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TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

It's important to remember to not let any toxic behaviour effect you, depending on what is being is said you could either just ignore it, report it if it starts to become harassment. sometime you could even just thank the person for their input because sometimes they will stop because they don't get the reaction they want from you. it can be a learning experience and its something that nearly every content creator will come across at some point so it can be helpful if you surround yourself with other positive people so they can help you deal with any negativity. it's important to learn what is actually toxic behaviour. lastly try to not let it get you down if it's not helpful criticism and only negatvie toxic comments then try try to not let it get to you as you are better than these people.


After dealing with it for a while now being a content creator for a few years honestly first thing is block the bad actors.

Second is never respond, its not worth your time or energy trying to respond to some idiot online who has nothing better to do with their time than throw abuse at someone they dont even know, I feel sorry for them as it must be a sad way to live. Remove them, then move on with your life.

It gets easier over time to the point it just doesn't bother you and sometimes you may even leave the comments as your community will rip into them lol

BUT if something does bug you, do the first 2 steps I mentioned, then unplug, go a walk or workout, and you will be golden by being back in the real world in no time!

And lastly as a small bonus tip, think of it as a positive getting toxicity online, it usually means your platform and reach is growing which means you inevitably encounter some fools, so chin up, smile as your doing what you want to do with your life and press on! You got this!

Shovel's avatar

Unfortunately, in the world we live in, it is almost impossible to upload a video or post a picture without someone commenting on something negative or toxic so to deal with that as a content creator I think I've got some great tips. (This is years of therapy prepping me for this bounty haha)

  1. Establish boundaries! It's okay to set limits on what you think is acceptable and what isn't.

    a good way to enforce this to your subscribers would be to set out some community guidelines and have mods to enforce these consistently.

  2. Moderator, linking in with the above, it would be good to have one or do this yourself if you don't mind looking at certain comments. you can use filter tools to block words and phrases.

  3. this is easier said than done, but focus on the positivity! if you engage more with the positive comments and highlight the nice ones. It can encourage

    good behavior.

  4. Take breaks - so with this I mean unplug. disconnect and delete apps from your phone to give yourself a tech detox, this is good at helping avoid burnout.

  5. try not to interact too much with the trolls and negative peoplewhen you respond to them it might escalate the situation. just block and report - it's way easier.

  6. speak to a counselor if you find yourself being too affected. if it gets to a point where it is impacting your mental health.

Only 6 tips here but I hope you do find them useful!

Limal's avatar

Previous submissions have already explained effective ways to combat internet toxicity. I've tried many techniques, but the most efficient one was suggested by my friend who works as a psychotherapist. They explained that people often exhibit aggressive or toxic behavior because they currently have, or have had in the past, real-life issues or dissatisfaction. Instead of addressing their own problems, they spread negativity online, where they feel a delusion of power and dominance.

Now, when I encounter someone being toxic, I remind myself that this isn't their true intention. They are probably lonely or dealing with serious issues they can't resolve on their own. So, instead of blocking or arguing—offer them a virtual hug!

Makster's avatar

I think there needs to be distinction between hate and negative feedback. Sometimes blocking out all hate is detrimental - just because they said something in a harmful way doesn't mean their criticism isn't valid.

I tend to try give people the benefit of the doubt and take 'corporate' managerial approach to feedback i.e. respond kindly thanking them for the feedback and try and suggest an answer.

This is a case of fighting fire with fire or taking the low road alongside the commenter is not productive and would just fan the flames of hate.

I have found 'killing them with kindness' is the best policy. The juxtaposition of a kind response to a negative one makes everyone re-think their words and often anger is a gut reaction which, upon reflection is often irrational and unwarranted.

If you REALLY need to vent a negative response to a commenter - I'd suggest to typing it out and then NOT sending it. Sometimes being able to vent to anything is enough to calm your nerves and let cool heads prevail

Lanah Tyra's avatar

It depends a lot on what platform someone creates content and what game they play. Is the toxicity coming from people you encounter in a multiplayer game or are they comments on your content?

In-game toxicity

If it is ingame and you are streaming, you should do everything to get away from the situation peacefully. Change zone, leave the party, pause or change the game overall. Not just to protect yourself and not get involved in that situation, but also to protect your viewers. Toxic behaviour is most likely not what they want to see.

