Any given creator typically isn't an expert in more than one or two fields, and yet in order to make your primary work really shine, you often need music to set the right tone for a video, images to illustrate an article or design a cover for a self-published book, or other assets that you would struggle to make alone.
Fortunately, many creators voluntarily upload such assets to sharing sites on a copyright-free basis. It's important to respect whatever terms any creator asks in exchange for their hard work, but there's also no denying that those who choose to do so for free are enabling a whole stratum of grassroots hobbyist creators to do their thing too.
So let's get together and share these resources. Where do you get your copyright-free assets? Whether that's music, images, or something else, share your sources in a written or video submission and explain what makes them so useful. The best 12 submissions get $3 apiece!
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