truly think there is no better time for a reunion of the cast of my favourite video games. Supermassive have also been hinting at revealing a new Dark Anthology game at Gamescom, so I think it would be an amazing celebration of all that’s to come and how they started 🙌


A group of rappelling down from the rafters to the stage cosplayed as SWAT teams from Ready or Not or characters from Rainbow Six: Siege or any specialized group in a game. This will be pretty awesome and will 100% give everyone a surprise when it happens.


A big surprise would be the cast of the fallout tv show coming onto stage in their show costumes/power armour to announce a new Fallout sequel that everyone has been craving!

That would be a cool statement of intent from Microsoft ahead of the Bethesda segment the next day.

Limal's avatar

They are about to announce a new game called Crowy, and before playing the trailer, Snoop Dogg jumps on a stage, wearing a pigeon costume, holding Elon Musk's not-a-flamethrower, and then iconic music starts to play "drop it like it's hot" and the trailer begins.

CelestialFlea's avatar

I'm not particularly a Call of Duty fan (admitedly I don't even play), but I am a huge Rhea Ripley simp and I know she's a playable character in the current season so here's my idea;

She crashes through the stage panelling on a zip wire, holding a machine gun and as she lands she says "Mami's here" and a handful of dudes in combat gear start swarming the stage so she drops the gun and headbutts the first guy into oblivion just as the drop for her music hits. A small fight scene ensues and finishes with a dude eating a Riptide through a table.. 'cos yanno...TABLES?

I know it's corny as hell, but sometimes corny can be cool, right? Perfect way to promote Call of Duty 6 if you ask me.


For some reason, the first thing that came to mind was what if Geoff invites Hideo Kojima on stage as a surprise to discuss Death Stranding 2? The crowd goes wild but at the moment doesn't realize that it's actually just a very good stunt double.

As the double is walking towards the center of the stage, they fall through a trap door and completely disappear, the crowd dies down with concern, and then in the same spot where 'Hideo' fell, a large cardboard box appears from under the stage, and out bursts the real Hideo Kojima dressed as Solid Snake to announce hell has frozen over and he's working with Konami on a full Twin Snakes style remake of MGS1 and a new MGS game (due 2041 or something).

Toretto 70's avatar

Creating drama at the event, a SWAT and FBI platoon came from behind the audience and arrested the presenter then as if creating a tragedy shot gunshots then turned off the lights and the main star appeared to open the event


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