If you think it might come from a misunderstanding, then you can try to control the situation by talking to the person, educating them, explain this is not the right behaviour. It might work, and you will also show a good example to your viewers on what is acceptable behaviour when playing with others. Every game has a report function as well, use it if you have to, the game masters are there to help. You can take a few minutes break on stream and fill in the report.

Toxic comment on a content

If it is a comment on a content, then the question is does it have any constructive feedback? If it does, it might not be the nicest comment you received, but the person might have good intentions, so think first if there is any truth in the comment.

If there is no constructive part of the comment and it's clearly just an insult, then the best to deal with it is to remove it and block the person. Not just for your own sake but for your viewers as well. For example I make guide videos aimed at casual players. I'm a casual player myself so will be playing on easy mode and use ingame items which help me with a fight. I get comments on my guides that using these items is cheating and why do I think I should make a guide when I didn't complete the fight as fast as others. Are these comments constructive in any way for my viewers? No. I don't want people to feel bad because they take longer to complete something. So I removed these comments.

Toxic comments while streaming

If someone comes into your stream chat and starts behaving in a way which makes you or your community uncomfortable, use the moderation tools at your disposal. Given on the severity of the situation, warning, time out or ban. If it's someone you know, you can try to talk to them later and smooth out the situation but right there and then you are responsible for not just your own but your community's wellbeing as well.

Sinclair's avatar

I think that toxic people are sometimes hard to get rid of because it's their form of expression. But keep in mind, we as content creators can create a wall to contain all of that. like making some clear and firm rules that are shown to our audience, then also we can do a cut-off by muting them from the live-chat when the stream is in progress, we also don't get provoked by people like that and I think we have to stay professional, and also always remind them to speak politely!

Makster's avatar

muting is such a powerful tool

Sturmer's avatar

Dealing with negativity and toxicity as a content creator is always a challenge! Gladly there are several strategies to manage it and maintain a positive environment. Here are some my general recommendations:

Set Clear Boundaries (usualy via terms)

Establish community guidelines for acceptable behavior on your platform. Make it clear what kind of comments and interactions are allowed. This will allow you to take a next step.

Moderate Your Community

Use moderation tools to filter out harmful comments and content. Many platforms offer features like keyword blocking, comment approval, and reporting systems to help manage negative interactions.

Focus on the Positive commentors

Engage with your audience members and highlight supportive comments. Showing appreciation for your supportive community can encourage more positive interactions, turn them into your first line defenders.

Don’t Take It Personally

Understand that negativity often reflects more on the person expressing it than on you. Try to separate yourself from the toxic comments and not take them to heart. This is hardest part for me, gladly there are always someone near by to remind me about it!

Use Humour as a weapon, but to disarm, not hurt

Sometimes, defusing negativity with a bit of humor can help. It can show that you don’t take the negativity too seriously and maintain a light-hearted approach. But be careful, as that can turn your loyal readers into a mob, who will attack trolls and escalate the conflict.

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

Of course as a content creator I often get very negative reprimands for me, even though it hurts it is a challenge for me.

  1. the first to deal with it I can usually silence them that way heaters cannot be given the power to make arguments, Remember, replying will only add fuel to the fire.

  2. for the second one Identify the source of negative content. Know the types of negative content and the main sources of online criticism and crisis. By understanding this, you can be better prepared to respond appropriately. by creating content

  3. for the third is to create positive content that is innovative and inspiring so that you will not be attacked by heaters, even though the more popular your content is, there will be envious and spiteful people.

  4. for the fourth, choose wisely what content you want to follow on social media. Avoid content that is considered toxic and can interfere with your mental health.

maybe that's all the tips from me to deal with negativity and toxicity as a content creator.

Makster's avatar

do not engage is a good rule of thumb

Nine's avatar

I have been a content creator for almost 3 years, and during those 3 years I learned a lot.

But the things I do to avoid toxic things are:

  • Stay calm and think clearly when doing content production / during live streams.

  • Carefully choose what games you will play, I usually always avoid games that can make me angry. like competitive games.

  • Always listen to criticism and suggestions from your friends/viewers to always reflect on yourself.

  • If possible, avoid people who are usually toxic.

  • Stay in shape, if you're not feeling well/not in the mood, it's better not to live stream/record. Remember that mood is important to become a content creator, so that viewers can enjoy watching you.

  • Avoid toxic / annoying viewers, but don't block them first. give them a warning 3 times if them still annoying

  • don't forget to rest because you are not a robot, sometimes when we don't rest enough we will easily get carried away by emotions.

