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Content Creators
greybill's avatar

Three words: Josh. Strife. Hayes.

Hands down. The man just pumps out good stuff left and right and doesn't take himself too seriously about it. For example this little gem:

This is his second channel for clips from streams. I'm rather glad for that existing, since I don't get to catch his streams live that often. But that is also kind of the point of the message: Consume less, make more.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Two-part answer for me.

My Wife - She has always and always will push me, to do better, when I don't do much for a few days, she will give me a gentle nudge saying something like "How's YouTube doing" or "Are you doing videos this week" and I will get off my butt and do something, the funny thing is, she also says "how's the bounties going" lol.

MrBeast - People will often say he is a "show off" and "god complex" but for me, his overall drive to post better and better content is something I try to mimic, I try really hard with my videos and I don't always get the views I want but I am very careful with my content, often re-recording videos non-stop till I like the way it looks.

Content creation is hard enough and you need something or someone to push you, it is very easy to get burned out.

Horror and Cats's avatar

This kitty, Lily Pearl

She showed up on my door step during the pandemic and I thought she was pregnant (she was just fat and friendly) so I needed to take her to a vet and have her looked at/given shots, etc.

Money was very weird and layoffs were happening, so I didn’t have much money, nor a safety in spending what I had. I found a non-profit vet in a neighboring city which would do the whole gamut—spay and inoculations—for $90.

The clinic is funded by The Abandoned Cat Team and that work is pivotal in making ordinary people with ordinary jobs be able to afford taking cats off the streets and get them looked after.

I had wanted to do a YouTube channel for a while before, but the “and cats” in my channel is because I want to make money to donate to TACT and also do fundraisers for them and other animal charities using the platform I have/am building.

This lovey girl is a great office mascot and constant reminder of what I want to accomplish.

Dave's avatar

Its the JustAbout community members. I've always been put off even attempting to do any Youtube videos and putting the time in, because you inevitably end up getting a handful of views, if that...and the whole thing just seems like one big waste of time! When just starting out, there is a lot to learn, those first videos are not going to be good, so no one is going to watch them. Even YouTube doesn't know who to suggest them to or what they are about at first. Every video though you learn new skills and improve.

I had a few early misfires by trying to do some AI stuff (unrelated to JustAbout bounties). I thought it was great, as for me it's about how impressive the tech is that can produce such things and that's what is interesting about it. However I quickly realised that everyone else is purely interested in if the video is entertaining or not, not that it's technically impressive. So I scrapped that idea...

So now I'm using the bounties as a learning exercise to get editing skills etc, how to title the videos well, creating clickable thumbnails that stand out, comparing analytics when I make changes and between the different content, what gets clicks and what doesn't. I've not started doing real voice overs (yet), but a member on here has sent me some resources to watch on how to get confident in doing it and how to say your words, project your voice etc with the right enthusiasm. Raw edited gameplay footage is just that, so I've got to start adding my own touch to it beyond that.

What's good about JustAbout though, is the healthy competition, friendly community and how much you can learn from each other. My content still isn't great, it will take a long time to improve, but I'm learning and skilling up after every one.

Take the tallest tower in nightingale for example, I learnt from Sturmer on that one not to just rush in and start building/creating whatever the task may be without stopping and thinking, planning and doing some research.

The Dragons Dogma 2 nature doc one, I learnt a lot from after seeing other peoples entries and how they approached it. Such as the importance of sticking to the brief and reading it a few times to see where the focus is, planning out, then going out to get the footage you are after for what you need rather than just making use of my archived play session recordings to find suitable clips. But also the importance the voice over has (where needed), especially so when for the most part we are all doing faceless content in the bounty entries.

The competitive part of each bounty, and what we learn from each others entries, means we are all continuously improving, not wanting to get left behind, keeping up with the quality of submissions as they improve. Ok, you still probably only get a handful of views for now, but the difference is you are all taking on the same task on, then reporting back with what/how you've done it. The people that enter the bounty are going to watch the other entries to check out the competition, compare results, comment and self reflect on where you went wrong, what needs improving for next time, what makes the other entries better than yours, what is it about the best one that makes it so? Just that feedback and comparison you can make as a result, makes all the difference. And yes the chance of a payment gives the motivation to make it feel less like you are wasting your time and should be doing something more productive!

I don't think a channel made up of nothing but fairly random JA bounty submissions is something many people would want to subscribe to (outside of JA members), but it's a great way to get ideas for what videos to create, to get that quality up, improve you skills, compare, and have a shared experience about a subject people in your "real life" probably aren't interested in.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

First of all, my partner.

For a while I was just streaming my FFXIV raid sessions as a 'must' because the raid leader before me has done so as well. I only started to edit videos again when I saw a job advert which reminded me of how this was something I used to do just then life happened. Ever since my partner had been constantly encouraging and supporting me, either giving me ideas for content or helping me record footage for it. Or just bringing coffee and biscuits when I've been so immersed in an editing session, that I even forgot to eat. I thought having someone who plays games with me was a huge win already, but to have someone who will also support my hobby content creation is everything a girl can ask for.

