Well honestly there's a few ways you can deal with toxicity and I'm going to give a slightly hot take as someone who's dealt with toxicity on my own channel because for whatever reason, some American's don't seem to like my voice (I also have some minor speech issues) and I get trolled all the time.
Not all toxic comments are without merit.
Just because you deem a comment to be toxic, doesn't necessarily mean it's without merit. Sometimes there is valuable information to be gleamed from toxic comments. If for example they all follow a common theme, like complaining about audio quality then perhaps it's something you can look into improving. Make sure all your levels are good, your filter settings are fine etc.
Even if they say "This is a shit video" or "This is terrible" don't be afraid to ask them why they think it's bad, what they think you could do to improve it next time. If they respond with namecalling and general douchery, they can safely be disregarded. But sometimes they might open up with constructive criticism and that, is valuable. Obviously I'm not talking about barrages of offensive words and namecalling here.
Use blocked word filters
Not many people use this feature, but in the community tab under channel settings there is a section where you can add blocked words or phrases that are commonly used by your trolls. For example "I can't understand you" is one I get quite often and I find it's just a waste of time trying to engage with them after testing out some alternative solutions, the trolls still complained.
So don't be afraid to make use of this feature and let the trolls scream into the void.
Don't let them get to you
There is no reasoning with or pleasing trolls, no matter what you do it won't be good enough for them. So don't engage with them, you responding and getting upset or trying to pwn them is what they want, it gives them more fuel and will attract more trolls. I've learned this the hard way but it has reduced the amount of negative comments I get significantly.
All engagement is good engagement
Remember, the algorithm doesn't care if engagement is negative in nature. Just as long as there aren't any community violations. They don't realise that by commenting on your video and giving you watch-time, it actually HELPS your channel because it's adding engagement, even if it's serial dislikers (which I have) who dislike every video you do it's engagement, it's returning traffic. All positive signals for the algorithm.