  • Don't be arrogant / angry, stay humble, always listen to what the viewer says.

  • keep enjoying your process, focus on your target

  • Keep Positife Thinking

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

Honestly I think the best way is to take it in your stride, it’s not always the easiest but it’s usually because they have nothing better to do with their time. If you have surrounded yourself with the right people, it won’t affect you for longer than a minute.

Obviously though people if saying the worst (racist, homophobic ect) things, just reshare the comment to your story a watch the world burn 👀😂

A lot of the time, it’s their own insecurities 🤷🏼‍♀️

CelestialFlea's avatar

Well honestly there's a few ways you can deal with toxicity and I'm going to give a slightly hot take as someone who's dealt with toxicity on my own channel because for whatever reason, some American's don't seem to like my voice (I also have some minor speech issues) and I get trolled all the time.

Not all toxic comments are without merit.

Just because you deem a comment to be toxic, doesn't necessarily mean it's without merit. Sometimes there is valuable information to be gleamed from toxic comments. If for example they all follow a common theme, like complaining about audio quality then perhaps it's something you can look into improving. Make sure all your levels are good, your filter settings are fine etc.

Even if they say "This is a shit video" or "This is terrible" don't be afraid to ask them why they think it's bad, what they think you could do to improve it next time. If they respond with namecalling and general douchery, they can safely be disregarded. But sometimes they might open up with constructive criticism and that, is valuable. Obviously I'm not talking about barrages of offensive words and namecalling here.

Use blocked word filters

Not many people use this feature, but in the community tab under channel settings there is a section where you can add blocked words or phrases that are commonly used by your trolls. For example "I can't understand you" is one I get quite often and I find it's just a waste of time trying to engage with them after testing out some alternative solutions, the trolls still complained.

So don't be afraid to make use of this feature and let the trolls scream into the void.

Don't let them get to you

There is no reasoning with or pleasing trolls, no matter what you do it won't be good enough for them. So don't engage with them, you responding and getting upset or trying to pwn them is what they want, it gives them more fuel and will attract more trolls. I've learned this the hard way but it has reduced the amount of negative comments I get significantly.

All engagement is good engagement

Remember, the algorithm doesn't care if engagement is negative in nature. Just as long as there aren't any community violations. They don't realise that by commenting on your video and giving you watch-time, it actually HELPS your channel because it's adding engagement, even if it's serial dislikers (which I have) who dislike every video you do it's engagement, it's returning traffic. All positive signals for the algorithm.

Zeref_Vermilion's avatar

Dealing with negativity and toxicity as a content creator can be challenging, but there are effective strategies i can employ to manage and mitigate their impact. Here are some recommendations:

1. Set Clear Boundaries and Guidelines:

Comment Policies: Establish clear rules for your community regarding acceptable behavior and comments. Post these guidelines where they are visible to your audience.

Moderation: Use moderation tools to filter out inappropriate comments. You can also employ moderators to help manage your community.

2. Engage Positively:

Highlight Positivity: Focus on engaging with positive and supportive comments. This not only boosts your morale but also encourages more positive interactions.

Respond Constructively: If you choose to respond to negative comments, do so in a calm and constructive manner. Avoid getting defensive or engaging in arguments.

3. Use Block and Report Features:

Block Toxic Users: Don’t hesitate to block users who are consistently negative or abusive. Your mental health and the health of your community come first.

Report Abuse: Use reporting features on platforms to report users who violate terms of service or community guidelines.

4. Take Breaks:

Step Back: Take regular breaks from social media and content creation to recharge. It's important to disconnect and focus on your well-being.

Mental Health Days: Schedule mental health days where you completely avoid your online platforms to prevent burnout.

5. Cultivate a Supportive Community:

Engage with Loyal Followers: Foster a sense of community among your supportive followers. They can often help drown out negativity by showing their support.

Positive Content: Create and share content that promotes positivity

That's all I usually do because the quality of the audience we get is a reflection of the content we create, so create good content

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I am going to paste my answer from that thread, not because I am being lazy but because I feel it gives the best, blunt, answer to this question. Whilst I may not win, I still think, it is the best way to deal with horrible people online.


Here is what I do ( 2 YouTube Channels )

If it’s constructive criticism, I listen and take it onboard.

If it’s just negativity and trolling, I ignore it

Never engage with trolls and nasty people, it’s what they want, attention.

Content creation requires a thick skin. A very thick one



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