Just About community

Honestly I spend most of my content creation time doing stuff for bounties. And it's not just the money rewards (which is nice of course) but the kind and supportive feedback I receive on posts and bounty submissions. I can tell people genuinely like my content or give constructive feedback if they think I could do something better, and this is possibly the biggest encouragement someone can get.

Sturmer's avatar

Nothing fuels my motivation quite like my family's support and candid feedback. When my wife playfully challenges me with "Is that the best you can do?" it spurs me on to reach new heights.

My children, my first and most honest audience, often provide insightful critiques. Their perspectives are invaluable, particularly as they represent the future audience I aim to captivate. Each piece of content I create, I do so with an extra dose of effort, bearing in mind that my work will be viewed by my daughter. It's a chance to exemplify the value of not taking shortcuts and to demonstrate that quality work is worth the extra effort.

MargotCandy's avatar

I always find it hard to call myself anything when I haven’t done it successfully for 10 years or so. But my content creation is a bit of a hobby/mess. Haha.

But in terms of content creation, I like to mostly create fun videos of my pets with some educational purposes. I have ferrets and they can be quite misunderstood.

If my partner laughs, then I know I will be on to a winner. So I guess the desire to make him laugh keeps me creating ferret videos.

For my hobby account I really like the vibe and aesthetic of gaminginyellow on instagram. The flatlays especially are inspiring and I’m trying to learn to do something similar with my own spin.

In terms of my other hobbies, I really like the aesthetic and vibe behind

If I ever were to stream or record videos of me gaming then I’d have to credit FightinCowboy whose gameplay videos have helped me through Elden Ring.

But in the end I like being a bit creative and have an online collection of things I have done or enjoy at a given moment in time, so I guess you could say the desire to record and look back on memories is what keeps me going.

And the reason I’m here is that I like building and being part of a community. I helped build a local community in my city in person pre Covid and I miss it hence I’m looking for community online more now. :)

Makster's avatar

One man and one book: John Romero and Doom Guy: Life in First Person (his autobiography).

It’s easy to see on the surface that Romero has an ego complex, parading around as an ace programmer and still celebrating his wins from yesteryear compared to any ground gained in more recent times.

However, listening to the audiobook - I can see that Romero is an incredibly humble individual with a keen passion to code and make games. His autobiography takes you through in stunning detail of his abusive upbringing with his father+ step-father, his passion for coding and clarifications on what happened at Id during the divorce, the failures of Ion Storm, and his recent projects that failed to see the light of day such as BLACKROOM (a crowdfunded game that still lives in vaporware purgatory) and Sigil (Romero’s return to Doom).

But why does he inspire me? - it’s his closing remarks in the epilogue and also words peppered throughout the book. Nowadays technology and knowledge are at our fingertips and anyone with the right drive can find success. It's also his public failures are all too known and yet takes them on the chin and implores people to grow from their failures. It's something so incredible to see a hero show their warts and scars, and yet still be seen as a paragon among the greats.


DisturbReality aka Jarek120

He had a really big magic channel in the early 2010's, he was a shy kid who enjoyed magic and wrestling. He taught me so many magic tricks on Youtube and even showed video's of approaching people at parties and breaking down the psychology of nerves and working magic on a group!

I learned some very cool trick, such as refilling an empty can of coke on the fly and make a deck flip in half and reveal a chosen card without touching it. His magic tutorials and videos helped me develop my magic skills and social skills at university. A shy quiet kid became the life of the party and I also had a bit of a reputation for my magic!

His channel barely gets any views now despite having hundreds of thousands of followers. The subscribers who are still left are die hard fans

The dude really changed my life. I was so proud seeing he got a tryout in WWE

Who knows, maybe I will go to wrestle school one day and wrestle him and he might know the positive impact he had on me

Letitia Lemon's avatar

This may sound pretty cheesy but my community inspires me to keep making content. I stream as a casual hobby, not for a full-time job and I never expect anyone to watch my content. My career takes me to all sorts of places, doing all sorts of shows for inconsistent periods of time so it makes having a reliable stream schedule somewhat tricky... but knowing that I have NEVER had a stream to 0 viewers is incredibly humbling and it shows that no matter what else I have going on, I have people who will be there to watch me stream and hang out. Even while I am away from streaming, I still do my best to update my other socials with my acting and modelling content to let the community know what I'm up to when not live.

Also, some of my streamer friends motivate me to keep going too. I don't have the time to put in as much effort as they do on their content but they inspire me to find ways to grow with what time I can actually spare on content creation. Surrounding myself with such friendly, supportive, creative people has helped form a positive atmosphere in my online spaces.

FrostySomething's avatar

Fame and fortune…

Just kiddin’! ;)

I just enjoying making media and playing games so it seems like a natural fit. I mostly make things that I myself would want to watch. I also like trying different things and learning new skills. The bounties on JustAbout have acted as good prompts to do more experimental content, such as the nature documentary for Dragon’s Dogma 2. It’s fun! Hard work, but fun! :D

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