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It has to be the game of throne books by George R.R Martin. I absolutely loved the TV show but was really disappointed by the ending. Its been a while now and I really hope he puts pen to paper and finishes some of the original endings because if he does not his imagination will get lost to time! He's pretty old at the minute and we have all been waiting long enough! A long thought out book for the ending would do a lot better than the rushed storylines in the final couple of episodes

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Brandon Sanderson and The Stormlight archives

I really enjoy Brandon Sanderson's books and I have read and enjoyed the first 3 books of the Stormlight archives but with the first book of this series was released in 2010 and only being 3 books into this 10 book saga 14 years later and with Sanderson's also working on other books in his popular Mistborn series it make you wonder if this series will ever get finished. Part of the problem is that it's probably to much work than Sanderson can handle or maybe the series will get finished in another 30-40 years time.

Sturmer's avatar

"Berserk" by Kentaro Miura.

If i'm not mistaken, this dark fantasy began in 1989, my earlest manga dated 1991. Sadly, Miura's sudden passing in May 2021 left the series incomplete, with fans around the world expressing their hope for a continuation or conclusion of the Guts' epic journey

AirGaram's avatar

there is a light novel that's been on hiatus for a few years since it's latest volume, The Rising of the Shield Hero. the latest one ended on a cliffhanger and there hasn't been any news about it, the japanese version of the latest one released was i think in 2018, some say that the author is busy working on the side story novel. well, there is a web novel for it, but the plot diverges so much that im tired to re-read it again. i need it


The Kingkiller Chronicles - Patrick Rothfuss really does need to work more on this series. I know that in the initial book he laid out a plan which was ambitious and perhaps unattainable, but there is nothing holding him to the initial commitment of making the whole story fit into 3 tellings. It has been 13 years since the previous book was released, and 17 years since the one before. It would be criminal to leave the series unfinished. I honestly think that he should be imprisoned with a typewriter and not released until the book is. The story, and the novellas set in the same world, are amazing. I know that expectations are high, but I would rather him meet any level of expectation rather than simply to abandon the series. This is truly one of the most frustrating things I've come across in literature. The George RR Martin effect is not a good one. Please in the name of all things holy (and unholy if that is what it takes) publish the next volume, and the next and the next and the next if that is what it takes. I do not care if a trilogy was promised, Douglas Adams published a trilogy, and now that trilogy is up to 6 volumes (and 1 of those was published 8 years after his death by a different author, not that I'm suggesting Rothfuss do the same) so clearly trilogy can be a flexible term. Please, I beg you, publish something, anything.


Jack Kibry's Fourth World is a brilliant series of comics that seems to have sadly never been properly completed.

This series of DC comics contains some familiar foes that have become more prominent in recent years due to the Snyderverse, but the comics were undoubtably of better quality!

It also put Mister Miracle in the limelight who held powers of time travel and healing/reviving organisms. Combined with Houdini-like escapism skills and super strength, he had an interesting origins story and plenty of powers to tackle foes like Darkseid.

So many possibilities for this one to be taken on inventive story arcs and godly battles that it would make a great series to see finally finished!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

X/1999 by CLAMP

As with many manga, first I saw the anime series, and then started reading the manga. It always bothered me when the anime didn't feel like having a conclusion so I was hoping the manga will give me that, just to find out it was still running... and on hiatus...

X/1999 is the usual the end of the world is approaching and some teenagers with supernatural powers having to change fate. The manga went on hiatus in 2003 as at the time there were too many natural disasters happening in Japan, similar to events in the manga.

Apart from the story I really love the art style of CLAMP and would have loved to see more of it.

Scrbzy's avatar

I'm hoping one of my favourite book series, the Kingkiller Chronicle gets finished. However at this point I'm not very hopeful, the second book came out in 2011 and since then the author has gone on to write two spin offs but little has been said of the third of the trilogy.

What makes it even worse is that Patrick Rofuss promised to recite the first chapter of book 3 during a charity drive. The goal was met, but Rofuss then went on to renege on that promise!!!

Very shitty behaviour, none the less I hope he gives the people what they want!


A comic book series that I felt had more story to tell would be The Immortal Men by Jim Lee, Ryan Benjamin, Tyler Kirkham, and James Tynion IV. This is from DC’s “New Age of Heroes” comic book line which followed the events after “Dark Nights: Metal”. Despite this line not being a success, I found several interesting stories from the comics that came from them, especially the Immortal Men. The book is about a hidden war between immortal superheroes and villains, and how the main character Caden Park will find his place in it. I won’t say anymore as I don’t want to spoil the rest of the story, but I highly recommend that you give it a read.


Because of the massive cultural impact of game of thrones and the vast fandom of both the tv viewers and book readers.
you could say A Song of Ice and Fire series is eagerly anticipated by not just myself or a few fans its a worldwide thing we are awating. looking it up it says the latest update of November 2023 is that Martin had written roughly 1,100 pages of the next book, “The Winds of Winter,” and had “hundreds more pages to go.” The final two books are expected to be over 3,000 pages combined.

so there's plenty more waiting to do and he is not the youngest guy around

Makster's avatar

This was the last panel published by the one Kentaro Miura before his passing. This will resonate with those that know and for those not in the loop please read on.

Berserk is a dark fantasy manga by Kentaro Miura following two characters: Guts the protagonist is a orphan raised by mercenaries trying to find his place in life, whilst his counter-park Griffith is an ambitious man that recruits Guts in his militia to achieve his dream of owning his own kingdom. The story explores the dynamic of these two characters and the dark side of ambition.

It's an incredible story and world, bolstered by Miura's exceptional art. Just doing a search on his stuff shows you that this wasn't just any ordinary manga. However just like George RR, updates were very infrequent and far between which makes his passing all the more tragic as we will never see the rest of his story (though the story of Berserk will continue now penned by Miura's life long friend Kouji Mori.

This last panel also served as a cliffhanger as one of the few times after the Eclipse Guts meets Griffith so we never find out what happens next..

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

With his passing, it will never be possible in the way that I wanted him to write it. But the Lotr/Hobbit, general middle earth stories weren’t finished and would’ve been amazing to see how they could have played out. I understand that they are trying to flesh out what was left behind in media now, but it’s just not the same as it could have been

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Spiderman - We constantly have "remakes" over and over again and then a few movies but the story never moves on, it's always the same. it is so frustrating when things start rolling and then suddenly, we are back to square one.

I want a good series/movies on Spiderman and I want it to continue as far as it can, the fanbase is there, the money is there, we just need directors who want to take the risks.

Philip's avatar

Yeah it irks me that the spiderman story is constantly refreshed for the next crop of 5 year olds to experience it for the first time. It really needs new stories.

Rich's avatar

Many thanks to Makster for this idea on our inaugural JABC suggest-a-bounty bounty!

Toretto 70's avatar

I wanted a new batman beyond, latest volume in Neo Year until now it not release yet


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